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Post-Deployment Script for finding unresolved references in database
Stored Procedures are late-binding, so they will build even with references to non-existant objects, and will fail at runtime
This script attempts to find any missing references in a database, and can be run as a post deployment script in SSDT to
verify there are no unvalid references after a database has been deployed.
DECLARE @ResultStr varchar(max)
Refs varchar (MAX)
INSERT INTO @ResultTable
'Database object ' + [name] +
CASE WHEN o.[Type]='TR' THEN ' (' + (SELECT o3.[name] FROM sys.Objects o3 WHERE o3.object_id = o.parent_object_id) + ') ' ELSE '' END +
' has an invalid reference to ' + ISNULL(referenced_entity_name,'NULL') + CASE WHEN referenced_database_name IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ' in database ' + referenced_database_name END + CHAR(10)
FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies ed
JOIN sys.objects o ON ed.referencing_id = o.OBJECT_ID
-- check if the item referenced in the entity exists
WHERE ed.referenced_id IS NULL
--double check against the list of all db objects (sometimes it says it doesn't exist and is there)
AND [referenced_entity_name] NOT IN (SELECT o2.[Name] FROM sys.objects o2)
-- ignore references to deleted and and inserted in triggers, since they only exist at runtime
AND referenced_entity_name NOT IN ('inserted','deleted')
-- some functions like mailing only exist in the enterprise version of sql server and not on sql express
AND (referenced_database_name NOT IN ('msdb') OR referenced_database_name IS NULL)
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @ResultTable) = 0
PRINT ' No Invalid references found'
SET @ResultStr =' The following invalid references were detected in your database' + + CHAR(10)
SET @ResultStr = @ResultStr + '----------------------------------------------------------------------' + CHAR(10)
SET @ResultStr = @ResultStr + (SELECT '' + refs FROM @ResultTable FOR XML PATH ('') )
PRINT @ResultStr
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