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Created April 7, 2017 05:00
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@Echo off
title Windows Update Service Manager (aka turn that shit off)
goto welcome_screen
echo ______ __ __ __
echo/\__ _\ /\ \__/\ \ /\ \__
echo\/_/\ \/ __ __ _ __ ___ \ \ ,_\ \ \___ __ \ \ ,_\
echo \ \ \/\ \/\ \/\`'__\/' _ `\ \ \ \/\ \ _ `\ /'__`\ \ \ \/
echo \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \_
echo \ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\\ \__\
echo \/_/\/___/ \/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/__/ \/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/ \/__/
echo .
echo .
echo __ __ ___ ___
echo /\ \ __/\ \__ /'___\ /'___\
echo ____\ \ \___ /\_\ \ ,_\ ___ /\ \__//\ \__/
echo /',__\\ \ _ `\/\ \ \ \/ / __`\ \ ,__\ \ ,__\
echo /\__, `\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ /\ \L\ \ \ \_/\ \ \_/
echo \/\____/ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\ \ \____/\ \_\ \ \_\
echo \/___/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ \/___/ \/_/ \/_/
goto turn_off_update_service
echo .
echo ===================================================================
echo Turning this shit off...
net stop wuauserv
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Cant turn this shit off :(, try again
echo .
goto :welcome_screen
) else (
echo Whoop whoop, no more slow internet.
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