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Script to add Service Principal to Power BI workspaces
# =================================================================================================================================================
## This script will add the given Service Principal to Power BI workspaces
## It will first ask for the (correct) ObjectId of the Service Principal
## Then it will ask for the credentials of a Power BI Service Administrator
## Note: this script only works with v2 workspaces (you can't add a Service Principal to a v1 workspace)
# =================================================================================================================================================
## Parameters
# The role to give the Service Principal in the workspaces (admin, member, contributor)
$RoleType = 'member'
# If the Service Principal is already a member of the workspace,
# do you want to force the role to be as state in the $RoleType parameter above?
$ForceRole = $True
# Add the Service Principal to workspaces that are in Premium capacity?
$AddToPremiumCapacityWorkspaces = $true
# Add the Service Principal to workspaces that are in shared capacity?
$AddToSharedCapacityWorkspaces = $true
# =================================================================================================================================================
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Write-Host "
__ ___ __ ___ __ _
/ |/ /___ ___/ /___ ____ ___ / _ \ ___ _ / /_ ___ _ ___ _ (_)
/ /|_/ // _ \/ _ // -_)/ __// _ \ / // // _ '// __// _ '/_ / _ '// /
/_/ /_/ \___/\_,_/ \__//_/ /_//_//____/ \_,_/ \__/ \_,_/(_)\_,_//_/
___ ___ _ _ __
/ _ \ ___ _ _ __ ___ / _ \ __ __ (_) (_)/ /_ ___ ____
/ // // _ '/| |/ // -_) / , _// // // / / // __// -_)/ __/
/____/ \_,_/ |___/ \__/ /_/|_| \_,_//_/__/ / \__/ \__//_/
#IMPORTANT: you need the correct ObjectId of the Service Principal
$PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Specify ObjectId of Service Principal (find this in the "Enterprise applications" in Azure Active Directory)'
if ($PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId) {
# Connect to Power BI (this will prompt for credentials, use an account that has the Power BI admin role!)
# Keep track of all the workspaces that we 'touch'
$listofworkspaces = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
Write-Host "=================================================================================================================================="
# Get all workspaces (and filter to only v2 workspaces)
$AllV2Workspaces = Get-PowerBIWorkspace -All -Scope Organization -Include All | `
Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "Workspace" -and $_.State -ne "Deleted" -and $_.IsReadOnly -eq $False `
-and ( `
($_.IsOnDedicatedCapacity -eq $True -and $AddToPremiumCapacityWorkspaces -eq $true) `
-or `
($_.IsOnDedicatedCapacity -eq $False -and $AddToSharedCapacityWorkspaces -eq $true) `
) `
Write-Host "Found a total of $($AllV2Workspaces.Count) workspaces..."
# Add the Service Principal to the workspaces
$AllV2Workspaces | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "=================================================================================================================================="
$WorkspaceName = $_.Name
$WorkspaceId = $_.Id
Write-Host "Working on workspace: $WorkspaceName."
# Track this workspace
$listofworkspaces += $WorkspaceName
# Check if Service Principal is in the workspace
$ServicePrincipalInWorkspace = $_.Users | Where-Object {$_.Identifier -eq $PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId}
if ($ServicePrincipalInWorkspace)
Write-Host "Service Principal already member of: $WorkspaceName, with role type $($ServicePrincipalInWorkspace.AccessRight)."
# Check current role type
if ($ServicePrincipalInWorkspace.AccessRight -ne $RoleType) {
# If foce is enabled, overrule the current role type
if ($ForceRole) {
Write-Host "Updating role type (force is inabled)."
# Remove Service Principal
Write-Host "Remove Service Principal from workspace..."
Remove-PowerBIWorkspaceUser -Scope Organization -Id $WorkspaceId -PrincipalType App -Identifier $PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId
# Adding Service Principal
Write-Host "Adding Service Principal to: $WorkspaceName, with correct role type..."
Add-PowerBIWorkspaceUser -Scope Organization -Id $WorkspaceId -PrincipalType App -Identifier $PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId -AccessRight $RoleType
Write-Host "Done."
else {
Write-Warning "Force update is not enabled, not updating this role membership!"
else {
Write-Host "Adding Service Principal to: $WorkspaceName."
Add-PowerBIWorkspaceUser -Scope Organization -Id $WorkspaceId -PrincipalType App -Identifier $PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId -AccessRight $RoleType
Write-Host "Done."
Write-Host "=================================================================================================================================="
# Report the tracked list of workspaces
Write-Host "List of workspaces that we checked during the script:"
else {
Write-Error "No ObjectId provided for the Service Principal!"
Write-Host "`nScript finished."
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