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Last active September 11, 2016 01:36
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Newton Fractal Renderer
import numpy as np
import colorsys
import cmath
import math
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
# max: maximum coord to render to
# min: minimum coord to render to
# step: how much 1 pixel counts as
# chunkFactor: how many images to split it up into - allows for multithreading
# with the default settings, there are 16 chunks (so 16 resulting images)
iMax = 10 # 10
iMin = -10 # -10
iStep = 0.05 # 0.01
iChunkFactor = 4 # 4
jMax = 10 # 10
jMin = -10 # -10
jStep = 0.05 # 0.01
jChunkFactor = 4 # 4
darknessFactor = 10 # 10
maxIterations = 100 # 1000
precision = 0.001 # 0.001
def f(z):
return z**3 - 1
def deltaf(z):
return (f(z + precision) - f(z)) / precision
def newton(n):
i = 0
while abs(f(n)) > 0.001:
i += 1
n = n - f(n) / deltaf(n)
if i > maxIterations:
return (0, float("NaN"))
return (i, n)
def colorize(angle, intensity, imDepth):
angle = angle * (1/math.pi) #fix the angle, used to have a range of -pi to pi, now has a range -1 to 1
if angle < 0:
angle = 1 + angle #make angle loop, making the range 0 to 1
if math.isnan(angle):
r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(0, 0, 0)
return (r, g, b)
r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(angle, 1, 1)
r = round(intensity * r)
g = round(intensity * g)
b = round(intensity * b)
return (r, g, b)
def renderonechunk(iChunkMax, iChunkMin, jChunkMax, jChunkMin, chunkIdentifier, outputQueue):
data = []
for j in np.arange(jChunkMin, jChunkMax, jStep):
for i in np.arange(iChunkMin, iChunkMax, iStep):
data.append(newton(complex(j, i)))
print("Chunk {0}x{1} rendered".format(chunkIdentifier[0], chunkIdentifier[1]))
outputQueue.put({"chunkIdentifier": chunkIdentifier, "data": data})
return {}
if __name__ == "__main__":
processes = []
outputQueue = Queue()
for iChunk in range(iChunkFactor):
for jChunk in range(jChunkFactor):
#strange math to evenly partition each chunk
iChunkMin = ((iChunk + 0) * (iMax - iMin) / iChunkFactor) + iMin
iChunkMax = ((iChunk + 1) * (iMax - iMin) / iChunkFactor) + iMin
jChunkMin = ((jChunk + 0) * (jMax - jMin) / jChunkFactor) + jMin
jChunkMax = ((jChunk + 1) * (jMax - jMin) / jChunkFactor) + jMin
chunkIdentifier = [jChunk, iChunk]
renderArgs = (iChunkMax, iChunkMin, jChunkMax, jChunkMin, chunkIdentifier, outputQueue)
processes.append(Process(target=renderonechunk, args=renderArgs))
# block until all the processes finish
# populate the list of chunks
chunks = []
for processIndex in range(len(processes)):
print("Rendered {} chunks...".format(iChunkFactor * jChunkFactor))
imDepthList = []
# iterate through all the chunks
for iChunk in range(iChunkFactor):
for jChunk in range(jChunkFactor):
# and find the depth of each of them
imDepthList.append(sorted(chunks[(iChunk*iChunkFactor) + jChunk]["data"], key = lambda d: d[0])[-1][0])
# colorize and combine chunks
# find the highest image depth and use it
imDepth = max(imDepthList)
if imDepth == 0: #bound imDepth at 1, most image viewers don't open an image with 0 color depth
imDepth = 1
# iterate through all the chunks
for iChunk in range(iChunkFactor):
for jChunk in range(jChunkFactor):
# perform transformations on the data
chunks[(iChunk*iChunkFactor) + jChunk]["data"] = list(map(lambda d: (imDepth - d[0]*darknessFactor, d[1]), chunks[(iChunk*iChunkFactor) + jChunk]["data"])) #invert the iteration count
chunks[(iChunk*iChunkFactor) + jChunk]["data"] = list(map(lambda d: (0 if d[0] < 0 else d[0], d[1]), chunks[(iChunk*iChunkFactor) + jChunk]["data"])) #turn all the negatives into 0
print("Processed {} chunks...".format(iChunkFactor * jChunkFactor))
iChunkMin = (0 * (iMax - iMin) / iChunkFactor) + iMin
iChunkMax = (1 * (iMax - iMin) / iChunkFactor) + iMin
jChunkMin = (0 * (jMax - jMin) / jChunkFactor) + jMin
jChunkMax = (1 * (jMax - jMin) / jChunkFactor) + jMin
yRes = round((iChunkMax - iChunkMin) / iStep)
xRes = round((jChunkMax - jChunkMin) / jStep)
imHeader = "P3\n{0} {1}\n{2}\n".format(xRes, yRes, imDepth)
print("Created image header with depth {0}, X resolution {1}, and Y resolution {2}".format(imDepth, xRes, yRes))
#finally, save all the chunks as images
for iChunk in range(iChunkFactor):
for jChunk in range(jChunkFactor):
im = ""
correctChunk = list(filter(lambda c: c["chunkIdentifier"][0] == jChunk and c["chunkIdentifier"][1] == iChunk, chunks))
for d in correctChunk[0]["data"]:
#print("ANGLE: {:.2f}".format(abs(cmath.phase(d[1])) * (1/math.pi)))
#print("INTENSITY: {}".format(d[0]))
r, g, b = colorize(cmath.phase(d[1]), d[0], imDepth)
im += "{0} {1} {2} ".format(r, g, b)
file = open("fractal{0}x{1}.ppm".format(jChunk, iChunk), "w")
file.write(imHeader + im)
print("Saved {} chunks...".format(iChunkFactor * jChunkFactor))
montage -tile 4x4 -geometry +0+0 -background none fractal* final.png
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