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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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3d vector library
var Vector = {};
Vector.Rect = function(x, y, z) {
this.magnitude = Math.sqrt(x^2, y^2, z^2);
this.toRect = function() { return this; }
this.toPolar = function() { return Vector.Polar(magnitude, Math.arccos(z/magnitude), Math.arcsin(y/magnitude)) }
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
Vector.Polar = function(magnitude, rx, rz) {
this._vec = new Vector.Rect(-magnitude * Math.cos(rz), magnitude * Math.sin(rz), magnitude * Math.cos(rx));
this.magnitude = magnitude;
this.toRect = function() { return this._vec; }
this.toPolar = function() { return this; }
this.rx = rx;
this.rz = rz;
Vector.add = function(v1, v2) {
return new Vector.Rect(v1.toRect().x + v2.toRect().x, v1.toRect().y + v2.toRect().y, v1.toRect().z + v2.toRect().z);
Vector.subtract = function(v1, v2) {
return new Vector.Rect(v1.toRect().x - v2.toRect().x, v1.toRect().y - v2.toRect().y, v1.toRect().z - v2.toRect().z);
Vector.product = function(s,v) {
return new Vector.Rect(s * v.toRect().x, s * v.toRect().y, s * v.toRect().z);
Vector.dotProduct = function(v1, v2) {
return (v1.toRect().x * v2.toRect().x + v1.toRect().y * v2.toRect().y + v1.toRect().z * v2.toRect().z);
Vector.crossProduct = function(v1, v2) {
return new Vector.Rect(v1.toRect().y * v2.toRect().z - v1.toRect().z * v2.toRect().y, v1.toRect().z * v2.toRect().x - v1.toRect().x * v2.toRect().z, v1.toRect().x * v2.toRect().y - v1.toRect().y * v2.toRect().x);
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