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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
--Enables strict arguments, the X in mandelbrot
import Data.Complex
import Data.List
maxIter :: Int
maxIter = 50
xMin, xMax, xPrecision, yMin, yMax, yPrecision :: Double
xMin = -2 -- -2
xMax = 1 -- 1
xPrecision = 0.001 -- 0.05
yMin = -1.25 -- -2
yMax = 1.25 -- 2
yPrecision = 0.001 -- 0.05
mandelbrot :: Complex Double -> Complex Double -> Int -> Int
mandelbrot !x !c !iter
| magnitude f >= 2 = iter
| iter >= maxIter = -1
| otherwise = mandelbrot f c (iter + 1)
where f = x ^ 2 + c
applyColormap :: [[Int]] -> [[[Int]]]
applyColormap = (map . map) color
where color n
| n == (-1) = [0]
| otherwise = [n]
mandelColormapString :: String
mandelColormapString = (unlines . map (unwords . map (unwords . map show))) $ applyColormap mandelSet
where mandelSet = (map . map) (\c -> mandelbrot 0 c 0) [[a :+ b | a <- [xMin, (xMin+xPrecision) .. xMax]] | b <- [yMax, (yMax-yPrecision) .. yMin]] -- for whatever reason the y's are backwards. it works, don't change it
header :: String
header = "P2\n"++(show $ length [xMin, (xMin+xPrecision) .. xMax])++" "++(show $ length [yMax, (yMax-yPrecision) .. yMin])++"\n"++(show maxIter)++"\n"
file :: String
file = header ++ mandelColormapString
main :: IO ()
main = writeFile "mandelbrot.pgm" file
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