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Created July 26, 2018 11:54
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New poincare section using Roots and integrator stepping
const PSOS_ERROR =
"the Poincaré surface of section did not have any points!"
function poincaresos2(ds::CDS{IIP, S, D}, plane, tfinal = 1000.0;
direction = +1, Ttr::Real = 0.0, warning = true,
diffeq...) where {IIP, S, D}
integ = integrator(ds; diffeq...)
planecrossing = PlaneCrossing{D}(plane, direction > 0 )
psos = _poincaresos(integ, planecrossing, tfinal, Ttr)
warning && length(psos) == 0 && warn(PSOS_ERROR)
return psos
struct PlaneCrossing{D, P}
PlaneCrossing{D}(p::P, b) where {P, D} = PlaneCrossing{D, P}(p, b)
function (hp::PlaneCrossing{D, P})(u::AbstractVector) where {D, P<:Tuple}
@inbounds x = u[hp.plane[1]] - hp.plane[2]
hp.dir ? x : -x
function (hp::PlaneCrossing{D, P})(u::AbstractVector) where {D, P<:AbstractVector}
x = zero(eltype(u))
@inbounds for i in 1:D
x += u[i]*hp.plane[i]
@inbounds x -= hp.plane[D+1]
hp.dir ? x : -x
function _poincaresos(
integ, planecrossing::PlaneCrossing{D}, tfinal, Ttr, atol = 1e-6, xrtol = 1e-6,
) where {D}
Ttr != 0 && step!(integ, Ttr)
psos = Dataset{D, eltype(integ.u)}()
f = (t) -> planecrossing(integ(t))
side = planecrossing(integ.u)
while integ.t < tfinal + Ttr
while side < 0
integ.t > tfinal + Ttr && break
side = planecrossing(integ.u)
while side > 0
integ.t > tfinal + Ttr && break
side = planecrossing(integ.u)
integ.t > tfinal + Ttr && break
# I am now guaranteed to have `t` in negative and `tprev` in positive
tcross = find_zero(f, (integ.tprev, integ.t), Bisection(),
xrtol = xrtol, atol = atol)
ucross = integ(tcross)
push!(, SVector{D}(ucross))
return psos
# Benchmarks
ds = Systems.henonheiles([0., 0.1, 0.5, 0.])
# compile:
output = poincaresos2(ds, (3, 0.0), 1000.0, Ttr = 200.0);
output = poincaresos(ds, (3, 0.0), 1000.0, Ttr = 200.0);
@btime output = poincaresos2($ds, (3, 0.0), 1000.0, Ttr = 200.0);
10.572 ms (91395 allocations: 2.42 MiB)
@btime output = poincaresos($ds, (3, 0.0), 1000.0, Ttr = 200.0);
21.430 ms (75122 allocations: 4.53 MiB)
# Benchmark compile time when given a new system
ds = Systems.lorenz()
julia> @time output = poincaresos2(ds, (2, 0.0), 1000.0, Ttr = 200.0);
30.234987 seconds (15.06 M allocations: 795.535 MiB, 2.56% gc time)
julia> @time output = poincaresos(ds, (2, 0.0), 1000.0, Ttr = 200.0);
32.305996 seconds (8.30 M allocations: 471.558 MiB, 2.11% gc time)
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