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Last active October 25, 2023 01:50
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This is not production quality code, several corners have been cut, etc. etc.
import io
import base64
import struct
import hashlib
import asyncio
import websockets
from enum import Enum
# ground control to major type
class MajorType(Enum):
MAP = 5
TAG = 6
def parse_cbor_head(stream):
first =[0]
major_type = MajorType(first >> 5)
additional_info = first & 0x1f
if additional_info < 24:
if major_type == major_type.FLOAT:
return major_type, {
20: False,
21: True,
22: None # null
return major_type, additional_info
BYTE_LENGTHS = {24: 1, 25: 2, 26: 4, 27: 8}
if additional_info in BYTE_LENGTHS:
byte_value =[additional_info])
if major_type == MajorType.NEGATIVE_INT:
return major_type, -1-int.from_bytes(byte_value, "big") # TODO: check canonical-ness
if major_type == MajorType.FLOAT:
if len(byte_value) == 1:
raise Exception("invalid")
if len(byte_value) == 2:
return major_type, struct.unpack("!e", byte_value)[0]
if len(byte_value) == 4:
return major_type, struct.unpack("!f", byte_value)[0]
if len(byte_value) == 8:
return major_type, struct.unpack("!d", byte_value)[0]
raise Exception("unreachable")
return major_type, int.from_bytes(byte_value, "big") # TODO: check canonical-ness
if additional_info == 31:
raise Exception("indefinite lengths not supported by this implementation")
raise Exception("not well-formed")
# LEB128
def parse_varint(stream):
n = 0
shift = 0
while True:
val =[0]
n |= (val & 0x7f) << shift
if not val & 0x80:
return n
shift += 7
# parse into pythonic objects (not roundtrip-safe, for now)
def parse_dag_cbor_object(stream):
major_type, info = parse_cbor_head(stream)
if major_type in [MajorType.UNSIGNED_INT, MajorType.NEGATIVE_INT, MajorType.FLOAT]:
return info
if major_type == MajorType.BYTE_STRING:
value =
if len(value) != info:
raise EOFError()
return value
if major_type == MajorType.TEXT_STRING:
value =
if len(value) != info:
raise EOFError()
return value.decode()
if major_type == MajorType.ARRAY:
values = []
for _ in range(info):
return values
if major_type == MajorType.MAP:
values = {}
for _ in range(info):
key = parse_dag_cbor_object(stream)
if type(key) != str:
raise ValueError("DAG-CBOR only accepts strings as map keys")
values[key] = parse_dag_cbor_object(stream)
# TODO: check canonical map ordering
return values
if major_type == MajorType.TAG:
if info != 42:
raise Exception("non-42 tags are not supported")
cid_bytes = parse_dag_cbor_object(stream)
assert(type(cid_bytes) is bytes)
assert(len(cid_bytes) == 37)
assert(cid_bytes.startswith(b"\x00\x01q\x12 ") or cid_bytes.startswith(b"\x00\x01U\x12 ")) # multibase prefix, CIDv1, dag-cbor or raw, sha256
return "b" + base64.b32encode(cid_bytes[1:]).decode().lower().rstrip("=")
def parse_car(stream, length):
header_len = parse_varint(stream)
header_start = stream.tell()
car_header = parse_dag_cbor_object(stream)
assert(stream.tell() - header_start == header_len)
assert(car_header.get("version") == 1)
assert(len(car_header.get("roots", [])) == 1)
root = car_header["roots"][0]
nodes = {}
while stream.tell() != length:
block_len = parse_varint(stream)
block_start = stream.tell() # XXX: what if length is less than 36?
cid_raw = # XXX: this needs to be parsed properly, length might not be 36
assert(cid_raw.startswith(b"\x01q\x12 ")) # CIDv1, dag-cbor, sha256
cid = "b" + base64.b32encode(cid_raw).decode().lower().rstrip("=")
block_data =
content_hash = hashlib.sha256(block_data).digest()
block_data_stream = io.BytesIO(block_data)
block = parse_dag_cbor_object(block_data_stream)
assert(stream.tell() - block_start == block_len)
nodes[cid] = block
return root, nodes
def enumerate_mst_records(nodes, node):
records = {}
if node.get("l") in nodes:
records |= enumerate_mst_records(nodes, nodes[node["l"]])
prev_key = b""
for entry in node["e"]:
assert(entry["p"] <= len(prev_key))
key = prev_key[:entry["p"]] + entry["k"]
prev_key = key
records[key] = entry["v"]
if entry.get("t") in nodes:
records |= enumerate_mst_records(nodes, nodes[entry["t"]])
return records
async def main():
async with websockets.connect("wss://", ping_timeout=None) as websocket:
while True:
res = await websocket.recv()
stream = io.BytesIO(res)
head = parse_dag_cbor_object(stream)
if head["t"] == "#commit":
body = parse_dag_cbor_object(stream) # XXX: does this repeat "op" times?
root, nodes = parse_car(io.BytesIO(body["blocks"]), len(body["blocks"]))
for op in body["ops"]:
if op["path"].startswith("") and op["action"] == "create":
signed_commit = nodes[root]
# this is here you'd verify the signature, if you're into that kinda thing
records = enumerate_mst_records(nodes, nodes[signed_commit["data"]])
post = nodes[records[op["path"].encode()]]
#post = nodes[op["cid"]] # non-tree-walky approach, can't verify authenticity this way
uri = f'at://{body["repo"]}/{op["path"]}'
print(uri, post["text"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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