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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Bueue fun
# Language specification
# A @bueue program is a simple number
# The @bueue interpreter generates the collatz sequence
# of that number and interprets each number in it as
# a small subprogramm.
# There is a queue available which can store bits.
# Opcodes mod 10:
# 0 - enque 0
# 1 - enque 1
# 2 - jump marker
# 3 - if bit at front of the queue is not 0
# jump back to the last jump marker
# 4 - if bit at end of the queue is not 0
# jump back to the last jump marker
# 5 - rotate queue (rotate left)
# 6 - flip bit at the front of the queue
# 7 - deque bit at the front (that is
# drop/remove it)
# 8 - print bit
# 9 - deque 8 bits (1 byte) convert to char (ascii) and print
def collatzMethod(num)
ins = []
while num > 1
ins.push num = 3*num + 1 if num.odd?
ins.push num = num / 2 if num.even?
return ins
@bueue = []
@jumps = []
ins = collatzMethod(gets.chomp.to_i).join
#puts ins
index = -1
while index < ins.length
index += 1
case ins[index]
when ?0
@bueue.push 0
when ?1
@bueue.push 1
when ?2
@jumps.unshift index
when ?3
if @jumps != []
if not @bueue.nil? and @bueue[0] != 0
jumpLocation = @jumps.shift
index = jumpLocation - 1 #because it will skip ahead an index
when ?4
if @jumps != []
if not @bueue.nil? and @bueue[-1] != 0
jumpLocation = @jumps.shift
index = jumpLocation - 1 #because it will skip ahead an index
when ?5
when ?6
@bueue[0] = @bueue[0] == 1 ? 0 : 1
when ?7
when ?8
print @bueue[0]
when ?9
bits = @bueue.pop(8).join
print [bits].pack("B*")
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