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[This portion of call begins at 25:47]

Me: I could make it really easy on you, if you think Apollo is costing you $20 million per year, cut me a check for $10 million and we can both skip off into the sunset. Six months of use. We're good. That's mostly a joke.

Reddit: Six months of use? What do you mean? I know you said that was mostly a joke, but I want to take everything you're saying seriously just to make sure I'm not - what are you referring to?

Me: Okay, if Apollo's opportunity cost currently is $20 million dollars. At the 7 billion requests and API volume. If that's your yearly opportunity cost for Apollo, cut that in half, say for 6 months. Bob's your uncle.

Reddit: You cut out right at the end. I'm not asking you to repeat yourself for a third time, but you legit cut out right at the end. "If your opportunity cost is $10 million" and then I lost you.

RobertAKARobin /
Last active January 5, 2024 05:41
Safari's date-picker is the cause of 1/3 of our customer support issues

Safari's date-picker is the cause of 1/3 of our customer support issues

...and obviously we're building a workaround. But I'm absolutely flabbergasted that a standard <input type="date"> HTML field, in a standard browser, from a company that bases its reputation good design, could be so dreadful.

The context

I'm the developer for a startup that sells a genetic test to recommend medications for high blood pressure. For medical reasons we need to know our customers' birth date. Most of our customers are in their 60s or older. We've found that many of them use iPads or iPhones. And they're the ones who complain to our customer support that our site is unusable.

The problem

Elon Musk's suspension reversals

The tables below show notable Twitter suspension reversals for each day since Elon Musk took over as owner and CEO.

All dates indicate when the suspension or reversal was detected, and the actual suspension or reversal may have been earlier. For most English-language accounts with large followings, this lag will generally not be longer than a few hours, but for accounts that have a small number of followers or that are outside the networks we are tracking, the difference can be larger, and in some cases an account on the list may have had its suspension reversed before 27 October 2022. These dates will get more precise as we refine the report.

Because of these limitations, this report should be considered a starting point for investigation, not a definitive list of suspension reversals.

RobertAKARobin /
Last active May 25, 2024 05:30
Python Is Not A Great Programming Language