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Last active April 12, 2019 17:19
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build and run the android app using cordova and adb
# 1. replace the variables values
# 2. add the script in the root directory of your cordova project
# Notes:
# make sure that cordova installed globaly
# make sure that adb is installed
# variables
echo ">>>>>>>>>> starting the install script <<<<<<<<<<"
echo ">> Package Name: $PACKAGENAME"
echo ">> Activity Name: $ACTIVITYNAME"
echo ">>>>>>>>>> build the app <<<<<<<<<<"
# build using cordova
cordova build android
echo ">>>>>>>>>> uninstall the old app <<<<<<<<<<"
# uninstall the package from device
cd ./platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/
adb uninstall $PACKAGENAME
echo ">>>>>>>>>> install the new app <<<<<<<<<<"
# install the new package
adb install app-debug.apk
echo ">>>>>>>>>> starting the app <<<<<<<<<<"
# start the activity
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