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Created February 11, 2015 21:32
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Haskell checkout kata II
{- a simpler implementation -}
module Main (main) where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "calcTotal" $ do
let rules = [('A', 1, 50), ('A', 3, 130), ('B', 1, 30)]
it "returns zero with no items" $ calcTotal rules [] `shouldBe` 0
it "handles one item" $ calcTotal rules ['A'] `shouldBe` 50
it "handles a different item" $ calcTotal rules ['B'] `shouldBe` 30
it "handles two of an item" $ calcTotal rules ['A', 'A'] `shouldBe` 100
it "discounts three of an item" $ calcTotal rules ['A', 'A', 'A'] `shouldBe` 130
it "discounts four of an item" $ calcTotal rules ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A'] `shouldBe` 180
describe "groupItems" $ do
it "groups an empty collection" $ groupItems [] `shouldBe` []
it "groups a singleton" $ groupItems ['A'] `shouldBe` [('A', 1)]
prop "group/ungroup == sort" $ \xs -> concat [replicate count sku | (sku, count) <- groupItems xs] `shouldBe` sort xs
type Sku = Char
type Price = Double
type PricingRule = (Sku, Int, Price)
calcTotal :: [PricingRule] -> [Sku] -> Price
calcTotal pricingRules items = sum $ map calcGroupPrice $ groupItems items
pricingRulesMap :: M.Map Sku (M.Map Int Price)
pricingRulesMap = M.fromListWith (M.unionWith min)
[ (sku, M.singleton count price)
| (sku, count, price) <- pricingRules
calcGroupPrice (sku, count0) = case M.lookup sku pricingRulesMap of
Nothing -> error $ "never heard of sku " ++ show sku
Just dealsMap -> calcDealPrice dealsMap count0
calcDealPrice dealsMap = calcCountPrice
calcCountPrice count
| count <= 0 = 0
| otherwise = case M.lookupLE count dealsMap of
Nothing -> error $ "no price for <= " ++ show count ++ " of something"
(Just (dealCount, dealPrice)) -> dealPrice + calcCountPrice (count - dealCount)
groupItems :: [Sku] -> [(Sku, Int)]
groupItems skus = [(sku, length thisGroup) | thisGroup@(sku:_) <- group $ sort skus]
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