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Last active November 5, 2021 14:27
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1. Design

1.1 Stealth Addresses

A stealth address is a pair (A = a*G, B = b*G) where A is the scan key and B the spend key. Additional subaddress support is described here.

1.2 Transaction Structure

A transaction consists of:

1.2.1 Outputs

A list of outputs: tuples of the form (C, π, v', n', Ks, Kr, Ke, ρ) associated to an output address (A, B) composed of:

  • an ephemeral key Ks = ks*G, chosen by the sender
  • a receiver public key Kr = kr*G whose private key is known only by the receiver
  • A key exchange public key Ke = sB = sb*G, where s can be calculated by sender and receiver, but b is known only by the receiver
  • a masked value v' which is the value v encrypted by a shared secret t
  • a masked nonce n' which is a one-time nonce n encrypted by a shared secret t
  • a coin C = v*H + q*G for its value v, the opening q of the coin is shared between the sender and recipient of the coin (see 2.3)
  • a rangeproof π that attests that C is a commitment to a value v < v_max and also commits to a message (v'||n'||Ks||Kr||Ke||ρ)
  • a signature ρ, valid under verification key Ks and message (v'||n'||Ks||Kr||Ke)

Section 2.3.1 describes the calculation of n, s, t, and q.

1.2.2 Inputs

A list of inputs. An input is just a signature σ under some verification key Kr referencing a previously unspent output.

1.2.3 Kernels

A kernel, which is composed of:

  • the supply s, indicating the money created in the transaction
  • the fee f, indicating the fee paid for the transaction
  • the excess E = (ΣC + f*H) - (ΣC' + t*G) where t is the transaction's kernel offset
  • a signature ψ, valid under verification key E and message (s||f)

1.2.4 Kernel offset

The kernel offset t is a randomly generated scalar which is used to prevent deaggregation of a transaction.

1.2.5 Stealth Excess

Each kernel could have an associated stealth excess (prunable beyond horizon), which is composed of:

  • a reference to a kernel in the transaction: λ = (s||f||E||ψ)
  • stealth excess E' = e'*G where e' is randomly generated
  • a signature φ, valid under verification key E' and message λ

1.2.6 Offsets

A transaction must also have 2 associated offsets(scalars), easily summed when aggregating transactions:

  • a kernel offset t = (Σks - Σkr) - Σe
  • a stealth offset t' = (Σks - Σkr) - Σe'

1.3 Transaction Creation

1.3.1 Output Creation

To create an output for value v to a receiver's stealth address pair (A, B), the sender must:

  1. Randomly generate the sender's keypair (ks, Ks)
  2. Derive the nonce n = HASH16(T_NONCE||ks)
  3. Derive the sending key s = HASH32(T_SEND||A||B||v||n)
  4. Derive the shared secret t = HASH32(T_DERIVE||s*A)
  5. Compute the receiver's one-time public key Kr = B + HASH32(T_RECEIVE||t)*G
  6. Compute the key exchange public key Ke = s*B
  7. Encrypt the value v' = v ^ HASH8(T_VMASK, t)
  8. Encrypt the nonce n' = n ^ HASH16(T_NMASK, t)
  9. Generate the signature ρ for message (v'||n'||Ks||Kr||Ke) using the sender's key ks
  10. Compute the commitment C = v*H + q*G where q = HASH32(T_BLIND, t)
  11. Generate the rangeproof π, proving v < v_max, while also committing to the message (v'||n'||Ks||Kr||Ke||ρ)

1.3.2 Input Creation

Using the receiver private key (kr) of an unspent output, sign a message (message can be empty string).

1.3.3 Kernel & Offset

same as vanilla MW...need to document

1.3.4 Stealth Excess & Offset

similar to kernel...need to document

1.4 Aggregate Transactions

In the vanilla Mimblewimble protocol, the chain state can be aggregated into a single transaction with no inputs, all historical kernels, and all unspent outputs (the UTXO set).

With our proposal however, inputs are kept until they have been buried under a sufficient amount of PoW. In particular, we define a horizon height h for which all inputs & stealth excesses must be kept, and their signatures verified.

To aggregate multiple transactions together, create a new transaction with the combination of all inputs, all outputs, all kernels, all stealth excesses, and calculate:

  • kernel offset t_agg = Σt (mod p)
  • stealth offset t_agg' = Σt' (mod p)

1.5 Transaction Verification

A transaction (or aggregated transaction) is valid iff:

(1) all input signatures are valid signatures under verification key Kr of the corresponding UTXO
(2) all range proofs are valid, and commit to the associated output data (v'||n'||Ks||Kr||Ke||ρ)
(3) all output signatures ρ are valid under verification key Ks and message (v'||n'||Ks||Kr||Ke)
(4) all kernel signatures ψ are valid under verification key E and message (s||f)
(5) all stealth excess signatures φ are valid under verification key E' and message λ
(6) all kernels referenced (λ) by stealth excesses must be present in the transaction
(7) values are balanced: (ΣC + (Σf - Σs)*H) - ΣC' = ΣE + t*G
(8) stealth excesses are balanced: (ΣKs - ΣKr) = ΣE' + t'*G
(9) all inputs reference valid UTXOs

1.6 Cut-Through

While in vanilla MW, outputs could be cut-through as soon as a block spends them, or for unconfirmed transactions, before ever even being included in a block, our proposal explicitly prevents this.

Cut-through (pruning of spent outputs) does not occur until the spend has occured h blocks in the past (i.e. beyond the horizon). Without knowledge of ks, which only the sender (output originator) knows, neither receiver nor adversarial observer is able to cut-through an output while still balancing the stealth excess equation (8).


Would like to Discuss:

  • Transaction Malleability
  • Consequences of leaking stealth offset t' (Σks - Σkr) in a 1-1 transaction
    • NOTE: LTC's MWEB currently always creates a change output, even if zero-valued, to avoid this and other issues
  • Replay Attacks
    • The best solution I could come up with is to have the inputs include an additional "epoch" field, which is basically an acceptable height range.
  • Receiver Public Key (Kr) reuse
    • Aside from the obvious privacy leak, could this be used to somehow learn kr?
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