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Created February 11, 2024 22:36
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X=Y=1; // player position
onkeydown = e => {
let k = e.which; // a deprecated but functional equivalent to e.keyCode
// left = 37
// right = 39
// up = 38
// down = 40
if (k & 1) { // up or down
X -= k - 38;
} else { // left or right
Y -= k - 39
setInterval(() => {
++t; // increment time
let out = level; // current level is displayed at the top
for(let i = 50 + 1; i >= 0; i--) { // for each line of generated text
let vehicle_row = i >> 1; // floored div by 2 (vehicles are 2 rows tall)
b.innerText = out += '\n';
for(let j = 100; j >= 0; j--) {
// procedural vehicle position calculation.
// to be honest I can't figure out how the longer vehicles come to be - very clever
let is_empty_space = (
(j + t * Math.sin(vehicle_row)/9 * level>>3) * vehicle_row * level
)**4 % 97 < 89;
if ( Y > 49 ) { // top row, time to level up
} else { // do collision detection
if (i-Y | j-X-50) { // if the player is not at this coordinate (X coordinate centered on column 50)
out += is_empty_space ? '.' : '█'; // render road/vehicles
} else {
out += is_empty_space ? '♥' : Y=1; // render the player if no collision, or reset Y pos
}, 9); // run every 9ms
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