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Created February 2, 2019 06:43
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# cat /var/lib/istio/envoy/envoy_bootstrap_tmpl.json
"node": {
"id": "{{ .nodeID }}",
"cluster": "{{ .cluster }}",
{{ if .zone }}
"locality": {
"zone": "{{ .zone }}"
{{ end }}
"metadata": {{ .meta_json_str }}
"stats_config": {
"use_all_default_tags": false,
"stats_tags": [{
"tag_name": "cluster_name",
"regex": "^cluster\\.((.+?(\\..+?\\.svc\\.cluster\\.local)?)\\.)"
"tag_name": "tcp_prefix",
"regex": "^tcp\\.((.*?)\\.)\\w+?$"
"tag_name": "response_code",
"regex": "_rq(_(\\d{3}))$"
"tag_name": "response_code_class",
"regex": "_rq(_(\\dxx))$"
"tag_name": "http_conn_manager_listener_prefix",
"regex": "^listener(?=\\.).*?\\.http\\.(((?:[_.[:digit:]]*|[_\\[\\]aAbBcCdDeEfF[:digit:]]*))\\.)"
"tag_name": "http_conn_manager_prefix",
"regex": "^http\\.(((?:[_.[:digit:]]*|[_\\[\\]aAbBcCdDeEfF[:digit:]]*))\\.)"
"tag_name": "listener_address",
"regex": "^listener\\.(((?:[_.[:digit:]]*|[_\\[\\]aAbBcCdDeEfF[:digit:]]*))\\.)"
"admin": {
"access_log_path": "/dev/null",
"address": {
"socket_address": {
"address": "",
"port_value": 15000
"dynamic_resources": {
"lds_config": {
"ads": {}
"cds_config": {
"ads": {}
"ads_config": {
"api_type": "GRPC",
"refresh_delay": "{{ .refresh_delay }}",
"grpc_services": [
"envoy_grpc": {
"cluster_name": "xds-grpc"
"static_resources": {
"clusters": [
"name": "prometheus_stats",
"type": "STATIC",
"connect_timeout": "0.250s",
"lb_policy": "ROUND_ROBIN",
"hosts": [{
"socket_address": {
"protocol": "TCP",
"address": "",
"port_value": 15000,
"name": "xds-grpc",
"type": "STRICT_DNS",
"connect_timeout": "{{ .connect_timeout }}",
"lb_policy": "ROUND_ROBIN",
{{ if eq .config.ControlPlaneAuthPolicy 1 }}
"tls_context": {
"common_tls_context": {
"alpn_protocols": ["h2"],
"tls_certificates": [{
"certificate_chain": {
"filename": "/etc/certs/cert-chain.pem"
"private_key": {
"filename": "/etc/certs/key.pem"
"validation_context": {
"trusted_ca": {
"filename": "/etc/certs/root-cert.pem"
"verify_subject_alt_name": [
{{- range $a, $s := .pilot_SAN }}
{{- end}}
{{ end }}
"hosts": [
"socket_address": {{ .pilot_grpc_address }}
"circuit_breakers": {
"thresholds": [
"priority": "DEFAULT",
"max_connections": 100000,
"max_pending_requests": 100000,
"max_requests": 100000
"priority": "HIGH",
"max_connections": 100000,
"max_pending_requests": 100000,
"max_requests": 100000
"upstream_connection_options": {
"tcp_keepalive": {
"keepalive_time": 300
"http2_protocol_options": { }
{{ if .zipkin }}
"name": "zipkin",
"type": "STRICT_DNS",
"connect_timeout": "1s",
"lb_policy": "ROUND_ROBIN",
"hosts": [
"socket_address": {{ .zipkin }}
{{ end }}
"address": {
"socket_address": {
"protocol": "TCP",
"address": "",
"port_value": 15090,
"filter_chains": [{
"filters": [{
"name": "envoy.http_connection_manager",
"config": {
"codec_type": "AUTO",
"stat_prefix": "stats",
"route_config": {
"virtual_hosts": [{
"name": "backend",
"domains": [
"routes": [{
"match": {
"prefix": "/stats/prometheus"
"route": {
"cluster": "prometheus_stats"
"http_filters": {
"name": "envoy.router"
{{ if .zipkin }}
"tracing": {
"http": {
"name": "envoy.zipkin",
"config": {
"collector_cluster": "zipkin"
{{ end }}
{{ if .statsd }}
"stats_sinks": [
"name": "envoy.statsd",
"config": {
"address": {
"socket_address": {{ .statsd }}
{{ end }}
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