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Created February 11, 2010 23:04
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  • Save DarthFubuMVC/302084 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DarthFubuMVC/302084 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Jeremy, this is for your benefit. I wanted to follow Josh's advice with that patch that Peter just sent in.
Here was my workflow:
- git pull (make sure I'm up to date)
- git checkout -b monospark (make a branch to work in)
- *copy the patch file into my working dir*
- git apply patch.txt
- del patch.txt
- rake
- *open browser, make sure everything is kosher*
- git commit -a -m "blah blah"
- git checkout master (switch back to master)
- git pull (make sure I'm still up to date)
- git checkout monospark
- git rebase origin (rebase my branch against master to avoid a full merge)
- git checkout master
- git merge monospark (merge my branch back into master -- fast-forward quicklike)
- git push (fin)
- svn update
- copy the patch
- svn apply.. (or something, I forget the syntax)
- del patch
- rake
- (smoke test)
- svn update (do merge)
- svn commit...
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