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Last active April 22, 2018 15:18
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anomaly2 <- function (x, n = if(is.null(sig)) 10 else NULL, method = "hdr", robust = TRUE, plot = TRUE,
labels = TRUE, col, sig = NULL) {
nc <- nrow(x)
if (nc < n) {
stop("Your n is too large.")
if((sig < 0.001) | (sig >= .5)) {
stop("Your sig is out of range.")
x[is.infinite(x)] <- NA
naomit.x <- na.omit(x)
na.act <- na.action(naomit.x)
if (is.null(na.act)) {
avl <- 1:nc
else {
avl <- (1:nc)[-na.action(naomit.x)]
method <- match.arg(method)
if (robust) {
rbt.pca <- pcaPP::PCAproj(naomit.x, k = 2, center = mean,
scale = sd)
else {
rbt.pca <- princomp(scale(naomit.x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE),
cor = TRUE)
scores <- rbt.pca$scores
scoreswNA <- matrix(, nrow = nc, ncol = 2)
scoreswNA[avl, ] <- scores[, 1:2]
#tmp.idx <- vector(length = n) # What's that for?
if (method == "hdr") {
hdrinfo <- hdrcde::hdr.2d(x = scores[, 1], y = scores[, 2], kde.package = "ks")
tmp.idx <- order(hdrinfo$fxy)[1:n]
} else if (!is.null(sig)){
hdrinfo <- hdrcde::hdr.2d(x = scores[, 1], y = scores[, 2], kde.package = "ks", prob = (1 - sig) * 100)
tmp.ordr <- order(hdrinfo$fxy)
tmp.idx <- tmp.ordr[which(hdrinfo$fxy[tmp.ordr] <= hdrinfo$falpha)]
} else {
stop("Please specify either n or sig")
main <- "Lowest densities on anomalies"
idx <- avl[tmp.idx]
if (plot) {
if (missing(col)) {
col <- c("grey", "darkblue")
else {
lencol <- length(col)
if (lencol == 1L) {
col <- rep(col, 2)
else {
col <- unique(col)[1:2]
xrange <- range(scores[, 1], na.rm = TRUE)
yrange <- range(scores[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
plot(x = scores[-tmp.idx, 1], y = scores[-tmp.idx, 2],
pch = 19, col = col[1L], xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2",
main = main, xlim = xrange, ylim = yrange)
points(scores[tmp.idx, 1], scores[tmp.idx, 2], col = col[2L],
pch = 17)
if (labels) {
text(scores[tmp.idx, 1] + 0.3, scores[tmp.idx, 2],
col = col[2L], label = 1:length(idx), cex = 1.2)
return(structure(list(index = idx, scores = scoreswNA)))

This function biscally adds an option to select time series by the significance of their anomaly specified by the new sig parameter. It is backward compatible, so shouldn't brake any exsisting code, see below

# Load the anomalous package

## Create measures
y <- tsmeasures(dat0, window = 30)

###### Backward compatibility
## Compare default behaviour
identical(anomaly(y, method = "hdr"), 
          anomaly2(y, method = "hdr"))

## Make sure that if a user specifies n, it behaves as before
n <- 5
identical(anomaly(y, n = n, method = "hdr"), 
          anomaly2(y, n = n, method = "hdr"))

## Testing new feature
hdr <- anomaly2(y, sig = .15, method = "hdr")
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