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Created July 5, 2013 15:38
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Save DaveRandom/5935361 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Module for repositioning windows in Access using Window API calls
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Type Point
x As Long
y As Long
End Type
Private Type Position
left As Long
top As Long
width As Long
height As Long
End Type
Private Type Dimensions
width As Long
height As Long
End Type
Private Type Rect
x1 As Long
y1 As Long
x2 As Long
y2 As Long
End Type
Public Enum Dimension
End Enum
' VBA (or possibly just the editor) is stupid and doesn't handle hex literals correctly
' Luckily it doesn't seem to be able to cope with x64 so for now we can get away with decimals
Public Enum PositionMode
DISPLAY_LEFT = -2013265920 ' 0x88000000
DISPLAY_RIGHT = -2080374784 ' 0x84000000
DISPLAY_X_CENTER = -2113929216 ' 0x82000000
DISPLAY_TOP = 34816 ' 0x00008800
DISPLAY_BOTTOM = 33792 ' 0x00008400
DISPLAY_Y_CENTER = 33280 ' 0x00008200
WINDOW_LEFT = 1207959552 ' 0x48000000
WINDOW_RIGHT = 1140850688 ' 0x44000000
WINDOW_X_CENTER = 1107296256 ' 0x42000000
WINDOW_TOP = 18432 ' 0x00004800
WINDOW_BOTTOM = 17408 ' 0x00004400
WINDOW_Y_CENTER = 16896 ' 0x00004200
CURSOR_LEFT = 671088640 ' 0x28000000
CURSOR_RIGHT = 603979776 ' 0x24000000
CURSOR_X_CENTER = 570425344 ' 0x22000000
CURSOR_TOP = 10240 ' 0x00002800
CURSOR_BOTTOM = 9216 ' 0x00002400
CURSOR_Y_CENTER = 8704 ' 0x00002200
PREVENT_OVERFLOW_X = 16777216 ' 0x01000000
PREVENT_OVERFLOW_Y = 256 ' 0x00000100
PREVENT_OVERFLOW = 16777472 ' 0x01000100
End Enum
Private Enum PositionModeMeta
DISPLAY_X = -2147483648# ' 0x80000000
WINDOW_X = 1073741824 ' 0x40000000
CURSOR_X = 536870912 ' 0x20000000
DISPLAY_Y = 32768 ' 0x00008000
WINDOW_Y = 16384 ' 0x00004000
CURSOR_Y = 8192 ' 0x00002000
LEFT_X = 134217728 ' 0x08000000
RIGHT_X = 67108864 ' 0x04000000
CENTER_X = 33554432 ' 0x02000000
TOP_Y = 2048 ' 0x00000800
BOTTOM_Y = 1024 ' 0x00000400
CENTER_Y = 512 ' 0x00000200
BASE_X = -536870912 ' 0xE0000000
BASE_Y = 57344 ' 0x0000E000
LOCATION_X = 234881024 ' 0x0E000000
LOCATION_Y = 2584 ' 0x00000E00
End Enum
' Some constants from the windows API (with more sensible names)
Private Const RESOLUTION_X = 8
Private Const RESOLUTION_Y = 10
Private Const DPI_X = 88
Private Const DPI_Y = 90
' Import some calls from the windows API
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As Point) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As Rect) As Long
Private Declare Function MoveWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal W As Long, ByVal H As Long, ByVal Repaint As Boolean) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
' Get the current co-ordinate of the mouse pointer
Private Function GetCursorPoint() As Point
Dim udtMousePointer As Point
GetCursorPos udtMousePointer
GetCursorPoint = udtMousePointer
End Function
' Get the DPI setting for the desktop
Private Function GetDPI() As Point
Dim intWindow As Long, _
intContext As Long
intWindow = GetDesktopWindow()
intContext = GetDC(intWindow)
GetDPI.x = GetDeviceCaps(intContext, DPI_X)
GetDPI.y = GetDeviceCaps(intContext, DPI_Y)
ReleaseDC intWindow, intContext
End Function
' Get the resolution of the the primary display
Private Function GetResolution() As Dimensions
Dim intWindow As Long, _
intContext As Long
intWindow = GetDesktopWindow()
intContext = GetDC(intWindow)
GetResolution.width = GetDeviceCaps(intContext, RESOLUTION_X)
GetResolution.height = GetDeviceCaps(intContext, RESOLUTION_Y)
ReleaseDC intWindow, intContext
End Function
' Get the number of twips per pixel with the current settings of the primary display
Private Function GetTwipsPerPixel(Optional Dimension As Dimension = DIMENSION_X) As Double
Dim udtPrimaryDisplayResolution As Dimensions, _
udtDPI As Point
udtPrimaryDisplayResolution = GetResolution()
udtDPI = GetDPI()
If Dimension = DIMENSION_Y Then
GetTwipsPerPixel = ((udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.height / udtDPI.y) * 1440) / udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.height
GetTwipsPerPixel = ((udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.width / udtDPI.x) * 1440) / udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.width
End If
End Function
' Get a Position structure describing the supplied window handle
Private Function GetWindowPosition(hWnd As Long) As Position
Dim udtRect As Rect
GetWindowRect hWnd, udtRect
GetWindowPosition.left = udtRect.x1 = udtRect.y1
GetWindowPosition.width = udtRect.x2 - udtRect.x1
GetWindowPosition.height = udtRect.y2 - udtRect.y1
End Function
' Get a Dimensions structure describing the supplied window handle
Private Function GetWindowDimensions(hWnd As Long) As Dimensions
Dim udtRect As Rect
GetWindowRect hWnd, udtRect
GetWindowDimensions.width = udtRect.x2 - udtRect.x1
GetWindowDimensions.height = udtRect.y2 - udtRect.y1
End Function
' Convert the specified number of pixels to twips
Public Function PixelsToTwips(Pixels As Long, Optional Dimension As Dimension = DIMENSION_X) As Long
PixelsToTwips = CLng(Pixels * GetTwipsPerPixel(Dimension))
End Function
' Convert the specified number of twips to pixels
Public Function TwipsToPixels(Twips As Long, Optional Dimension As Dimension = DIMENSION_X) As Long
TwipsToPixels = CLng(Twips / GetTwipsPerPixel(Dimension))
End Function
Public Function PositionWindow(hWnd As Long, Mode As PositionMode, Optional OffsetX As Long = 0, Optional OffsetY As Long = 0)
Dim udtTargetWindowDimensions As Dimensions, _
udtPrimaryDisplayResolution As Dimensions, _
udtAccessWindowPosition As Position, _
udtVirtualDisplayPosition As Position, _
udtMousePointer As Point, _
intActiveDisplayLeft As Long, _
intActiveDisplayTop As Long, _
intFormLeft As Long, _
intFormTop As Long
' Validate mode mask
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.BASE_X) = 0 Or (Mode And PositionModeMeta.BASE_Y) = 0 Or (Mode And PositionModeMeta.LOCATION_X) = 0 Or (Mode And PositionModeMeta.LOCATION_Y) = 0 Then
Err.Raise 1, "GUI.PositionWindow()", "Invalid mode mask, must contain base and location for X and Y axes"
End If
' Get some info about the current state of the desktop environment and the windows we're interested in
udtTargetWindowDimensions = GetWindowDimensions(hWnd)
udtPrimaryDisplayResolution = GetResolution()
udtAccessWindowPosition = GetWindowPosition(Application.hWndAccessApp)
udtMousePointer = GetCursorPoint()
udtVirtualDisplayPosition.left = GetSystemMetrics(VIRTUALDISPLAY_LEFT) = GetSystemMetrics(VIRTUALDISPLAY_TOP)
udtVirtualDisplayPosition.width = GetSystemMetrics(VIRTUALDISPLAY_WIDTH)
udtVirtualDisplayPosition.height = GetSystemMetrics(VIRTUALDISPLAY_HEIGHT)
' Find the X co-ordinate of the left-most pixel column on the target display
intActiveDisplayLeft = udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.width * (Math.Ceil(((udtAccessWindowPosition.width / 2) + udtAccessWindowPosition.left) / udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.width) - 1)
If intActiveDisplayLeft < udtVirtualDisplayPosition.left Then
intActiveDisplayLeft = udtVirtualDisplayPosition.left
ElseIf intActiveDisplayLeft >= udtVirtualDisplayPosition.left + udtVirtualDisplayPosition.width Then
intActiveDisplayLeft = udtVirtualDisplayPosition.width - udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.width
End If
' Find the Y co-ordinate of the top-most pixel row on the target display
intActiveDisplayTop = udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.height * (Math.Ceil(((udtAccessWindowPosition.height / 2) + / udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.height) - 1)
If intActiveDisplayTop < Then
intActiveDisplayTop =
ElseIf intActiveDisplayTop >= + udtVirtualDisplayPosition.height Then
intActiveDisplayTop = udtVirtualDisplayPosition.height - udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.height
End If
' Find the desired X co-ordinate for the target window
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.DISPLAY_X) = PositionModeMeta.DISPLAY_X Then
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.LEFT_X) = PositionModeMeta.LEFT_X Then
intFormLeft = intActiveDisplayLeft + IIf(OffsetX <> 0, OffsetX, 1)
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.RIGHT_X) = PositionModeMeta.RIGHT_X Then
intFormLeft = intActiveDisplayLeft + (udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.width - udtTargetWindowDimensions.width) + IIf(OffsetX <> 0, OffsetX, -1)
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.CENTER_X) = PositionModeMeta.CENTER_X Then
intFormLeft = intActiveDisplayLeft + OffsetX + (udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.width / 2) - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.width / 2)
End If
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.WINDOW_X) = PositionModeMeta.WINDOW_X Then
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.LEFT_X) = PositionModeMeta.LEFT_X Then
intFormLeft = udtAccessWindowPosition.left + IIf(OffsetX <> 0, OffsetX, 1)
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.RIGHT_X) = PositionModeMeta.RIGHT_X Then
intFormLeft = udtAccessWindowPosition.left + (udtAccessWindowPosition.width - udtTargetWindowDimensions.width) + IIf(OffsetX <> 0, OffsetX, -1)
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.CENTER_X) = PositionModeMeta.CENTER_X Then
intFormLeft = udtAccessWindowPosition.left + OffsetX + (udtAccessWindowPosition.width / 2) - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.width / 2)
End If
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.CURSOR_X) = PositionModeMeta.CURSOR_X Then
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.LEFT_X) = PositionModeMeta.LEFT_X Then
intFormLeft = udtMousePointer.x + OffsetX - udtTargetWindowDimensions.width
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.RIGHT_X) = PositionModeMeta.RIGHT_X Then
intFormLeft = udtMousePointer.x + OffsetX
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.CENTER_X) = PositionModeMeta.CENTER_X Then
intFormLeft = udtMousePointer.x + OffsetX - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.width / 2)
End If
End If
' Correct horizontal overflow off the target display
If (Mode And PositionMode.PREVENT_OVERFLOW_X) = PositionMode.PREVENT_OVERFLOW_X Then
If intFormLeft < intActiveDisplayLeft Then
intFormLeft = intActiveDisplayLeft + 1
ElseIf intFormLeft >= intActiveDisplayLeft + udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.width - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.width + 1) Then
intFormLeft = intActiveDisplayLeft + udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.width - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.width + 1)
End If
End If
End If
' Find the desired Y co-ordinate for the target window
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.DISPLAY_Y) = PositionModeMeta.DISPLAY_Y Then
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.TOP_Y) = PositionModeMeta.TOP_Y Then
intFormTop = intActiveDisplayTop + IIf(OffsetY <> 0, OffsetY, 1)
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.BOTTOM_Y) = PositionModeMeta.BOTTOM_Y Then
intFormTop = intActiveDisplayTop + (udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.height - udtTargetWindowDimensions.height) + IIf(OffsetY <> 0, OffsetY, -1)
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.CENTER_Y) = PositionModeMeta.CENTER_Y Then
intFormTop = intActiveDisplayTop + OffsetY + (udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.height / 2) - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.height / 2)
End If
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.WINDOW_Y) = PositionModeMeta.WINDOW_Y Then
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.TOP_Y) = PositionModeMeta.TOP_Y Then
intFormTop = + IIf(OffsetY <> 0, OffsetY, 1)
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.BOTTOM_Y) = PositionModeMeta.BOTTOM_Y Then
intFormTop = + (udtAccessWindowPosition.height - udtTargetWindowDimensions.height) + IIf(OffsetY <> 0, OffsetY, -1)
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.CENTER_Y) = PositionModeMeta.CENTER_Y Then
intFormTop = + OffsetY + (udtAccessWindowPosition.height / 2) - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.height / 2)
End If
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.CURSOR_Y) = PositionModeMeta.CURSOR_Y Then
If (Mode And PositionModeMeta.TOP_Y) = PositionModeMeta.TOP_Y Then
intFormTop = udtMousePointer.y + OffsetY - udtTargetWindowDimensions.height
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.BOTTOM_Y) = PositionModeMeta.BOTTOM_Y Then
intFormTop = udtMousePointer.y + OffsetY
ElseIf (Mode And PositionModeMeta.CENTER_Y) = PositionModeMeta.CENTER_Y Then
intFormTop = udtMousePointer.y + OffsetY - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.height / 2)
End If
End If
' Correct vertical overflow off the target display
If (Mode And PositionMode.PREVENT_OVERFLOW_Y) = PositionMode.PREVENT_OVERFLOW_Y Then
If intFormTop < intActiveDisplayTop Then
intFormTop = intActiveDisplayTop + 1
ElseIf intFormTop >= intActiveDisplayTop + udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.height - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.height + 1) Then
intFormTop = intActiveDisplayTop + udtPrimaryDisplayResolution.height - (udtTargetWindowDimensions.height + 1)
End If
End If
End If
' Move the window to the calculated position
MoveWindow hWnd, intFormLeft, intFormTop, udtTargetWindowDimensions.width, udtTargetWindowDimensions.height, True
End Function
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DaveRandom commented Jun 8, 2021

Hi @DittoBird, in order for the code to function as designed, @lars49's function needs to be placed in a separate module named "Math". You can also simply place the function into the same module as this code, and remove Math. from the function reference.

Apologies for publishing broken code, I haven't touched Access for a few years but this code came from a wider ecosystem with a few "standard" modules, where I basically wrote a few shims to make VBA behave a bit more like generally saner programming language :-P

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