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Created June 19, 2021 22:07
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  • Save DarthGandalf/c0192f09bf2d48cafc8dba7a36cfa7cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DarthGandalf/c0192f09bf2d48cafc8dba7a36cfa7cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* @package trac2github
* @version 1.1
* @author Vladimir Sibirov
* @author Lukas Eder
* @author Alexey Sokolov
* @copyright (c) Vladimir Sibirov 2011
* @license BSD
// Edit configuration below
// Also you might want to update the spam filter near line 400
// When running the script, you'll probably need to ask github admins to temporarily allow you to creates lots of issues, otherwise only several first one will be created, the rest will fail.
// This has something to do with them sending notifications to users subscribed to the repo.
$username = 'yourgithubusername';
$password = 'yourgithubpass';
$project = 'kvirc';
$repo = 'kvirc-issue-test';
// All users must be valid github logins!
$users_list = array(
'pragma' => 'pragmaware',
'voker57' => 'Voker57',
'Voker57' => 'Voker57',
'egns' => 'wodim',
'dessa' => 'dessa',
'Dessa' => 'dessa',
'turkdesk' => 'TurkDesk',
'hellvis69' => 'HelLViS69',
'fiber' => 'VFiber',
'ctrlaltca' => 'ctrlaltca',
'CtrlAltCa' => 'ctrlaltca',
'desowin' => 'desowin',
'noldor' => 'Noldor73',
'Noldor' => 'Noldor73',
'omegaphil' => 'OmegaPhil',
'ionic' => 'Ionic'
//Restrict to certain components (null or Array with components name).
$use_components = null;
// The PDO driver name to use.
// Options are: 'mysql', 'sqlite', 'pgsql'
$pdo_driver = 'sqlite';
// MySQL connection info
$mysqlhost_trac = 'Trac MySQL host';
$mysqluser_trac = 'Trac MySQL user';
$mysqlpassword_trac = 'Trac MySQL password';
$mysqldb_trac = 'Trac MySQL database name';
// Path to SQLite database file
$sqlite_trac_path = 'trac.db';
// Postgresql connection info
$pgsql_host = 'localhost';
$pgsql_port = '5432';
$pgsql_dbname = 'Postgres database name';
$pgsql_user = 'Postgres user name';
$pgsql_password = 'Postgres password';
// Do not convert milestones at this run
$skip_milestones = false;
// Do not convert labels at this run
$skip_labels = false;
$remap_labels = array();
// Do not convert tickets
$skip_tickets = false;
$ticket_offset = 103; // Start at this offset if limit > 0
$ticket_limit = 50; // Max tickets per run if > 0
$ticket_try_preserve_numbers = 0; // Try to preserve ticket numbers - create placeholders, error if not match
// Do not convert comments
$skip_comments = false;
$comments_offset = 0; // Start at this offset if limit > 0
$comments_limit = 0; // Max comments per run if > 0
// Whether to add a "Migrated-From:" suffix to each issue's body
$add_migrated_suffix = false;
$trac_url = 'http://my.domain/trac/env';
// Paths to milestone/ticket cache if you run it multiple times with skip/offset
$save_milestones = '/tmp/trac_milestones.list';
$save_tickets = '/tmp/trac_tickets.list';
// Set this to true if you want to see the JSON output sent to GitHub
$verbose = false;
// Uncomment to refresh cache
// @unlink($save_milestones);
// @unlink($save_labels);
// @unlink($save_tickets);
if (file_exists('trac2github.cfg')) {
include 'trac2github.cfg';
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Connect to Trac database using PDO
switch ($pdo_driver) {
case 'mysql':
$trac_db = new PDO('mysql:host='.$mysqlhost_trac.';dbname='.$mysqldb_trac, $mysqluser_trac, $mysqlpassword_trac);
case 'sqlite':
// Check the the file exists
if (!file_exists($sqlite_trac_path)) {
echo "SQLITE file does not exist.\n";
$trac_db = new PDO('sqlite:'.$sqlite_trac_path);
case 'pgsql':
$trac_db = new PDO("pgsql:host=$pgsql_host;port=$pgsql_port;dbname=$pgsql_dbname;user=$pgsql_user;password=$pgsql_password");
echo "Unknown PDO driver.\n";
// Set PDO to throw exceptions on error.
// Boolean used to divide times by 1000000 when using Postgres where times are stored in microsecs (bigint)
$time_in_us=($pdo_driver == 'pgsql' || $pdo_driver == 'sqlite');
echo "Connected to Trac\n";
//if restriction to certain components is added, put this in the SQL string
if ($use_components && is_array($use_components)) $my_components = " AND component IN ('".implode("', '", $use_components)."') ";
else $my_components = "";
$milestones = array();
if (!$skip_milestones) {
// Export all milestones
$res = $trac_db->query("SELECT * FROM milestone ORDER BY due");
$mnum = 1;
$existing_milestones = array();
foreach (github_get_milestones() as $m) {
$milestones[crc32(urldecode($m['title']))] = (int)$m['number'];
foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) {
if (isset($milestones[crc32($row['name'])])) {
echo "Milestone {$row['name']} already exists\n";
//$milestones[$row['name']] = ++$mnum;
$epochInSecs = (int) ($row['due']/($time_in_us? 1000000:1));
echo "due : ".date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $epochInSecs)."\n";
$resp = github_add_milestone(array(
'title' => $row['name'],
'state' => $row['completed'] == 0 ? 'open' : 'closed',
'description' => empty($row['description']) ? 'None' : $row['description'],
'due_on' => date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $epochInSecs)
if (isset($resp['number'])) {
// OK
$milestones[crc32($row['name'])] = (int) $resp['number'];
echo "Milestone {$row['name']} converted to {$resp['number']}\n";
} else {
// Error
$error = print_r($resp, 1);
echo "Failed to convert milestone {$row['name']}: $error\n";
$labels = array();
$labels['T'] = array();
$labels['C'] = array();
$labels['P'] = array();
$labels['R'] = array();
if (!$skip_labels) {
// Export all "labels"
$res = $trac_db->query("SELECT DISTINCT 'T' AS label_type, type AS name, 'cccccc' AS color
FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE(type, '') <> ''
SELECT DISTINCT 'C' AS label_type, component AS name, '0000aa' AS color
FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE (component, '') <> ''
SELECT DISTINCT 'P' AS label_type, priority AS name, case when lower(priority) = 'urgent' then 'ff0000'
when lower(priority) = 'high' then 'ff6666'
when lower(priority) = 'medium' then 'ffaaaa'
when lower(priority) = 'low' then 'ffdddd'
when lower(priority) = 'blocker' then 'ffc7f8'
when lower(priority) = 'critical' then 'ffffb8'
when lower(priority) = 'major' then 'f6f6f6'
when lower(priority) = 'minor' then 'dcffff'
when lower(priority) = 'trivial' then 'dce7ff'
else 'aa8888' end color
FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE(priority, '') <> ''
SELECT DISTINCT 'R' AS label_type, resolution AS name, '55ff55' AS color
FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE(resolution, '') <> ''");
$existing_labels = array();
foreach (github_get_labels() as $l) {
$existing_labels[] = urldecode($l['name']);
foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) {
$label_name = $row['label_type'] . ': ' . $row['name'];
if (array_key_exists($label_name, $remap_labels)) {
$label_name = $remap_labels[$label_name];
if (empty($label_name)) {
$labels[$row['label_type']][crc32($row['name'])] = NULL;
if (in_array($label_name, $existing_labels)) {
echo "Label {$row['name']} already exists\n";
$labels[$row['label_type']][crc32($row['name'])] = $label_name;
$resp = github_add_label(array(
'name' => $label_name,
'color' => $row['color']
if (isset($resp['url'])) {
// OK
$labels[$row['label_type']][crc32($row['name'])] = $resp['name'];
echo "Label {$row['name']} converted to {$resp['name']}\n";
} else {
// Error
$error = print_r($resp, 1);
echo "Failed to convert label {$row['name']}: $error\n";
// Try get previously fetched tickets
$tickets = array();
if (file_exists($save_tickets)) {
$tickets = unserialize(file_get_contents($save_tickets));
if (!$skip_tickets) {
// Export tickets
$limit = $ticket_limit > 0 ? "LIMIT $ticket_offset, $ticket_limit" : '';
$res = $trac_db->query("SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE 1=1 $my_components ORDER BY id $limit");
foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) {
if (isset($last_ticket_number) and $ticket_try_preserve_numbers) {
if ($last_ticket_number >= $row['id']) {
echo "ERROR: Cannot create ticket #{$row['id']} because issue #{$last_ticket_number} was already created.";
while ($last_ticket_number < $row['id']-1) {
$resp = github_add_issue(array(
'title' => "Placeholder",
'body' => "This is a placeholder created during migration to preserve original issue numbers.",
'milestone' => NULL,
'labels' => array()
if (isset($resp['number'])) {
// OK
$last_ticket_number = $resp['number'];
echo "Created placeholder issue #{$resp['number']}\n";
$resp = github_update_issue($resp['number'], array(
'state' => 'closed',
'labels' => array('invalid'),
if (isset($resp['number'])) {
echo "Closed issue #{$resp['number']}\n";
if (!$skip_comments) {
// restore original values (at ticket creation time), to restore modification history later
foreach (['owner', 'priority', 'resolution', 'milestone', 'type', 'component', 'description', 'summary'] as $f) {
$row[$f] = trac_orig_value($row, $f);
if (!empty($row['owner']) and !isset($users_list[$row['owner']])) {
$row['owner'] = NULL;
$ticketLabels = array();
if (!empty($labels['T'][crc32($row['type'])])) {
$ticketLabels[] = $labels['T'][crc32($row['type'])];
if (!empty($labels['C'][crc32($row['component'])])) {
$ticketLabels[] = $labels['C'][crc32($row['component'])];
if (!empty($labels['P'][crc32($row['priority'])])) {
$ticketLabels[] = $labels['P'][crc32($row['priority'])];
if (!empty($labels['R'][crc32($row['resolution'])])) {
$ticketLabels[] = $labels['R'][crc32($row['resolution'])];
$body = make_body($row['description']);
$timestamp = date("j M Y H:i e", $row['time']/($time_in_us? 1000000:1));
$body = '**Reported by ' . obfuscate_email($row['reporter']) . ' on ' . $timestamp . "**\n" . $body;
if (empty($row['milestone'])) {
$milestone = NULL;
} else {
$milestone = $milestones[crc32($row['milestone'])];
if (!empty($row['owner'])) {
$assignee = isset($users_list[$row['owner']]) ? $users_list[$row['owner']] : $row['owner'];
} else {
$assignee = NULL;
$resp = github_add_issue(array(
'title' => $row['summary'],
'body' => body_with_possible_suffix($body, $row['id']),
'assignee' => $assignee,
'milestone' => $milestone,
'labels' => $ticketLabels
if (isset($resp['number'])) {
// OK
$tickets[$row['id']] = (int) $resp['number'];
$last_ticket_number = $resp['number'];
echo "Ticket #{$row['id']} converted to issue #{$resp['number']}\n";
if ($ticket_try_preserve_numbers and $row['id'] != $resp['number']) {
echo "ERROR: New ticket number do not match the original one!\n";
if (!$skip_comments) {
if (!add_changes_for_ticket($row['id'], $ticketLabels)) {
} else {
if ($row['status'] == 'closed') {
// Close the issue
$resp = github_update_issue($resp['number'], array(
'state' => 'closed'
if (isset($resp['number'])) {
echo "Closed issue #{$resp['number']}\n";
} else {
// Error
$error = print_r($resp, 1);
echo "ERROR: Failed to convert a ticket #{$row['id']}: $error\n";
// Serialize to restore in future
file_put_contents($save_tickets, serialize($tickets));
echo "Done whatever possible, sorry if not.\n";
function trac_orig_value($ticket, $field) {
global $trac_db;
$orig_value = $ticket[$field];
$res = $trac_db->query("SELECT ticket_change.* FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket = {$ticket['id']} AND field = '$field' ORDER BY time LIMIT 1");
foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) {
$orig_value = $row['oldvalue'];
return $orig_value;
function add_changes_for_ticket($ticket, $ticketLabels) {
global $trac_db, $tickets, $labels, $users_list, $milestones, $skip_comments, $time_in_us, $verbose;
$res = $trac_db->query("SELECT ticket_change.* FROM ticket_change, ticket WHERE = ticket_change.ticket AND ticket = $ticket ORDER BY ticket, time, field <> 'comment'");
foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) {
if ($verbose) print_r($row);
if (!isset($tickets[$row['ticket']])) {
echo "Skipping comment " . $row['time'] . " on unknown ticket " . $row['ticket'] . "\n";
$timestamp = date("j M Y H:i e", $row['time']/($time_in_us? 1000000:1));
if ($row['field'] == 'comment') {
if ($row['newvalue'] != '') {
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"viagra") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"pharma") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"discount") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"replica") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"porn") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"p0rn") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"treatment") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"prescription") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"relieve") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"altervista") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"cialis") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"clothes") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"adidas") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"yamaha") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"rolex") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"jeans") !== FALSE) ||
(stripos($row['newvalue'],"medical") !== FALSE)
echo "Skipping spam comment\n";
continue; // spam
$text = '**Comment by ' . $row['author'] . ' on ' . $timestamp . "**\n" . $row['newvalue'];
} else {
$text = '**Modified by ' . $row['author'] . ' on ' . $timestamp . "**";
$resp = github_add_comment($tickets[$row['ticket']], translate_markup($text));
} else if (in_array($row['field'], ['component', 'priority', 'type', 'resolution'])) {
if (in_array($labels[strtoupper($row['field'])[0]][crc32($row['oldvalue'])], $ticketLabels)) {
$index = array_search($labels[strtoupper($row['field'])[0]][crc32($row['oldvalue'])], $ticketLabels);
$ticketLabels[$index] = $labels[strtoupper($row['field'])[0]][crc32($row['newvalue'])];
} else {
$ticketLabels[] = $labels[strtoupper($row['field'])[0]][crc32($row['newvalue'])];
$resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array(
'labels' => array_values(array_filter($ticketLabels, 'strlen'))
} else if ($row['field'] == 'status') {
$resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array(
'state' => ($row['newvalue'] == 'closed') ? 'closed' : 'open'
} else if ($row['field'] == 'summary') {
$resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array(
'title' => $row['newvalue']
} else if (false and $row['field'] == 'description') { // TODO?
$body = make_body($row['newvalue']);
$timestamp = date("j M Y H:i e", $row['time']/($time_in_us? 1000000:1));
// TODO:
//$body = '**Reported by ' . obfuscate_email($row['reporter']) . ' on ' . $timestamp . "**\n" . $body;
$resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array(
'body' => $body
} else if ($row['field'] == 'owner') {
if (!empty($row['newvalue'])) {
$assignee = isset($users_list[$row['newvalue']]) ? $users_list[$row['newvalue']] : NULL;
} else {
$assignee = NULL;
$resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array(
'assignee' => $assignee
} else if ($row['field'] == 'milestone') {
if (empty($row['newvalue'])) {
$milestone = NULL;
} else {
$milestone = $milestones[crc32($row['newvalue'])];
$resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array(
'milestone' => $milestone
} else {
echo "WARNING: ignoring change of {$row['field']} to {$row['newvalue']}\n";
if (isset($resp['url'])) {
// OK
echo "Added change {$resp['url']}\n";
} else {
// Error
$error = print_r($resp, 1);
echo "Failed to add a comment for " . $row['ticket'] . ": $error\n";
//return false; ignore
// Wait 1sec to ensure the next event will be after
// just added (apparently github can reorder
// changes/comments if added too fast)
return true;
function github_req($url, $json, $patch = false, $post = true) {
global $username, $password;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$username:$password");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$url");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, $post);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "trac2github for $project,");
if ($patch) {
} else if ($post) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
} else {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET');
$ret = curl_exec($ch);
if (!$ret) {
return $ret;
function github_add_milestone($data) {
global $project, $repo, $verbose;
if ($verbose) print_r($data);
return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/milestones", json_encode($data)), true);
function github_add_label($data) {
global $project, $repo, $verbose;
if ($verbose) print_r($data);
return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/labels", json_encode($data)), true);
function github_add_issue($data) {
global $project, $repo, $verbose;
if ($verbose) print_r($data);
return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/issues", json_encode($data)), true);
function github_add_comment($issue, $body) {
global $project, $repo, $verbose;
if ($verbose) print_r($body);
return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/issues/$issue/comments", json_encode(array('body' => $body))), true);
function github_update_issue($issue, $data) {
global $project, $repo, $verbose;
if ($verbose) print_r($data);
return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/issues/$issue", json_encode($data), true), true);
function github_get_milestones() {
global $project, $repo, $verbose;
if ($verbose) print_r($body);
return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/milestones?per_page=100&state=all", false, false, false), true);
function github_get_labels() {
global $project, $repo, $verbose;
if ($verbose) print_r($body);
return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/labels?per_page=100", false, false, false), true);
function make_body($description) {
return empty($description) ? 'None' : translate_markup($description);
function translate_markup($data) {
// Replace code blocks with an associated language
$data = preg_replace('/\{\{\{(\s*#!(\w+))?/m', '```$2', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/\}\}\}/', '```', $data);
// Avoid non-ASCII characters, as that will cause trouble with json_encode()
$data = preg_replace('/[^(\x00-\x7F)]*/','', $data);
// Translate Trac-style links to Markdown
$data = preg_replace('/\[([^ ]+) ([^\]]+)\]/', '[$2]($1)', $data);
// Possibly translate other markup as well?
return $data;
function body_with_possible_suffix($body, $id) {
global $add_migrated_suffix, $trac_url;
if (!$add_migrated_suffix) return $body;
return "$body\n\nMigrated-From: $trac_url/ticket/$id";
function obfuscate_email($text)
list($text) = explode('@', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', ' ', $text);
return $text;
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