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Last active March 9, 2022 23:23
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Pure python Curve25519 scalar point multiplication, as defined in RFC7748
# This code is based directly on the pseudocode in the RFC, translated into Python 3
# This implementation is NOT CONSTANT TIME (due to Python's underlying arithmetic ops not being guaranteed constant time)
# See also:
p = 2**255 - 19
def decodeScalar25519(k):
k = bytearray(k)
k[0] &= 0xf8
k[31] &= 0x7f
k[31] |= 0x40
return int.from_bytes(k, "little")
# This might not be constant-time, but the rest of this code isn't either...
def cswap(swap, a, b):
return (b, a) if swap else (a, b)
def X25519(k, u):
x_1 = u
x_2 = 1
z_2 = 0
x_3 = u
z_3 = 1
swap = 0
for t in range(255)[::-1]:
k_t = (k >> t) & 1
swap ^= k_t
x_2, x_3 = cswap(swap, x_2, x_3)
z_2, z_3 = cswap(swap, z_2, z_3)
swap = k_t
A = x_2 + z_2
AA = pow(A, 2, p)
B = x_2 - z_2
BB = pow(B, 2, p)
E = AA - BB
C = x_3 + z_3
D = x_3 - z_3
DA = (D * A) % p
CB = (C * B) % p
x_3 = pow(DA + CB, 2, p)
z_3 = (x_1 * pow(DA - CB, 2, p)) % p
x_2 = (AA * BB) % p
z_2 = (E * (AA + ((121665 * E) % p))) % p
x_2, x_3 = cswap(swap, x_2, x_3)
z_2, z_3 = cswap(swap, z_2, z_3)
return (x_2 * pow(z_2, p - 2, p)) % p
if __name__ == "__main__":
# first test vector from rfc7748
scalar_in = decodeScalar25519(bytes.fromhex("a546e36bf0527c9d3b16154b82465edd62144c0ac1fc5a18506a2244ba449ac4"))
u_in = int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("e6db6867583030db3594c1a424b15f7c726624ec26b3353b10a903a6d0ab1c4c"), "little")
u_out = X25519(scalar_in, u_in)
print(u_out.to_bytes(32, "little").hex())
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DavidBuchanan314 commented Mar 9, 2022

So uh, there's a bug in here somewhere. It gets the wrong answer for:

	scalar_in = decodeScalar25519(bytes.fromhex("e6db6867583030db3594c1a424b15f7c726624ec26b3353b10a903a6d0ab1c4c"))
	u_in = int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("a546e36bf0527c9d3b16154b82465edd62144c0ac1fc5a18506a2244ba449ac4"), "little")
	u_out = X25519(scalar_in, u_in)

(same inputs as the first RFC test vector, but swapped order)

I believe the correct answer is 94cffd93eadcebf78386fd6206c01a2f96612ab5a07850eaa109679195c49149 - but I cannot find the bug...

Sample code that gets the correct output for this testcase:

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import x25519
priv = x25519.X25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(bytes.fromhex("e6db6867583030db3594c1a424b15f7c726624ec26b3353b10a903a6d0ab1c4c"))
pub = x25519.X25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(bytes.fromhex(   "a546e36bf0527c9d3b16154b82465edd62144c0ac1fc5a18506a2244ba449ac4"))
sk =

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When receiving such an array, implementations of X25519 (but not X448) MUST mask the most significant bit in the final byte.

Of course...

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