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Last active April 18, 2022 12:50
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Attractor featurizing unexpected -1
using DynamicalSystems, OrdinaryDiffEq, Statistics, GLMakie
diffeq = (alg = Tsit5(), dt = 0.005, adaptive = false)
F = 6.886
G = 1.347
a = 0.255
b = 4.0
p = @ntuple F G a b
ds = Systems.lorenz84(; p...)
function feat1(A, t)
x = A[:, 1]
[minimum(x), std(x)]
function feat2(A, t)
x, y, z = columns(A)
[std(x), std(y)*std(z)]
function feat3(A, t)
g = exp(genentropy(A, 0.1; q = 0))
x = minimum(A[:,1])
return [g,x]
function feat4(A, t)
g = exp(genentropy(A, 0.1; q = 0))
p = estimate_period(A[:,1], :zc)
p = isnan(p) ? 0 : p
return [g,p]
feats = [feat1 feat2; feat3 feat4]
labels = [("min(x)", "std(x)"),
("box cov.", "min(x)"), ("std(x)", "std(y)*std(z)"), ("box cov.", "period")]
labels = reshape(labels, (2,2))
u0s = Vector{Float64}[]
colors_correct = []
fs = [Vector{Float64}[] for i in 1:2, j in 1:2]
cs = [[] for i in 1:2, j in 1:2]
I = CartesianIndices(basins)
for n in round.(Int, range(1, length(basins); length = 100))
u0 = ChaosTools.generate_ic_on_grid(grid, I[n])
push!(u0s, u0)
push!(colors_correct, (COLORS[basins[n]], 0.5))
# Collect features
A = trajectory(ds, 100, u0; Ttr = 100, Δt = 1, diffeq)
for i in 1:2; for j in 1:2
f = feats[i,j](A, nothing)
push!(fs[i,j], f)
end; end
metric = Euclidean()
min_neighbors = 2
fig = Figure(); display(fig)
axs = [Axis(fig[i,j]; xlabel = labels[i,j][1], ylabel = labels[i,j][2]) for i in 1:2, j in 1:2]
for i in 1:2; for j in 1:2
f = fs[i,j]
features = reduce(hcat, f)
class_labels, = ChaosTools.classify_features_clustering(features, min_neighbors, metric)
strokecolor = [COLORS[c == -1 ? 4 : c] for c in class_labels]
scatter!(axs[i,j], features;
markersize = 10, color = :transparent, strokecolor, strokewidth = 4)
end; end"attractors_presentation", "lorenz84_clustering.png"), fig)
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oh damn, yeah, its because before this block of code I had another one that computed the basins with the AttractorsviaRecurrences... Will fix soon!

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