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Created April 15, 2019 00:05
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Javascript Matrix Class
Matrix Class
Created By Davenchy
twitter: @fadi_davenchy
const Matrix = (function() {
class Matrix {
constructor(r=3, c=3, i=0) {
// create matrix
if (Array.isArray(r)) this.matrix = => c.slice(0));
else if (r instanceof Matrix) this.copyOf(r);
else this.matrix = Matrix.generateArray(r, c, i);
// check the matrix
const rows = this.matrix.length;
const columns = this.matrix[0].length;
const columnsLength = this.matrix.filter(c => c.length === columns).length;
if (columnsLength !== rows) throw new Error(`each column must have the same number of values: ${rows}`);
reset(i=0) {
this.matrix = Matrix.generateArray(this.rows, this.columns, i);
return this;
copyOf(m) {
this.matrix = => c.slice(0));
return this;
clone() {
return new Matrix(this.matrix);
toString() {
return => c.join('\t')).join('\n');
isEqualTo(m2) {
if (!m2 instanceof Matrix) throw new Error('need matrix to compare to');
const m1 = this;
if (m1.rows !== m2.rows || m1.columns !== m2.columns) return false;
m1.loop(({ i, j, value }) => {
if (m2.getValue(i, j) !== value) return false;
return true;
get isSquare() {
return this.rows === this.columns;
get isInversable() {
return this.determinate !== 0;
get determinate() {
const m = this.clone();
if (!m.isSquare) throw new Error('matrix must be a square matrix');
const M = m.getValue.bind(m);
// handle (1x1) Matrix
if (m.rows === 1) return M(1, 1);
// handle (2x2) Matrix
if (m.rows === 2) return M(1, 1) * M(2, 2) - M(1, 2) * M(2, 1);
// handle (3x3) or more Matrices
if (m.rows >= 3) {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= m.rows; i++) {
const det = m.clone().reduce(1, i).determinate;
sum += Math.pow(-1, i - 1) * M(1, i) * det;
return sum;
get rows() {
return this.matrix.length;
get columns() {
return this.matrix[0].length;
get type() {
return `(${this.rows} x ${this.columns})`
setColumn(n, c=[]) {
if (c.length !== this.rows) throw new Error(`column must has ${this.rows} value(s)`);
if (n > this.columns || n <= 0) throw new Error(`column number must be in range [1, ${this.columns}]`);
this.matrix.forEach((col, i) => {
col[n - 1] = c[i];
return this;
addColumn(c=[]) {
if (c.length !== this.rows) throw new Error(`column must has ${this.rows} value(s)`);
this.matrix.forEach((col, i) => {
return this;
getColumn(c=1) {
if (c > this.columns || c <= 0) throw new Error(`column number must be in range [1, ${this.columns}]`);
return => r[c - 1]);
removeColumn(c) {
if (c > this.columns || c <= 0) throw new Error(`column number must be in range [1, ${this.columns}]`);
this.matrix.forEach(r => r.splice(c - 1, 1));
return this;
setRow(n, r=[]) {
if (r.length !== this.columns) throw new Error(`row must has ${this.columns} value(s)`);
if (n > this.rows || n <= 0) throw new Error(`row number must be in range [1, ${this.rows}]`);
this.matrix[n - 1] = r;
return this;
addRow(r=[]) {
if (r.length !== this.columns) throw new Error(`row must has ${this.columns} value(s)`);
return this;
getRow(r=1) {
if (r > this.rows || r <= 0) throw new Error(`row number must be in range [1, ${this.rows}]`);
return this.matrix[r - 1].slice(0);
removeRow(r) {
if (r > this.rows || r <= 0) throw new Error(`row number must be in range [1, ${this.rows}]`);
this.matrix.splice(r - 1, 1);
return this;
setValue(r=1, c=1, v) {
this.matrix[r-1][c-1] = v;
return this;
getValue(r=1, c=1) {
if (r <= 0 || r > this.rows || c <= 0 || c > this.cols) return;
return this.matrix[r-1][c-1];
loop(cb) {
const self = this;
const { rows, columns } = this;
let counter = 0;
for(let i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for(let j = 1; j <= columns; j++) {
const tools = {
self, i, j,
clone: self.clone(),
sign: Math.pow(-1, counter),
counter: counter++,
value: self.getValue(i, j),
setValue: v => self.setValue(i, j, v),
column: self.getColumn(j),
row: self.getRow(i),
try { tools.determinate = self.determinate; }
catch (_) { tools.determinate = null; }
tools.reduce = () => tools.clone.reduce(i, j);
tools.inverse = () => tools.clone.inverse();
tools.transpose = () => tools.clone.transpose();
tools.adjacency = () => tools.clone.adjacency();
tools.identity = () => tools.clone.identity();
return this;
multiply(...matrices) {
const m1 = this;
matrices.forEach(m2 => {
if (m1.columns !== m2.rows) throw new Error('can not multiply the 2 matrices');
const temp = new Matrix(m1.rows, m2.columns);
temp.loop(({i, j, setValue}) => {
const product = Matrix.vectorDotProduct(m1.getRow(i), m2.getColumn(j));
return this;
addNumber (n) {
const self = this;
const { rows, columns } = this;
this.loop(t => t.setValue(t.value + n));
return this;
subtractNumber (n) {
const self = this;
const { rows, columns } = this;
this.loop(t => t.setValue(t.value - n));
return this;
multiplyNumber (n) {
const self = this;
const { rows, columns } = this;
this.loop(t => t.setValue(t.value * n));
return this;
divideNumber (n) {
if (n === 0) throw new Error('can not divide by zero');
const self = this;
const { rows, columns } = this;
this.loop(t => t.setValue(t.value / n));
return this;
transpose() {
const mat = Array(this.columns).fill(0);
this.matrix =, i) => this.getColumn(i + 1));
return this;
inverse () {
const delta = Math.pow(this.determinate, -1);
return this;
adjacency() {
if (!this.isInversable) throw new Error('matrix determinate value equal to zero');
if (!this.isSquare) throw new Error('must be a square matrix');
// 1x1 Matrix
if (this.rows === 1) this.setValue(1, 1, Math.pow(this.getValue(1, 1), -1));
// 2x2 Matrix
else if (this.rows === 2) {
const temp = this.getValue(1, 1);
this.setValue(1, 2, this.getValue(1, 2) * -1);
this.setValue(2, 1, this.getValue(2, 1) * -1);
this.setValue(1, 1, this.getValue(2, 2));
this.setValue(2, 2, temp);
// 3x3 or more Matrices
else if (this.rows >= 3) {
const temp = this.clone().reset();
this.loop(({i, j, reduce, sign}) => {
temp.setValue(i, j, reduce().determinate * sign)
return this;
identity () {
const m = this;
if (!m.isSquare) throw new Error('must be a square matrix');
const n = m.rows;
const i = new Matrix(n, n);
for (let a = 1; a <= n; a++) {
i.setValue(a, a, 1);
return i;
reduce (r, c) {
return this;
Matrix.generateArray = (r = 3, c = 3, i = 0) => Array(r).fill().map(r => Array(c).fill().map(c => i));
Matrix.vectorDotProduct = (a, b) => {
if (a.length !== b.length) throw new Error(`length of 'a' not equal length of 'b'`)
return, i) => x * b[i]).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
return Matrix;
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abancp commented Sep 27, 2023

I use This Class for open Source Math based npm Package . please help me
The best Class is this for Matrix

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@abancp How can I help my friend

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