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Last active February 9, 2021 17:36
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Attempts at reproducing phase-tipping plots of
using DynamicalSystems, PyPlot, LinearAlgebra, OrdinaryDiffEq
# ODE solver options:
diffeq = (alg = Vern9(), reltol = 1e-10, abstol = 1e-10)
# non-dimensionalized Rozenweig-MacArthur model
function rozenweig_macarthur(u, p, t)
k, m, c = p
x, y = u
common = m*x*y/(1+x)
xdot = x*(1-x/k) - common
ydot = - c*y + common
return SVector(xdot, ydot)
# From MATLAB of Hassan Alkhayuon, specifically:
function hassan_alkhayuon(u, p, t)
N, P = u
RR = p[1]
delta = 2.2;
C = 0.19;
gamma = 0.004;
beta = 1.5;
alpha = 800;
mu = 0.03;
nu = 0.003;
dN = RR * N *(1-((C/RR)*N))*((N - mu)/(nu + N)) - ((alpha*P*N)/(beta + N));
dP = gamma * ((alpha*P*N)/(beta + N)) - (delta*P);
return SVector(dN, dP)
# Toggle either of the two definitions to get either model.
# predator_pray = (u, p, t) -> rozenweig_macarthur(u, p, t)
predator_pray = (u, p, t) -> hassan_alkhayuon(u, p, t)
# This function creates a state space plot
function statespaceplot(p)
r, c, μ, ν, α, β, χ, δ = p
# gx, gy are the grid in state space to make the streamplot of
gx = range(0, 10; length = 10)
gy = range(0, 15*1e3; length = 10) # using 15 or 15*1e3 makes no difference.
vx = zeros(length(gx), length(gy))
vy = copy(vx)
# Make dynamical system, to use in `trajectory` to solve the ODE.
ds = ContinuousDynamicalSystem(predator_pray, SVector(1.0, 1.0), p)
figure(figsize = (10, 10))
for (i, x) in enumerate(gx)
for (j, y) in enumerate(gy)
u0 = SVector(x, y)
vx[i,j], vy[i,j] = predator_pray(u0, p, 0)
# Also evolve initial condition `u0`, solving ODE:
tr = trajectory(ds, 100.0, u0; diffeq...)
plot(columns(tr)...; lw = 1.0)
# plot state space stream plot:
streamplot(Array(gx), Array(gy), vx', vy'; linewidth = 1.5)
# r, c, μ, ν, α, β, χ, δ = p
p = [2.47, 0.19, 0.03, 0.003, 800, 1.5, 0.004, 2.2]
statespaceplot(p) # only the first entry of the parameter container matters.
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