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Last active July 16, 2024 09:25
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I wrote about this code in more detail here:
DISCLAIMER: This is a quick prototype, it's not at all tested, and may be deeply cryptographically flawed.
Normally, JSON canonicalization is at least O(nlogn), because you need to sort the map keys.
This approach avoids the need to do that, and in theory it's O(n), but in practice it's probably slower for most inputs... I have not benchmarked.
If you limit recursion depth, you could implement it as an Online Algorithm
NB: Python's JSON parser allows duplicate map keys, which this impl will be oblivious to.
(Edit: I'm now using object_pairs_hook to forbid duplicate keys)
hash_number() is probably a bit half-baked too.
import json
import struct
import hashlib
from typing import Dict, Any
import nacl.bindings.crypto_core # install via: python3 -m pip install git+
hash256 = hashlib.sha256
def hash_str(value: str) -> bytes:
return hash256(b"s" + value.encode("utf-8")).digest()
def hash_number(value: int | float) -> bytes:
return hash256(b"n" + struct.pack("<d", value)).digest()
def hash_value(value: Any) -> bytes:
t = type(value)
if t is str:
return hash_str(value)
if t in (int, float):
return hash_number(value)
if t is list:
return hash_array(value)
if t is dict:
return hash_map(value)
if t is bool:
return hash256(b"t" if value else b"f").digest()
if value is None:
return hash256(b"u").digest() # u for undefined
raise Exception(f"dunno how to hash a {t}")
def hash_array(value: list) -> bytes:
h = hash256()
for entry in value:
return h.digest()
def hash_map(value: Dict[str, Any]) -> bytes:
accumulator = b'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
for k, v in value.items():
point = nacl.bindings.crypto_core.crypto_core_ed25519_from_uniform(hash256(hash_str(k) + hash_value(v)).digest())
accumulator = nacl.bindings.crypto_core.crypto_core_ed25519_add(accumulator, point)
return hash256(b"m" + accumulator).digest()
def ensure_no_duplicate_keys(object_pairs: Dict[str, Any]) -> dict:
value = dict(object_pairs)
if len(value) != len(object_pairs):
raise ValueError("Duplicate JSON map keys")
return value
def hash_json(data: str) -> bytes:
return hash_value(json.loads(data, object_pairs_hook=ensure_no_duplicate_keys))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(hash_json('{"hello": "world"}').hex())
hash_json('{"a": "a", "b": "b"}') == \
hash_json('{ "b": "b", "a": "a"}')
hash_json('{"b": "b", "a": "a", "c": "c"}') == \
hash_json('{"c": "c", "b": "b", "a": "a"}') == \
hash_json('{"a" : "a", "b": "b", "c": "c"}')
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