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Last active July 8, 2024 06:38
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RetroNAS on Unraid

RetroNAS on Unraid

This guide is intended for installing RetroNAS on an already configured Unraid server. If you're not familiar with Unraid or RetroNAS, head over to the RetroNAS GitHub page to learn about RetroNAS and consider setting it up on a Raspberry Pi.

Unraid NFS Setup

Within Unraid, enable NFS by going to Settings and NFS.

  • Enable NFS: Yes
  • Click Apply

Unraid Share Setup

Create a new share in Unraid and call it retronas (case sensitive). Use your desired settings for Allocation method, minimum free space, included disks, and excluded disks. Select No for cache pool setting.

Make sure the following is set for NFS Security Settings:

  • Export: Yes
  • Security: Private
  • Rule: retronas.local(sec=sys,rw,async,no_root_squash) Note: You can replace retronas.local with a static IP or different hostname if desired

Make sure the following is set for SMB Security Settings:

  • Export: No
  • Case-sensitive names: Auto
  • Security: Private

RetroNAS VM Setup

Download the Latest version of Debian 64-bit and upload it to your isos folder in Unraid. Click Add VM under the VM tab in Unraid and choose Debian from the list. Keep all settings default but change the following:

  • Logical CPUs: 2
  • Initial Memory: 2048 MB Max Memory 2048 MB
  • OS Install ISO: Select the Debian ISO uploaded to isos folder
  • Primary vDisk Size: 20G

Debian Install

Once the VM setup is done run the VM and launch the VNC Remote window. Install Debian with default settings.

  1. Hostname: retronas
  2. Domain Name: Leave Blank
  3. Choose a username (retronas) and password (retronas) for RetroNAS. This will also be used when devices connect to the RetroNAS server.
  4. Partitioning Disks Guided - use entire disk and use default settings (expert Linux users can use manual)
  5. Choose the default package manager
  6. Select only Standard system utilities under Software Selection.
  7. Once Debian install completes, shut the VM down and remove the install iso, then start the VM again.

RetroNAS Server Setup

Log into Debian with the username and password created during the install.

Install and setup sudo and nfs

  1. Log in the root user using su -
  2. Enter a new root password
  3. Install sudo apt update && apt install -y sudo nfs-common avahi-daemon
  4. Add retronas user to the sudoers group usermod -aG sudo retronas
  5. Enter the command exit to logoff of the root user.
  6. Enter the command exit again to logoff of the retronas user.
  7. Log back into the retronas user.

(optional) Set static IP address

  1. sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces Note: replace nano with your editor of choice, e.g., vi or nano
  2. Edit iface enp2s0 inet dhcp to iface enp2s0 inet static Note: Interface name may differ, e.g., enp2s0
  3. Configure a static IP address: address
  4. Add a subnet mask: netmask
  5. Set up a default gateway: gateway
  6. Add DNS servers: dns-nameservers

iface enp2s0 inet static

  1. Press Control-X to save the file and close nano.
  2. Type sudo reboot to restart the VM.

Mount Unraid RetroNAS share

  1. Create the mount directory: sudo mkdir /mnt/retronas
  2. Edit fstab: sudo nano /etc/fstab Note: replace nano with your editor of choice, e.g., vi or nano
  3. Add the following line to the end of fstab:   tower.local:/mnt/user/retronas /mnt/retronas nfs nfsvers=3,rw 0 0 Note: Replace tower with the name of your Unraid server or with a static IP if desired
  4. Press Control-X to save the fstab file and close nano.
  5. Reload fstab sudo mount -a

Install RetroNAS

  1. Return to retronas user home folder: cd ~
  2. Install curl: sudo apt install -y curl
  3. Download RetroNAS installer: curl -O
  4. Make the script executable: sudo chmod a+x ./
  5. Run the install script: sudo ./
  6. Run RetroNAS: retronas
  7. Configure the RetroNAS top level directory to the UnRAID share /mnt/retronas
  8. Configure RetroNAS as normal. Refer to the RetroNAS wiki for more information
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