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Travis Brown travisbrown

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travisbrown / europa-retweeters.csv
Last active October 10, 2024 14:28
Accounts retweeting Kim Dotcom's post promoting neo-Nazi propaganda film Europa: The Last Battle
Twitter ID Screen name Followers Blue Previous screen names
611986351 KimDotcom 1706090 true
1288319695658135552 realstewpeters 679053 true
767960339547774976 BasedTorba 446110 true getongab, SmashIdols, HiPics90, BasedTitus70AD, revelation17_14, John8_39to47, ReadGabNews, JoinGabNow
3373146857 GeromanAT 255843 true
176665423 alpharivelino 224404 true
1166366182569598976 SolBrah 223834 true Bronzegroyper1, ranaaere
860544959920750593 Red_Pill_US 195827 true La_Dolce_Vita7
951302891708583936 TheRISEofROD 175031 true
2244134066 clif_high 151411 true

John Hollins

According to LinkedIn: "San Diego, California, United States / Birthday: September 10"

Wall Street Apes

  • Twitter ID: 1099579684981944320
  • Screen names: @WallStreetApes, @riggedgov, @seccomplicit, @realjohnhollins

The Twitter account was not anonymous as recently as August 2021, when the profile included Hollins's name and location, but Hollins seems to be trying to separate his online identities, and a Google search for "john hollins" and "wall street apes" currently has no relevant results.

Twitter ID Screen name Display name Followers Withheld
2804949532 GFiuza_Oficial Guilherme Fiuza 1861409 BR
33520195 Rconstantino Rodrigo Constantino 1658024 BR
242967720 monark ♔ Monark 1482887 BR
790707482515628033 realpfigueiredo Paulo Figueiredo 1398798 BR
955586323452219393 PATRlOTAS Patriotas 1006271 BR
81836518 DaviSacer Davi Sacer 613557 BR
2886474167 tercalivre Terça Livre 545840 BR
1253183357711790080 TerraBrasilnot Terra Brasil Notícias 432672 BR
1169664359628509184 laderechadiario La Derecha Diario 406441 BR
travisbrown /
Last active September 16, 2024 04:55
Tweets by Christopher Roach
  • 19 September 2020: What about social distancing?
  • 19 September 2020: “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year.” Ruth Bader Ginsberg (in support of confirming Merrick Garland in Obama's last year in office).
  • 19 September 2020: I literally came in my pants seeing you that time. Did you notice?
  • 19 September 2020: Expect ten George Floyd style funerals for RBG this week.
  • [19 September 2020](https://web.archive.o

"Rod Stryker"

Context from Media Matters:

The account Trump promoted is filled with extremist content, including claims that "Jews have been capitalizing on n*****s for thousands of years"; "Adolf Hitler was right"; and the Holocaust was "the Holohoax. 6 Million never happened."

Elon Musk has also replied to and liked tweets from the account, which currently has 169,501 followers on X.


Twitter ID Last seen before First seen Last seen First seen reversed Screen name Follower count
2804949532 2023-01-04 2023-01-04 2024-09-01 2024-09-01 GFiuza_Oficial 1862766
33520195 2022-12-30 2022-12-31 2024-09-01 2024-09-01 Rconstantino 1639419
242967720 2023-01-13 2023-01-14 2024-09-01 2024-09-01 monark 1463791
790707482515628033 2022-12-30 2022-12-31 2024-09-01 2024-09-01 realpfigueiredo 1372862
955586323452219393 2023-01-13 2023-01-21 2024-09-01 2024-09-01 PATRlOTAS 1002159
1385599766558650377 2022-08-22 2022-08-26 2024-08-30 2024-08-31 LucianoHangBr 824329
81836518 2023-01-10 2024-09-01 2024-09-01 DaviSacer 613308
2886474167 2022-12-17 2024-09-01 2024-09-01 tercalivre 536865
1253183357711790080 2024-04-09 2024-04-13 2024-09-01 2024-09-01 TerraBrasilnot 432072
travisbrown / withheld.csv
Created August 31, 2024 16:34
Top 10k accounts currently withheld by X in specific countries (by follower count)
Twitter ID Screen name Follower count Countries
1416409822459617282 NarumonThamma 4181508 ID
352184105 GovtofPakistan 3164184 IN
1499007458257166341 ntatmii 3148861 ID
72525490 vesti_news 2925074 AT;BE;BG;CY;CZ;DE;DK;EE;ES;FI;FR;GR;HR;HU;IE;IT;LT;LU;LV;MT;NL;PL;PT;RO;SE;SI;SK
1077897307603984388 Kimayaagatta 2752246 ID
721595524944654336 Vdsxx1 2748426 ID
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
Twitter ID,Screen name,Follower count,Countries


  1. The Atlantic publishes an article about race science.
  2. One of the people mentioned complains about being mischaracterized, lies about what he's written.
  3. The magazine immediately publishes a "correction" that repeats his lies.

It took me about 10 minutes to find and copy-paste the deleted tweets quoted in the third section below, which are only a fraction of the relevant things he's said.

The Far Right Is Becoming Obsessed With Race and IQ

travisbrown / 1820049081156456913.json
Created August 5, 2024 16:46
Tweet by noble_x_x_
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