Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 31 July 2023: Wtf is this??? Someone explain this.Isalin ang Tweet
- 29 July 2023: Make no mistake, Travis Scott is one of THEM.
- 22 July 2023: I've never seen a more sick individual. This disgusting excuse for a human being wasn't just trying to have sx with a child, but trying to give that child crystal mth. DON'T FEEL BAD FOR THIS SICKO, he immediately plays the victim card. Worth watching until the end, this idiot crashes his car trying to run and then is arrested at the end.
- 20 July 2023: This was too funny.
- 12 July 2023: I keep seeing these videos. They do not want people to watch #SoundOfFreedom. So obvious about it as well. Either the AC is out and the lights remain on, or there is technical difficulties with the film.
- 7 July 2023: Steve-O’s tattoo is 100% real, and his reasoning for it is a bs excuse.
- 28 June 2023: These people are sick. Disney has a pedo problem. This was hard to watch..
- 24 June 2023: This is Matt Smith, known for his role in House of the dragon. He causally mentions the time he met King Charles, it sounds like they talked about being part of the red shoes club. Apparently King Charles has been in the club for 35 years. Is this just an innocent conversation, or is it something more sinister?
- 4 June 2023:
- 4 June 2023: Thank you!! I definitely spent some time on this
- 3 June 2023:
- 3 June 2023:
- 3 June 2023:
- 3 June 2023: It’s no secret that the Haitian people dislike the US, and for good reason. We stripped them of precious metals, lined our pockets with money that was suppose to be used for relief, and kidnapped and trafficked the children of their nation. Jobs and homes were promised and never delivered. Never forget what the Clintons did to Haiti.Oversett tweeten
- 3 June 2023: Prior to the earthquake, below are correspondence between Cheryl Mills and Kali Jones. Cheryl Mills was Hillary Clinton’s counselor and Chief Of Staff. The Clintons had their eyes on Haiti and planned to take advantage of the country before the natural disaster even occurred!
- 3 June 2023: Why was Silsby trying to take the children to the Dominican republic, and why is it a problem? Hillarys email correspondence from 2009 highlights the fact that Haitian women and children are trafficked to the Dominican Republic for forced labor and sexual exploitation. See below.
- 3 June 2023: The answer is the Dominican Republic. Where Silsby didn’t even have proper documentation nor a permanent facility for the children to live in. Silsby’s solution was to put the children up in hotel rooms that her organization leased. Silsby publicly stated she received all documentation to transport Haitian children to the DR but Dominican Republic consul general, Carlos Castillo, stated in an interview he met with Silsby and told her she would be arrested if she attempted to traffic children over the border as she was not granted the permits to do so.Traduire le Tweet
- 3 June 2023: Out of the 33 children she was “arranging illegal travel” for. All of them had close relatives or even parents still alive. So why did she take them? Officials of the orphanages stated in investigations that Silsby and her assistant Charisa Coulter visited prior to the earthquake even occurring! Where did Silsby plan on taking them?
- 3 June 2023: Let’s talk about how the MSM covered up the entire thing. Many already know of Silsby and what she did, but why is it so hard to research? Why was she convicted of “arranging illegal travel” under a 1980 statute restricting movement out of Haiti and not for child trafficking?… Show more
- 3 June 2023: She now goes by a different name, which will be redacted from the thread so I won’t be “doxing” her information. The last tweet will be attached by whoever wants to inform us of who she is now. H/T to whoever that may be. Laura Silsby now works for Alert Sence under her new name.… Show more
- 3 June 2023: AlertSense is an emergency alert system that provides notifications for a variety of emergencies, including severe weather, natural disasters, and public safety incidents. It uses the same software as amber alert.
- 3 June 2023: She was booked and processed by the Haitian government where she was trialed and served only 6 months of jail time. Bill and Hillary Clinton intervened and helped free Silsby. Not only freed but rewarded with a job? Where?
- 3 June 2023: Laura Silsby is a convicted and proven child trafficker, and thanks to leaked emails we know she had ties directly to the Clintons. Below are correspondence linking the Clintons to the New Life Children’s Refuge which was founded by Laura Silsby.
- 3 June 2023: So now that we raised and stole all the easy money, let’s get started with the real money. Between sex trafficking and child labor, this business is 150 billion dollars annually. (This is the number that THEY tell us). With millions of victims around the globe, this business is… Show more
- 3 June 2023: The Clinton crime family recognized the potential to mine untouched gold in Haiti and along the Dominican Republic border. With a potential to excavate approximately 20 billion dollars worth of gold deposits in Haiti and an additional 40 billion from the Dominican Republic… Show more
- 3 June 2023: That money never helped the people of Haiti.
- 3 June 2023: From the surface, this fund raising seems to be an honorable and wonderful thing to do for the people of Haiti, but let’s follow the money. Where did it go? From my findings, $580 million went to the Haitian government and $36.2 million went to local Haitian organizations. Where… Show more
- 3 June 2023: The Clintons seen a golden opportunity to strike. With help from the Bush family, they launched the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. This, individuals donors, companies and pledges from international donors helped raise over $13 billion. We are not only going to talk about the child trafficking but the over all cash grab from this horrific event and the absolute corruption.
- 3 June 2023: On January 12th 2010 an earthquake hit the capital city of Port-au-Prince in Haiti. Killing an estimated 230k people and “displaced” 1.5m. The 7.0 magnitude earthquake was one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.
- 3 June 2023: Thread alert 🚨 The Clintons involvement in the destruction of Haiti.
- 28 May 2023: What is the point in responding to this?
- 5 May 2023: Ai is biased. Very interesting.
- 12 September 2022: RT @redpilledasfuck: Never forget. Bush did 9-11. #911NeverForget #911Anniversary
- 31 August 2022:
- 24 August 2022: I went to the military to goto college. So do I get 10k cash? Because that’s only fair.
- 21 August 2022: Someone must of left the gate open, the cows are getting out of the field.
- 20 August 2022:
- 16 August 2022:
- 16 August 2022:
- 15 August 2022:
- 13 August 2022: Cringe as fuck
- 12 August 2022: Trump will not goto jail, and when he doesn’t. I’ll say I told you so… then he will run in 2024 and win. Just wait.
- 12 August 2022: Bro what? Who even are you?
- 12 August 2022: He kept things any President would still have. He’s not going to jail. Watch.
- 12 August 2022: So when Trump doesn’t goto jail, will people realize that the government is corrupt and pulling shit out of their ass to prevent him from being president? How many attempts do they need before people realize?
- 12 August 2022:
- 12 August 2022:
- 10 August 2022:
- 9 August 2022: Of losing their jobs.
- 9 August 2022:
- 9 August 2022: Biden is the most popular politician of all time, you are right. Trump gains 10 million more votes then he did in his first election. Yet loses to Joe. Makes perfect sense. Even know there is mountains of evidence. Can’t accept the fact that the government is beyond corrupt.
- 9 August 2022: You libtards are broken records. Even when they found evidence that antifa was involved. Trump didn’t tell them to do it.
- 9 August 2022: Lost in a rigged election, great work.
- 9 August 2022: Those who know, know. The government is too powerful and they are doing everything in their power to prevent trump from running again. They are afraid.
- 9 August 2022: The government is completely weaponized to fight against all that oppose it’s mighty power. No matter your political beliefs, the government has too much power and you should be worried. From rigged elections to using the justice system to create fake news to further brainwash.
- 9 August 2022: I’m sure this will lead to something big… just like his collusion with Russia. That definitely led to his arrest. Oh wait it didn’t.
- 9 August 2022: Didn’t they investigate that his entire presidency and found nothing? How did he lead a insurrection? I didn’t know he told them to do that. Same time didn’t they find proof that antifa was involved in Jan 6? Sorry for leaning toward bs on this raid… you are the problem.
- 5 August 2022: So calling COVID the China virus is bad but calling another virus Monkey pox is okay. I’m confused.
- 16 July 2022: Easily my top 5 least favorite people. From side hoe to Joes hoe.
- 9 July 2022: True American
- 9 July 2022: @Liz_Wheeler Not a good look.
- 9 July 2022: And killing the environment themselves.
- 9 July 2022: Ground zero for the NWO
- 3 May 2022: FINALLY got on truth! Go follow ya boy!
- 29 April 2022: Can you see this?
- 29 April 2022: Hey, @elonmusk should buy YouTube and put the dislike button back.
- 29 April 2022: So are all my frens coming back?
- 29 April 2022: He bought Twitter so he could come out as conservative and not get canceled. I like it.
- 28 April 2022: Bring trump back then
- 26 April 2022: So is Twitter cool again?
- 10 April 2022: Biden gave us YouTube videos without a dislike button.
- 1 April 2022: Anyone have a good connection for vaccine cards? Like extremely good vaccine cards?
- 26 February 2022: The more I see of the terror that is sweeping Ukraine, the more angry I am that we are not helping. It’s sad. I wish we could help them. Biden is a absolute joke. This would of never happen under Trumps administration.
- 30 October 2021: No matter what the outcome was for the 2020 presidential election, we have an obligation to vote. Please vote, please remove Biden from power. Please give this country one more chance. One more chance is all we need. #LetsGoBrandon
- 30 October 2021: We have one more chance to bet it all on Trump in 2024. I wish with all my heart he could of done more before then. I’m stuck believing it was all a plot to divide and conquer further to push a greater agenda. But that agenda has to stop with us!
- 30 October 2021: But if he doesn’t.. it really only falls into our hands as Americans. No one can save us but us. No doubt in my mind, Trump opened a lot of eyes to the corruption and foul play within our countries politics. But if nothing is done about it, nothing will change.
- 30 October 2021: Makes you think. Why would Trump create Operation warp speed? Why would he stand by while the election was stolen right from underneath him? Maybe he had no choice. Maybe there is still hope he is going to save this country.
- 30 October 2021: There is definitely a bigger plan at play, the fact that we rid our military of all freethinkers (due to mandatory vaccines) the fact that the 2020 election was fraudulent and nothing has been done about it. The fact that the one man I thought would change things didn’t, really
- 30 October 2021: I still like Trump. I still have high hopes for this countries future. Obviously I hate Biden. But deep down inside I feel like it’s all a facade. So many things have me thinking one way when I always thought the other. Something tells me that things will never change.
- 23 September 2021:
- 4 September 2021:
- 29 August 2021:
- 22 August 2021: I’m sorry but if Trumps son smoked crack and had sextapes, I would not support him. Guess I have standards or something…
- 19 August 2021:
- 15 August 2021: I’m finally up on my doge. Let’s go.
- 15 August 2021: Impeach @JoeBiden
- 15 August 2021: 99 cooking and 99 strength. Iykyk.
- 1 August 2021:
- 7 July 2021: I’m never getting the vaccine. Are you?
- 2 July 2021: Link don’t work
- 2 July 2021:
- 28 June 2021: Jokes on him. All you have to do is smoke weed for this look.
- 27 June 2021: What’s up chad I’m Karen
- 27 June 2021: Really testing the waters with this one.
- 27 June 2021: Biden is a pedo
- 22 June 2021: Shocker
- 20 June 2021: Happy Father’s Day to all you wonderful fathers out there.
- 19 June 2021: I just want some first gen Pokémon cards. That’s it.
- 18 June 2021: Whahhhhhh?
- 18 June 2021: Gotta use honey too.
- 18 June 2021: 🧢
- 17 June 2021: Shocker
- 17 June 2021: I didn’t realize he was a giant.
- 17 June 2021: Who is a stock market guru? Would love some assistance.
- 15 June 2021: Reinstate Trump. Now.
- 14 June 2021:
- 12 June 2021: LOL
- 12 June 2021: Imagine thinking this was a legit election. Imagine thinking Biden isn’t destroying this country. Imagine thinking Trump was a horrible President. Imagine thinking MSM has your best interest in heart. Just imagine.
- 9 June 2021: Do not come.
- 9 June 2021: Soon.
- 8 June 2021: Trump won
- 29 May 2021: Don’t forget why you have a 3 day weekend this weekend. Never forget the fallen. Til Valhalla.
- 27 May 2021: When the edible kicks in.
- 27 May 2021: Obama is still a traitor.
- 26 May 2021: I was just thinking imagine if George Floyd was white and white people cared this much about a criminal.
- 16 May 2021: Random. But still super pissed about the ending of game of thrones. It will forever bother me. We deserve better.
- 3 May 2021: I miss Trump.
- 22 April 2021: They will wear a mask and not a condom. That’s the world we live in.
- 22 April 2021: They’ll ware a mask and not a condom. That’s the world we live in.
- 20 April 2021: Guilty, but we will still see the bs unfold.
- 18 April 2021: Change my twitter up. What’s up?
- 18 April 2021: I guess so. Guess it’s time I post actual pictures.
- 18 April 2021: This is my 1st........
- 18 April 2021: Those days??? I’ve been going hard for ever now and I’m just now experiencing this?
- 18 April 2021: Twitter keeps asking for my number. It’s complete bs....
- 8 April 2021: How much parmesan cheese do you have to smoke to get high? Asking for a friend.
- 8 April 2021: Screw it, I’m getting the vaccine......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sike! I lied!
- 7 April 2021: I’m still here guys. Remember God is good.
- 7 April 2021: I be busy. Life is rough but God is good.
- 7 April 2021:
- 20 March 2021: Maybe I’m behind but has anyone noticed. That the rapper that I happen to love the most and that supports our President has a 17 tatted on his face? Anyone?
- 20 March 2021: Just seen a T-shirt that says my rights don’t end where your feelings begin, and that shit hit hard.
- 13 March 2021: Gas is over 3 dollars and some worry about the sex of a potato. Crazy world we live in.
- 13 March 2021: I honestly feel like it will be. Has to be. It’s to obvious at this point.
- 13 March 2021: Gonna be a wild day when all the “Q people” ended up right all along.
- 4 March 2021: This is a good friend of mine. If you are into this kind of thing. Check him out. Check out 👾Steve TV👾 Season 2 Ep. 51. !giveaway in chat ( Kappageddon ) tomorrow Punisher application video
- 20 February 2021: I’m beginning to I think it’s deeper than just child trafficking...... a lot is happening. There is a bigger secret that they’re trying to keep... obviously though right?
- 20 February 2021: I’m begging to I think it’s deeper than just child trafficking...... a lot is happening. There is a bigger secret that they’re trying to keep...
- 20 February 2021: I’m acting a fool tonight.
- 20 February 2021: If the government isn’t corrupt, why the hell are these 3 so friendly? Why do they all hate DJT? I’ll tell you why. Bill is a rapist. George did 9/11. And Obama loves hot dog parties. Simple.
- 20 February 2021: Im inspired and will be using this haha
- 20 February 2021: My goofy self had a typo lol
- 20 February 2021: Also the government is definitely controlling the weather in Texas. I said what I said.
- 20 February 2021: Opppsssss
- 20 February 2021: Also the government is definitely controlling the whether in Texas. I said what I said.
- 20 February 2021: Biden is a fraud.
- 20 February 2021: Biden has never stepped foot in the real Oval Office. The photo on the right is from the show “The scandal” I guess they changed the wallpaper...... naw @PepeLeTrump
- 20 February 2021: I might get banned tonight.
- 20 February 2021: Yo why is Biden in the office from the Netflix show the scandal. I’m about to drop some shit. Get ready.
- 16 February 2021: God is good. All the time.
- 13 February 2021:
- 13 February 2021:
- 13 February 2021: It’s still habbening. I never lost faith just been busy. A lot of shady stuff has been happening.
- 12 February 2021: When you get pulled over for a DUI, just tell the officer you will circle back to them and you will be free to go.
- 1 February 2021: We haven’t finished yet.
- 1 February 2021:
- 26 January 2021: How much longer do we have to pretend Biden is president?
- 23 January 2021: But I am blocking you because I’m petty
- 23 January 2021: I’m not going anywhere
- 23 January 2021: Lol this is cute. Glad I have fans
- 22 January 2021: Biden isn’t a President he is more of a Führer in my opinion.
- 21 January 2021:
- 20 January 2021: Never forget.
- 20 January 2021: That’s how it feels right now.
- 20 January 2021: I’m not, just odd
- 20 January 2021: I think we have just today. If it doesn’t happen it’s over
- 20 January 2021: So this is it..?
- 20 January 2021: #NotMyPresident
- 20 January 2021: Bernie is mad because he beat Joe.
- 20 January 2021: Sorry Biden more Americans died in WW2. Your inauguration speech is fear mongering garbage.
- 20 January 2021: Not my President.
- 20 January 2021: Let’s hope this goes as planned.
- 20 January 2021: Lady Gaga is going to sing the National anthem. What a disgrace.
- 19 January 2021: Twitter doesn’t hit like it use too.
- 19 January 2021: My days are numbered here.
- 19 January 2021: Guys please rt and go follow me on gab!
- 18 January 2021: @JuliansRum_ are you actually Julian?
- 18 January 2021: They also got my boy @derf_famous again...
- 18 January 2021: Wtffff
- 18 January 2021: They got my brother @Jhomes551 :(
- 17 January 2021:
- 17 January 2021: More to come?
- 17 January 2021: If some how Biden gets a chance to take his oath. I bet 1000$ he messes it up.
- 17 January 2021: Make sure he doesn’t grope and sniff him
- 17 January 2021: The people did not elect Joe Biden.
- 16 January 2021: My bro @1Pepocrates7 sent me this. Give him a follow.
- 16 January 2021: I mean honestly this article does make alotttttt of sense.
- 16 January 2021: It’s now or never tho honestly. Either This is right or we are doomed.
- 16 January 2021: Nice catch. I still would like to believe this is habbening.
- 16 January 2021: I’ve seen them be right before and it honestly makes a lot of sense.
- 16 January 2021: I’m thinking yes because it’s something that is going to happen...
- 16 January 2021: Here’s a boom.
- 16 January 2021: Bye bye
- 16 January 2021: I don’t usually block people but...
- 15 January 2021: It’s a day old...
- 15 January 2021: President Trump addressing Marines, he loves us and we love him too.
- 15 January 2021: Thank you.
- 15 January 2021: Her face is screaming “Please shut up!”
- 15 January 2021: What is President Trumps favorite number?
- 15 January 2021: Joe should be in jail for this alone. This is sexual assault on a CHILD. This man will never be President. This is clear video evidence of said act. LOCK EM UP!
- 15 January 2021: We did not choose you Joe.
- 15 January 2021: If you ever thought this movement wasn’t real. Here you go.
- 15 January 2021: Get ready folks. Rt this and share!
- 15 January 2021: POTUS will declass documents regarding Obamagate. Get ready. The shows about to start.
- 14 January 2021: Hunter Biden still did what he did. Like father like son. The people know.
- 14 January 2021: Just Incase you forgot, Trump won the election.
- 14 January 2021:
- 14 January 2021: God is good.
- 14 January 2021: Follow ya boy 👋
- 13 January 2021: I’m just here for the ride. We won. Don’t forget that.
- 12 January 2021: What is twitters problem... give us a break...
- 11 January 2021: Gab is still running slow, it can’t take the huge spike in users. My time here may come an end any moment now. Please follow me on gab!
- 10 January 2021: Wonder how the world will feel when it turns out these “crazy” 17 people were right..?
- 10 January 2021: You probably think Trudeau is good guy too huh? Just curious.
- 10 January 2021: Nazi talk.
- 10 January 2021: Funny, how warped are you? You think because someone has conservative views they should be in prison. You would of made a great nazi if you were a German during hitlers era. You are a true victim of MK Ultra.
- 10 January 2021: Parler is now banned from the apple store. This is communism at its finest. This “either think like us or don’t think at all” mentality will be the destruction of our great nation. We the people have had enough.
- 10 January 2021: I’m @pizzapepe on gab and @realpizzapepe on parler. I am the only Pizza Pepe.
- 10 January 2021: The purge comes in waves. Another one just hit.... how long until we are all gone?
- 10 January 2021: I love @catturd2 you should love catturd too.
- 10 January 2021: Zinger!
- 10 January 2021: I got 5k back, can I get back to 6k now?
- 10 January 2021: @theKJDaw Yeah.... because let’s impeach a guy who is leaving office shortly. FYI. He’s not leaving office and DC is in panic.
- 10 January 2021: Bet*
- 10 January 2021: @LeinFrog I’d be willing to be her brother never served a day in his life, let alone in a combat zone.
- 10 January 2021: Yup. Two idiots.
- 10 January 2021: I think her brother is a discredit to the movement.
- 10 January 2021: Marine is capitalized, Marines are not soldiers. Have some respect.
- 10 January 2021: Donald Trump is and will remain the President of the United States.
- 9 January 2021: @redpilledasfuck 👋👋
- 9 January 2021: RT @PepeRevere17: 🚨REBUILD BOOSTER🚨 Drop your handle and RT Follow all who Like and RT and watch your account grow. 🇺🇲…
- 9 January 2021: The man, the legend.
- 9 January 2021: “The next 12 days will be something to tell the grandchildren! It’s 1776 all over again!”
- 9 January 2021: Please rt this! These are must follows. Just trust me! @KeksQuatch @BrownChicka1 @QhroniK @lm10647324
- 9 January 2021: Storm may be down but there is this guy I know. @KeksQuatch you should give him a follow. ;)
- 9 January 2021: Storm down! :(
- 9 January 2021: Um, that’s the point of the name.
- 9 January 2021: This Pizza frog is in it til the end. Can I get a rt and a follow to help gain back what I lost? We all took a big hit. Love you guys!
- 9 January 2021: Already did. 💪💪
- 9 January 2021: When you survive the twitter purge.
- 9 January 2021: Please go follow me on gab! please rt this as well.
- 9 January 2021: The storm will hit hard then a twisted tea.
- 9 January 2021: #NewProfilePic
- 9 January 2021: Many good frens have fallen today. Do not forget them!
- 9 January 2021: Yes it has.
- 9 January 2021: This is what Biden would want, people like us to shut our mouths and go away. But we won’t.
- 9 January 2021:
- 9 January 2021: They already made it delete his tweet
- 9 January 2021:
- 9 January 2021: They are nuking us all. My feed is very quite.
- 9 January 2021: I’m not going anywhere. I’m here until the end.
- 9 January 2021:
- 9 January 2021: Are you ready for the storm?
- 7 January 2021: If you are okay with this, idk what to tell you. This is a direct attack on our 1st Amendment right. If the President is victim to this, what makes you think it won’t happen to you.
- 2 January 2021: Jfk jr might not come back but, like I said. You are in for a shock.
- 2 January 2021: I don’t have all the answers. But. Things are happening. Real soon. This week will be very interesting.
- 2 January 2021: You are in for a shock.
- 1 January 2021: Obviously the world hates you. Pretty obvious... pretty obvious...
- 1 January 2021: You have to hit them with the..... and the 🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️
- 1 January 2021: Nahhhh. Biden lost lost.
- 1 January 2021: Lmfaooooo
- 1 January 2021: Brilliant. This deserves way more likes.
- 1 January 2021: Lol fuck em.
- 1 January 2021: Whose drunk on New Years on the breaking911 twitter? Who is it? Reveal yourself.
- 1 January 2021: Thanks for reporting on what’s actually happening. 2020 was a shit year but your content has been wonderful.
- 1 January 2021: Lmao
- 1 January 2021: Happy new year bro.
- 1 January 2021: You don’t get a blue check mark when you report on what’s actually happening.
- 1 January 2021: 2021 will be the year we will never forget. Bigs things are coming! Happy new year!
- 1 January 2021: Happy new year!! 2021 is the year of the patriots! 2021 is our year!
- 31 December 2020:
- 31 December 2020: 2021 will be a wonderful year. I have no doubt in my mind.
- 30 December 2020: Walmart fooked up... #boycottwalmart
- 30 December 2020: @WalmartInc #boycottwalmart
- 30 December 2020: Never going to Walmart again.
- 30 December 2020:
- 30 December 2020: How hot is it.?
- 30 December 2020: I lived in California for 4 years. I would honestly love the heat
- 30 December 2020: Im moving to Florida one day. I’ve made up my mind.
- 30 December 2020: You guys should give @JasonKulp3 a follow. Great patriot and a wonderful friend. Helped me out when it meant the most. Semper fi brother! Rt this if you see this.
- 30 December 2020: Ohhhhhhhhhh maybe we are similar
- 30 December 2020: Well your jar head shape is enough for me to say hey. Idk what you do now?
- 30 December 2020: I have a job that I could never share my political beliefs or opinions and not be anonymous. What about you?
- 30 December 2020: Almost like it’s made up. Huh?
- 30 December 2020: Cut the 2 bands. I agree.
- 30 December 2020: Stop acting like the people don’t deserve stimulus. They do. Just because your head is above water doesn’t mean others are. Give the people what they need. Our government is a joke. Repeal section 230 and give the people stimulus. Simple.
- 29 December 2020:
- 29 December 2020: @Utah_17 welcome back
- 29 December 2020: I can now get a good read off how smart someone is.
- 29 December 2020: Just watched a man pump gas with his mask on. No he didn’t go inside to pay. This shit is getting ridiculous..
- 29 December 2020: What?
- 29 December 2020: No god, no peace. Know god, know peace.
- 29 December 2020: Say it louder for those in the back!
- 29 December 2020: Democrats need to realize if this election isn’t fixed. We will fix it ourselves. It’s in everyone’s best interest to wish justice. The last option is not the one you want. Nor do I.
- 29 December 2020: No there isn’t. You are delusional.
- 29 December 2020: Biden will be the first arrest. Soon.
- 29 December 2020: Lol you are delusional. Biden is a traitor.
- 29 December 2020: Biden will never be President.
- 29 December 2020:
- 29 December 2020: How does it feel to scroll through these comments and see that no one agrees with you...? should tell you something. Biden is a traitor to this nation. The people are awake. He will never be president.
- 29 December 2020: Yes, Biden is a traitor.
- 29 December 2020: You are asleep love.
- 29 December 2020: No. Biden is a threat to national security. Wake up. He didn’t win.
- 29 December 2020:
- 29 December 2020: Not happening. Wake up.
- 29 December 2020: The comment section gives me hope. America is awake.
- 29 December 2020: Wake up already. Biden didn’t win and hunter is a sick person. Stop sleeping.
- 29 December 2020: You will never be President.
- 29 December 2020:
- 28 December 2020: My bad
- 28 December 2020: @noahbenjamin so what’s suppose to happen today?
- 28 December 2020: Fooked...
- 28 December 2020: Call me crazy but what if the vaccine is giving folks Bell’s palsy so that people will continue to wear a mask and cover up what the condition has done to them so they can look normal. Complete control?
- 28 December 2020: Just seen some lady sitting all by herself at the coffee shop. Over 30 feet away from anyone putting her mask on and off in between drinking her coffee. Idk why that made me so upset, but it did.
- 28 December 2020: My fellow Americans...
- 27 December 2020: Say no to the vaccine.
- 27 December 2020:
- 27 December 2020: This was a terrorist attack. Plain and simple. Planned. Well executed. What was the target? What were they trying to cover up? Aftermath of Nashville.
- 27 December 2020: I’ve been laying low. Too many nukes. Hold the line guys.
- 27 December 2020: Epstein didn’t kill himself
- 26 December 2020: Lol no he won’t
- 26 December 2020: Oh he will.
- 26 December 2020: This guy will never be President.
- 26 December 2020: This guy will never be president
- 26 December 2020:
- 26 December 2020: Sheep. Biden didn’t win shit.
- 26 December 2020: The FBI doesn’t do much of anything nowadays. Js.
- 26 December 2020: Why biden...? That fuck isn’t going to be President..
- 25 December 2020: Merry Christmas!!!
- 25 December 2020: LG&E cut my moms power tonight. Said fuck our festive activities. Not because she was late or behind on a payment. Idk why, shitty move on their end.
- 25 December 2020: LG&E cut my moms power tonight. Said fuck our festive activities. Not because she was late or behind on a payment. Idk why, shitty move on there end.
- 24 December 2020: Someone forgot our weapons safety rules lol. Merry Christmas!
- 24 December 2020: Merry Christmas to you, merry Christmas to our troops overseas. I know what it’s like to miss holidays so special thank you to the folks defending our freedom. God bless.
- 24 December 2020: Bruh, drop the Russia shit. Give it up.... why don’t we talk about Biden and China... that is actually real.
- 24 December 2020: Merry Christmas everyone! Quick question. Did the Pence card get play?
- 24 December 2020: I’m not 30 but my evening snack consist of ibuprofen as well.
- 23 December 2020: Dm a quick question
- 23 December 2020: Take a seat. Trump did a good thing. Trumps done a lot of good for this country. I know it’s hard for you little mind to understand.
- 23 December 2020: Imagine thinking pelosi is a good person.
- 23 December 2020: Wrong. The dems shoves a lot of bs in the bill that is why trump demanded this instead. The dems are crooked. The republicans are crooked. Trump said enough was enough.
- 23 December 2020: Sorry but he is the hero in this. The dems are not.
- 23 December 2020: Agreed? Or demanded that it happen. Maybe stop trying to sneak bs into a 5k page document and stop trying to give money to other countries when the American people should come first. The people know. You are a crook.
- 22 December 2020: I’m getting a lot of boogaloo vibes from my twitter feed.
- 22 December 2020: Probably Bc the military doesn’t work with traitors. Trust me. I know. We haven’t lost our military. It’s stronger then ever.
- 22 December 2020: It’s going to be okay. Jan 6th will be a very interesting day.
- 22 December 2020: Don’t forget the pentagon halted the Biden transition team for a reason.
- 22 December 2020: The goal of the global elite is to control you, make cures illegal, make you unhealthy and make as much money off of you as possible until you die. If you in anyway interrupt their money flow, count your days.
- 22 December 2020: Taking a moment away from social media every once in a while is a very healthy decision.
- 20 December 2020:
- 20 December 2020: Tom is super woke.
- 20 December 2020:
- 20 December 2020: This video is dangerous to (them)
- 20 December 2020: Trump will never concede. Real men don’t bow down to treasonous behavior.
- 20 December 2020: Red pills all around! On me! I’m buying.
- 20 December 2020: Terrible actors.
- 20 December 2020: Lmao
- 20 December 2020: When the storm comes... and it will. I’m going full weatherman mode. ⚡️⚡️⛈🌪☔️☔️
- 20 December 2020: Biden won’t be the 46th President, @tedcruz will.
- 20 December 2020: Patriots. How are you feeling?
- 20 December 2020: My 30 mag is full of red pills.
- 19 December 2020: I’m ready for something to happen. It’s getting about that time.
- 19 December 2020: We the people need stimulus. I wonder how many great Americans are going have a shitty Christmas this year because our government can’t get their shit together. Enough is enough.
- 19 December 2020: Too many sheep. Sheep everywhere.
- 19 December 2020: Give the power back to the people!
- 19 December 2020: I use to look at china and other countries and feel bad for them. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have a corrupt government and a media that would lie to their people. Little did I know I was living in said society governed and controlled by people just as worst.
- 19 December 2020: No one has trust in the vaccine because no one has trust in anything anymore. The media is a lie and the government is a lie. We the people are awake.
- 19 December 2020: This is what bs looks like. Look closely.
- 16 December 2020: Just did a quick, 30 second check on who likes @JoeBiden ’s post. The man buys his likes. Just Incase you weren’t aware. His followers are bs too.
- 15 December 2020: Fake news. Not breaking911. Blocked.
- 15 December 2020: I was thinking to myself. Patriots must feel the same way that the Germans who opposed Hitler did.
- 15 December 2020: Can we get @anonpatriotq to 100k he’s super close!! Retweet this if you see this!
- 15 December 2020: Someone’s mad mommy didn’t pay their phone bill.
- 15 December 2020: Here’s a laugh. These people are stupid.
- 15 December 2020: It’s the attack of the shills.
- 15 December 2020: So many shills on my post. I love it.
- 15 December 2020: #BidenWillNeverBePresident
- 15 December 2020: Looks like #BidenWillNeverBePresident is trending. It would be ashamed if this got rt’ed. Hurry before jack hides the truth again.
- 15 December 2020: Dr Dre is more of a doctor than Jill Biden.
- 14 December 2020: Bill Barr is going to unleash some hell before he resigns on Dec 23. Why wouldn’t you resign after you finish the biggest job of all time? Stop doubting the man..
- 14 December 2020: Spoiler alert 🚨Biden didn’t get 270.
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: I don’t want to jump the gun. But I think Trump might win the EC today.
- 14 December 2020: Information overload..
- 14 December 2020: This rollercoaster movie is getting good huh?
- 14 December 2020: Michigan is messy.
- 14 December 2020: Michigan... what in the hell.?
- 14 December 2020: What is going on?
- 14 December 2020: Declass incoming??
- 14 December 2020: I guess I won’t be sharing hunter Biden photos anymore. I’m back from the lock.
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: You aren’t wrong.
- 14 December 2020: Mark Zuckerberg makes bs companies to intimidate similar company’s so that they will sale out to him. Terrorism at the highest form of marketing and capitalism.
- 14 December 2020: It doesn’t matter, nothing can stop what is coming fren.
- 14 December 2020: Obviously. This goes without saying... just felt like saying it.
- 14 December 2020: This would make me the happiest man on earth. Love you 45!!
- 14 December 2020: Joe Biden is a radical terrorist. Communism at its finest.
- 14 December 2020: We will get that tweet soon.
- 14 December 2020: You literally can’t...
- 14 December 2020: Bro don’t let up. Fight hard. Fight strong. We need you.
- 14 December 2020: Do you think the election was fair and honest?
- 14 December 2020: Well he doesn’t like you
- 14 December 2020: We are stronger then ever in my opinion. We discarded the weak.
- 14 December 2020: @TrumperWavin bro. You are fine. Don’t freak out. This was a good night and a good return. No one was upset about the recycling. Trust me the anons know what’s going on. Pick the battles. Use the older anons to help guide. We have your back.
- 14 December 2020: Imma give you a follow :)
- 14 December 2020: You are good man. No worries. The community doesn’t hate you.
- 14 December 2020: That’s not the problem bro. Trust me. Holler at me if you get a chance.
- 14 December 2020: I’d love to get a chance to further talk to you about it. The community talks. I’d like to give my input.
- 14 December 2020: Dude, the tweets aren’t a problem, pick and choose the battles. Don’t back down either. Be yourself. We all recycle. This tweet is a great start to stepping up.
- 14 December 2020: No doubt, he’s spot on and brilliant. But he failed us.
- 14 December 2020: Idk who needed to hear this, but Ben Shapiro isn’t our friend.
- 13 December 2020: 5 sc judges are good boys?
- 13 December 2020: Wtf is that..?
- 13 December 2020: I can’t wear a mask because I always have a fat lip in.
- 13 December 2020: What’s good :)
- 13 December 2020: It’s only for smart people.
- 13 December 2020: “What number do you want on the jersey sir?” “17. Duh.”
- 13 December 2020: Sick.
- 13 December 2020: Absolutely bro.
- 13 December 2020: Special shout out to @PatriQtSTQRM . This guy is a lot of help and has wonderful insight on a lot of topics. A must follow. Please rt this if you see this!
- 13 December 2020: Nothing can stop what is coming, nothing!
- 13 December 2020: Nothing can stop what is coming, nothing!!!!
- 13 December 2020: We got a banger on our hands right here. 🔥🔊🔥🔊🔥🔊
- 13 December 2020: Just waiting on “The storm is upon us” tweet. It has to be soon.
- 13 December 2020: The shills are in full attack mode.
- 13 December 2020: The same folks were shouting fuck the red coats in 1775. They are not ready for the smoke.
- 13 December 2020: Biden can’t even read.
- 13 December 2020: Here’s a little reminder. 17 is real and nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!
- 13 December 2020: What happen
- 13 December 2020: He on x games mode
- 13 December 2020: They even fight like pussies. Very laughable.
- 13 December 2020: Fuck a mask.
- 13 December 2020: We support you too sir! WWG1WGA!!! For sure will follow him! Thank you for all you do!
- 13 December 2020: Can we get @anonpatriotq to 100k?? Please rt this if you see this!!!!!!
- 13 December 2020: Humble. I’ve been a big fan bro. Lead the people.
- 13 December 2020: Idk who needed to hear this, but Alex Jones isn’t our friend.
- 13 December 2020: I wonder why?
- 13 December 2020: Night made. Thanks for the follow @magninano :)
- 13 December 2020: Would be cool but we are all too classy for such activity.
- 12 December 2020: Absolutely.
- 12 December 2020: Virtual dinner? Imagine paying money for this. Fucking joke.
- 12 December 2020: You will never be President Joe. We didn’t vote for you.
- 12 December 2020: Thank you!
- 12 December 2020: I’m down.
- 12 December 2020: I know a lot of great patriots but I want to thank @SavageDystrophy for being one of the most humble of them all. He’s a great follow and a great fren.
- 12 December 2020: I’m just curious, was fang fang a biter too?
- 12 December 2020: Tell them to not sleep with CCP spies when they get older. What a democrat thing to do. Ask for parenting advice online.
- 12 December 2020: We can now like and rt all those previous post from POTUS. I wonder why they reversed it..?
- 12 December 2020: Bill is in trouble.
- 12 December 2020: The SC turned it down Bc they don’t deal with treason. The Military does. Buckle up.
- 12 December 2020: In the words of POTUS himself! “we have just begun to fight!”
- 12 December 2020: Huh? You think 17 isn’t real?
- 12 December 2020: 17 is real. Better believe it.
- 12 December 2020: Tell us about the storm sir!!!
- 12 December 2020: . @realDonaldTrump needs to declass and make a live video telling the truth. Red pill the hell out of the nation, use the EMS. Buckle up.
- 12 December 2020: Get ready. It’s going to get very interesting.
- 12 December 2020: Shills are in full attack mode. Pay close attention. The DS is panicking.
- 12 December 2020: They are now preventing us from liking or retweeting. Desperation and panic at its finest. @realDonaldTrump
- 12 December 2020: I’m back! Sorry I had to lay low, but quit dooming. It had to be this way. The plan HAS NOT failed. We still have multiple paths to victory. Trust the plan. Thank you to @RPepocrates for the sick return video! Hold the line!
- 12 December 2020: The worlds greatest military will finally get a chance to prove itself. Hang in there patriots. I’m back. See you guys tomorrow.
- 7 December 2020: It will be, but some people will have a hard time accepting the truth. Those people will do bad things. This is because the MSM painted a false narrative for them.
- 7 December 2020: If the end results of the election result in total unrest and has a disastrous outcome. The mainstream media should be held 100% accountable, this will be completely and solely their fault. MSM is only making the red pill harder for folks to swallow.
- 7 December 2020: Yeah I’m calling bs on this as well. I just don’t see it.
- 7 December 2020: @cjtruth @Watergate1000 @SewWhat18 @100PercFEDUP The tweet is gone! What was it?
- 7 December 2020: It’s good to keep a positive mindset right now. If he has it, I’m sure he will be fine. Who knows, he might not even have it and he had to go dark.
- 7 December 2020: Liberal men have never made a women orgasm. This is a fact.
- 7 December 2020: @onlywayoutisin @magninano @POTUS Could still be fake news. A lot of panic is happening right now.
- 7 December 2020: I say fake news
- 7 December 2020: It’s literally not...
- 7 December 2020: Fake news
- 7 December 2020: Fake news.
- 7 December 2020: @RealJamesWoods
- 7 December 2020: Boom
- 6 December 2020: If you look hard enough, it’s easy to see that complete government dependence is the goal. No small business is aloud. We are not aloud to think for ourselves, that’s a no no.
- 6 December 2020: Complete government dependence is the goal.
- 6 December 2020: My pronouns are Apache/attack helicopter.
- 6 December 2020: I think this just means things are about to get interesting
- 6 December 2020: Keep up the fight ma’am! Thank you so much for what you do!
- 6 December 2020: For good reason.
- 6 December 2020:
- 6 December 2020: I call bs. Anyone can test positive for it, with or without the virus.
- 6 December 2020: Or did he...?
- 6 December 2020: Word.
- 6 December 2020: Guilty guilty guilty. I love the comments. She isn’t going to live this down. Hope you like the color orange.
- 6 December 2020: Someone is guilty. I love the comments. She even tried removing some lmao. What a joke.
- 6 December 2020: As American as it gets. Beating a communist with old glory. We the people have had enough.
- 6 December 2020: Beating a communist with an American flag. I love it. You will feel the freedom. One way or another.
- 6 December 2020: Bye bye Biden.
- 6 December 2020: Donald Trump has been fighting for us with all his might. We will do the same for him. Truth will come light. We won this election and soon that will be the reality for everyone and not just us patriots. Keep up the fight!
- 6 December 2020: They did it to @JuliansRum as well.
- 6 December 2020: Soon the MSM will be forced to report on this fraudulent election.
- 6 December 2020: As a wise man once said “Donald Trump is your President, whether you like it or not.” @RealBrysonGray
- 6 December 2020: Semper Fi.
- 6 December 2020: We can’t and we won’t.
- 6 December 2020: Can I buy and strap bottle rockets to them???!
- 6 December 2020: They say he wants to undermine our election, obviously he doesn’t.
- 6 December 2020: I use to work sundays. So glad I don’t anymore.
- 5 December 2020: Absolutely! Except people with Biden stickers.
- 5 December 2020: Me toooooo! Let’s hope!
- 5 December 2020: Those who like this man will believe anything.
- 5 December 2020: I have a good feeling about today. I feel like a boom will occur at this rally. Good news awaits us.
- 5 December 2020: I call complete bullshit. Picture what he said in your head... a grown ass man chasing a dog to try to grab his tail..? he called a hallway an alley? What are you talking about Joe. Liars tend to share false details. Joe is a liar.
- 4 December 2020: Obviously you are not.
- 4 December 2020: Imagine being from New York and thinking trump is a bad guy. When your mayor is literally shitting down your neck. Imagine being a democrat after experiencing what they do first hand. Go fuck yourself.
- 4 December 2020: You must love riding my dick.
- 4 December 2020: Why, because trump will be sworn in again? Me too.
- 4 December 2020: Override these nuts
- 4 December 2020: I made you look pretty dumb last time, you sure you wanna do this...?
- 4 December 2020: What L?
- 4 December 2020: Very disappointed in you. I thought you were president material. I was wrong.
- 4 December 2020: Should of told him that he could take it but it had to be off your ball sack.
- 4 December 2020: We will soon win sir!
- 3 December 2020: #BidenCheated2020
- 3 December 2020: I’m good. You won’t get the chance bro. @BidenInsultBot
- 3 December 2020: If the dems had it their way.
- 3 December 2020: Trump won. Trump will win. Deal with it.
- 3 December 2020: Til Valhalla.
- 3 December 2020: Wasn’t that guy dooming the other week. Talking about Tucker was right? We didn’t forget
- 3 December 2020: @Amir68222333 @thebr0keb0i @Twitter There is no office of the President-Elect. Try turning off the tv
- 3 December 2020: How about you go cry when he wins the election.
- 3 December 2020: If one witness can say they seen you murder someone and you can goto jail for it. I wonder what hundreds of witnesses can accomplish in the court of law.
- 3 December 2020: EViDeNcE iSnT’t eViDeNcE.
- 3 December 2020: This is quite the laugh. Someone isn’t paying attention. That someone is you.
- 3 December 2020: He hasn’t lost anything yet. Someone watches to much tv.
- 3 December 2020: Should be an easy lawsuit. Fb is pretty messed up now adays.
- 3 December 2020: Boom
- 3 December 2020: Did you screen shot?
- 3 December 2020: It’s okay. We will not forget those who failed us.
- 3 December 2020: Yeah. This is weird lol. I got you.
- 3 December 2020: Two things I’m sick of seeing. Biden being called the President-Elect and that masks are required for entry.
- 3 December 2020:
- 2 December 2020: Pepes aren’t racist. We are patriots. It’s simple. Don’t smear the rest of us with your hate.
- 2 December 2020: You can’t sleep cat? Welcome to the club lol ❤️
- 2 December 2020: If you are dooming. I don’t like ya. Hold the line. I guess we forgot what operation mockingbird is...
- 2 December 2020: Dems won’t like what will happen if (they) get away with this. They won’t but I shit you not. They will fucking feel the wrath of lady liberty.
- 2 December 2020:
- 2 December 2020: These following days are going to get quite interesting. Trust the plan.
- 2 December 2020: “They just don’t want us to exaggerate that Trump isn’t leaving office” -Jamie Grangel
- 2 December 2020: Soooo they plan on another terrorist attack. Awesome.
- 2 December 2020: Lmaoo
- 1 December 2020: Shell*
- 1 December 2020: If CNN is on tape saying we have to do our best to make the American people believe there isn’t any fraud or some bomb she’ll like that...! I’m just to excited. This could be a huge win.
- 1 December 2020: CNN is so fooked. I love it.
- 1 December 2020: @Mareq16 @ben_the_patriot @ArmorOfGod13 @RPepocrates @obiwan_qenobi @PepeMatter @PatriQtSTQRM Me too bro. I look so good that it’s painful.
- 1 December 2020: Nice
- 1 December 2020: If Biden won the election, then this is a $100 dollar bill.
- 1 December 2020: “Covid” really separated the men from the boys.
- 1 December 2020: If war comes I’m stacking bodies. Trust me.
- 1 December 2020: Trump wins the national guard shits down the necks of protesters. Trump loses we say fuck the system and protest. We no longer vote. America falls. Maybe war. But trump won’t lose so it doesn’t matter.
- 1 December 2020: Nah. It’s not. I promise
- 1 December 2020: Majority of us have lives and careers. Civil wars sound fun and all but I have to much going for myself to participate. That’s mostly why nothing got burned down. We aren’t children.
- 1 December 2020: Fuck a civil war. How about we win through the legal process. Hold the media accountable. Have them report fairly. Let the national guard take care of the idiots who protest the outcome and we go about our lives. Sound good to you?
- 1 December 2020: Yeah they are the fuel of the lefts bs. It’s sickening.
- 1 December 2020: Yeah. White blm are probably the worst.
- 1 December 2020: I agree but neither are cool. Been arguing with racist pricks lately. Sick of it.
- 1 December 2020: BLM isn’t cool, and skin heads aren’t cool. Screw your racist bs. Follow god and love thy neighbor.
- 1 December 2020: America’s mayor. God bless @RudyGiuliani
- 1 December 2020: China and the Democratic Party are the greatest threats to the United States. I said what I said.
- 1 December 2020: @MaryCof12804247 @PepeRevere17 @derf_famous I’ll ask whatever i want. He was at 43k followers and he is my friend. He releases really good information and amazing threads. Fuck off with you follow back shit. No one has time for it
- 1 December 2020: Ummm for information.... same reason I follow who I follow. It’s not about a follow back. It’s about the information people provide...
- 30 November 2020: Go listen.
- 30 November 2020: I identify as a Attack helicopter. I would like to be addressed as such.
- 30 November 2020: God bless you sir. The truth will surely come to light. We won. Huge.
- 30 November 2020: He’s definitely a good one. He use to be at 43k
- 30 November 2020: Yes
- 30 November 2020: If you aren’t following @derf_famous please do so. His threads upset the shills. #WWG1WGA
- 30 November 2020: Good morning to the most amazing and wonderful people. If you are reading this, you are the best. Keep up the fight.
- 30 November 2020: Go follow @PepeLeTrump . She is good at making memes. Lol
- 30 November 2020: #bidenboot get it trending.
- 30 November 2020: We are.
- 29 November 2020: Just Wait Until The Sheep Learn What [They] Did To Our Children.
- 29 November 2020: Disgusting. Isn’t she being impeached...?
- 29 November 2020: I’ll say it again. The government does not care about us dying. It’s about control.
- 29 November 2020: Men can’t lactate you dumby.
- 28 November 2020: Someone should just tell Biden that concede means you like ice cream.
- 28 November 2020: Biden should just concede and apologize.
- 28 November 2020: The media and big tech are crumbling before our eyes.
- 28 November 2020: It’s starting to look like a victory for @realDonaldTrump
- 28 November 2020: #bidencheated is allowed to trend and now @CNN is admitting the paths to victory for Trump...? Looks like we won.
- 28 November 2020: #bidencheated is aloud to trend and now @CNN is admitting the paths to victory for Trump...? Looks like we won.
- 28 November 2020: #bidencheated #BidenCheated same thing. Kek
- 28 November 2020: Can people still see it? I can’t.
- 28 November 2020: Looks like twatter is hiding it now. #BidenCheated
- 28 November 2020: I think #BidenCheated too.
- 28 November 2020: #bidencheated is trending. Maybe Rt this so it can trend more. I think twitter gave up.
- 28 November 2020: Nah he did.
- 27 November 2020: This is so lovely. Thank you so much. I love you guys.
- 27 November 2020: Biden must be smoking rocks with hunter if he thinks he’s taking our 30 round mags or “any magazine holding multiple bullets”.
- 27 November 2020: My buddy wants you to check out his new twitter. Help him out. @TatumReport
- 26 November 2020: I’m thankful for all my fellow anons. My 1st and 2nd adm. I’m especially thankful for @realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @RudyGiuliani and @SidneyPowell1 . Much love to you all! Hope you have a wonderful day!
- 26 November 2020: This is nazi talk. Stop attacking people’s 1st amd.
- 26 November 2020: @theryldyl good call. I’d delete stupid comments too.
- 26 November 2020: Communism
- 26 November 2020: Dont forget to red pill the heck out of your families today! God bless you all!
- 26 November 2020: Happy thanksgiving bro.
- 26 November 2020: Happy thanksgiving!! 🦃🍽
- 26 November 2020: From what?
- 26 November 2020: Coming soon to a history book near you! The greatest chapter yet! The great awakening!
- 26 November 2020: They have no clue my fren.
- 26 November 2020: Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result
- 26 November 2020: Nevada is the start to something very great! This is far from over!
- 26 November 2020:
- 25 November 2020: It’s almost like people never got sick until covid came around. Never. No sickness. Being sick is a brand new thing recently introduced to the human race.
- 25 November 2020: Trump is still the President, win or lose he is still president until January. Also he won. That’s the tweet.
- 25 November 2020: Be nice to someone today.
- 25 November 2020: The right.... the right wing.... shills. It’s literally us against everyone at this point. We are the news now. This is a fact. We aren’t the right wing. We are the RIGHT wing. Kek.
- 25 November 2020: I love you guys so much and once we win this battle I swear I will turn this into my own personal page and I will proudly show face to you. Don’t worry I will keep the same handle.
- 25 November 2020: I can’t stand people who think they are red pilled but drive their beliefs off hate and ignorance. This isn’t a Jewish thing. This isn’t a black thing. This isn’t a Muslim thing. This isn’t a left thing. THIS is a deepstate thing. Get that through your head. Drop the hate!
- 25 November 2020: There are right wing people who still believe Tucker I mean cucker didn’t sell us up the river. That Trump lost the election. Let that sink in. A lot of people are in for a massive red pill.
- 25 November 2020: Buckle the Fook up.
- 25 November 2020: You fucking wish you shill
- 25 November 2020: My bro @JuliansRum knows.
- 24 November 2020:
- 24 November 2020:
- 24 November 2020: Nothing short of mental illness and child abuse. These people are sick.
- 24 November 2020: It’s not much, but it’s honest work.
- 24 November 2020: Turkey day should be a lot of fun this year.
- 24 November 2020: Post your favorite Joe Biden quote below then rt!
- 24 November 2020: The Electoral College hasn’t met yet. That’s the tweet.
- 24 November 2020:
- 22 November 2020:
- 21 November 2020: The thread machine is back! 3rd times a charm! Please go follow this warrior! Rt this if you see it! @derf_famous
- 20 November 2020:
- 20 November 2020: When someone asks me where my mask is. I simply reply. “I left it at your mothers house” 🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️
- 20 November 2020: . @FrogsForGod you were right, but you are still a little prick who doesn’t know how to talk to people. Work on it.
- 20 November 2020: This is a nation wide mental issue at this point. Turn off the TV.
- 20 November 2020: Bro first you are dooming. Now this.
- 20 November 2020: Fuckkk
- 19 November 2020: Yes it has! Such a wonderful day. I haven’t felt this good in a while.
- 19 November 2020: @obiwan_qenobi yo bro can you dm me.
- 19 November 2020: Fun facts about the number 17.
- 19 November 2020: According to research done by MIT the number 17 is the most common randomly chosen number between 1 and 20. This isn’t a completely random occurrence, either, as MIT has tested this theory a number of times with the same result each time.
- 19 November 2020: Boom.
- 19 November 2020: Everyone feeling great after watching that conference? If you haven’t watch it yet, you need to. Boy are the dems fooked.
- 19 November 2020: Thank you! WWG1WGA!
- 19 November 2020: Taking my pepe!
- 19 November 2020: Imagine being on the side that doesn’t want election transparency while convincing yourself that you’re the good guy.
- 19 November 2020: No one take my pepe!!
- 19 November 2020: It’s looking bad for @JoeBiden
- 19 November 2020: Trump is the elephant in the room full of rhinos and jackasses.
- 19 November 2020: Trump is the only thing standing between us and the NWO.
- 19 November 2020: I’ve always been a conspiracy theorist, I’ve always known Something was up. It took a shutdown and all the free time in the world to actually figure it out. Cue made it all make sense. They messed up big time, red pills have been flying off the shelves since Covid.
- 18 November 2020: If you still believe Covid isn’t a fear tactic used to control the weak, you need to wake up. I’ve never changed the way I live my life. I’m as healthy as ever. Fear is what is unhealthy.
- 18 November 2020: I deleted it. The word nazi is blocked so it just runs a search for flag. Jack is still a nazi tho.
- 18 November 2020: @MajorPatriot Super chill my fren!
- 18 November 2020: Think about this. If there isn’t any foul play with the 2020 election... why slap so many disclaimers on to tweets? If we are wrong. Let the SC prove it. Why waste so much time and effort into discrediting something if it’s false and will be proven false?
- 17 November 2020: Obama was a wonderful President. Democrats love America way more then Republicans. ⓘ 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴.
- 17 November 2020: Joe Biden won the election fair and square. He did not cheat. ⓘ 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴.
- 16 November 2020: I might go dine out tonight. I was thinking maybe...
- 16 November 2020: Shoutout to @beautyonthelolo she is an amazing fren! A highly recommended follow and I’m glad to have her around. Thank you so much for all the help and I hope this tweet finds you well! Cheers!
- 16 November 2020: Sauce
- 16 November 2020: Kamala’s asking for donations to help them fight in court. They know they are going to get spanked. I love the smell of desperation.
- 16 November 2020: Good morning patriots!
- 16 November 2020: Isn’t it weird that only the red pilled know about soros?
- 16 November 2020: I got in trouble today :(
- 15 November 2020: We are going to get through this. Emotions are high. The stakes are high. Hunter is high. But I have complete trust in the plan and our wonderful men and women of our armed forces. This will some day be a crazy story to tell our children and grandchildren. Never give up.
- 15 November 2020: Fuck Fox. Fuck antifa. Fuck Biden. Fuck BLM. Fuck Kamala. Fuck CNN. Fuck you if you don’t love this country.
- 14 November 2020: Please go follow my fren @AnthraxLiberal he was nuked yesterday and we are trying to get him back to where he was! Rt this! Please and ThankQ!
- 14 November 2020: “I learned a lot about roaches” “I love kids jumping on my lap” “clap at that you dumb bastards” - “America’s most famous politician”
- 13 November 2020: Wanna hear a funny joke. Joe flipped 5 states!
- 13 November 2020: And introduce my children to crack. I have to have a crack head son. That’s critical.
- 13 November 2020: And I have to start sniffing children right now.
- 13 November 2020: I’m going to run for President one day, and I plan on doing absolutely nothing to campaign. I’m sure I can get around 80 million votes, easy.
- 13 November 2020: 🚨🚨🚨🚨
- 13 November 2020: They had to. Trump absolutely killed it this election.
- 13 November 2020: They are really about to give Biden 78 million votes and we are just suppose to believe that. Lmao. Why are they still counting? What the media is doing to the American people is very dangerous.
- 13 November 2020: I wonder why she hasn’t..
- 13 November 2020: 10 days is up! Nothing can stop what is coming! Nothing!
- 13 November 2020: Get ready Bidenbros.
- 12 November 2020: If you can’t see the fraud. You either hate America and are playing dumb, or you are in fact dumb. I said what I said.
- 12 November 2020: Tell them Biden is 69k up more then the candidate for senator in Michigan.
- 12 November 2020: There are people still out there that refuse to believe fraud is at play. Could you imagine being that naive?
- 12 November 2020: Nazi calling people nazis. Got it.
- 12 November 2020: Guys, @murray_nyc blocked me. Guess that means I won. Logic over emotions.
- 12 November 2020: I feel a show coming on. Perhaps?
- 11 November 2020: I’m comfy. Can’t lie. It’s great because it’s all panning out the way it should. If you have actually listened to 17 you should know. We know exactly what’s happening. Everything makes sense.
- 11 November 2020: @cjtruth I personally want to thank you and even other anons. 17 has brought me so much closer to god and I said this earlier today as well but it’s true. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and faith. I’ve never prayed so much in my life. We will win this.
- 11 November 2020: If Biden won? Why are they so scared to audit...? We all know know Trump won. He gained 9 million more voters then last time. We rallied behind him more then any president ever. Stop playing with our freedom.
- 11 November 2020: So @JoeBiden really isn’t going to say happy birthday to us. What a loser.
- 11 November 2020: Get ready folks.
- 11 November 2020: I smell panic.
- 11 November 2020: Semper Fi!
- 10 November 2020: As I drink my whiskey in celebration of 245 wonderful years of the Marine Corps existence. I don’t only celebrate our legacy as Marines but I celebrate our victory that is soon to come. Cheers ladies and gentlemen.
- 10 November 2020: @The_oPhillips @PepeLeTrump @beautyonthelolo @theBonnieGayle @ToyMachine998 @RPepocrates @felterbottom @Caleidoscope11 @conquistafren @KostaQ556 @anon_fa_mous @TheRedPillRx @RussTheMad @NapoleonGroyper @ArmorOfGod13 @PatriQtSTQRM @CoralineElise Soy boy says what? How are you going to feel when Biden concedes?
- 10 November 2020: How you guys feeling? Good as Fook?
- 10 November 2020: Panic
- 10 November 2020: At no point in my life have I ever prayed this much or have been this close to god. Never in my life have I ever been so certain there is a god and that he is in full control.
- 9 November 2020: This movie is starting to get really good. A must watch.
- 9 November 2020: So twitter admits a human has the power to make error causing a miscount in votes. This is the best fact check on twitter I’ve seen. So other humans could of never made errors in other states? They just want to slap a label on what the POTUS says to discredit him. Disgusting.
- 8 November 2020: As we venture on this rollercoaster journey.
- 8 November 2020: If you think this ride is hard for anons. Imagine it for our none red pilled Republicans. Buckle up.
- 8 November 2020: Lawsuits incoming. I’m really curious how MSM will try to play this off.
- 8 November 2020: We have not lost. We are not going to lose.
- 8 November 2020: Lie again.
- 8 November 2020: Follow @derf_anon he use to be famous. Also the election process use to be legit. Rt this like your life depends on it. This is an actual rebuild for one of our hardest fighters.
- 7 November 2020: It’s not over til Trump says it is. Booms incoming. Have no fear.
- 7 November 2020: You should follow @PepeLeTrump you also rt this so your frens will follow too. ThankQ.
- 7 November 2020: If we have proof, imagine what they have. It will goto trail. We will win. Big.
- 6 November 2020: Stay strong patriots. Let it play out. We are in control
- 6 November 2020: @MajorPatriot If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. -RR
- 6 November 2020: With this in mind. How can anyone say the United States prefers Biden over Trump.
- 6 November 2020: If you aren’t constantly talking to everyone about how fake this election is. Please start. Spread the word. We HAVE to fight to wake up the nation.
- 6 November 2020: Location is AZ.
- 6 November 2020: Proof. Republican voters being forced to use sharpies instead of ballpoint pens. Please share! Please save! They will not get away with this. They will not win. #stopthesteal #2020Elections
- 6 November 2020: Wanna hear a funny joke. Biden got 4.1 million more votes then Obama did in 08. But it’s exactly that, a joke.
- 6 November 2020: Wow @realDonaldTrump here’s some proof.
- 6 November 2020: Wow @FoxNews just asked Trump if he’s being a sore loser for demanding a fair election. Disgusting!
- 5 November 2020: Unfollow this doomer. He’s not with us and we don’t want him. This is the start to something amazing and if you can’t see that.. idk what to tell you. Stay strong and unfollow this fuck. We have shunned him. @elenochle
- 5 November 2020: Just so we are clear. Trump broke the record for the most voted for candidate, Biden did not. You don’t have both people running in the election break the record. That’s not real life. That’s fantasy land.
- 5 November 2020: I say we completely redo the election. Or just give Trump the win since the dems wanted to cheat. Fraud. Complete fraud.
- 5 November 2020: Well we made it through the night without them declaring a FAKE Biden win. I have high hopes for today.
- 5 November 2020: Hillary Clinton couldn’t beat Obama for the popular vote. But Biden can? By over 6 million votes. Get the fuck out of here.
- 5 November 2020: 71 million votes for Biden. How dumb do they think we are?
- 5 November 2020: Guess I volunteered to be on the front lines of this shit storm. How many times do I have to tell you. We already won. Stop jumping ship. Keep the faith! Trust the plan. Watch the waters. Aka the watermark people. We HAVE won. Pull it together.
- 5 November 2020: I’m honestly ashamed of a lot of you. Have faith. We just assembled a wrecking ball team of lawyers. Trump is going to show you. Cue has never lied to us. This election is obvious fraud and they WILL NOT get away with it. Trust the plan.
- 4 November 2020: @MajorPatriot sir. I’m comfy. This is the key to opening the eyes to the masses. Once we win through fraudulent efforts. We will make the first arrest and then it’s smooth sailing. Patriots should see this as a huge win. Trust the plan. Cue knew, Trump knew. We won. Big.
- 4 November 2020: Take it to the bank. We already won. May take a couple lawsuits at the Supreme Court level, but we got it. I’m comfy as Fook my frens so should you. Please don’t worry. Trust the plan!!!!!
- 4 November 2020: Fraud on a ridiculous level. We will not stand for it! We won, have no doubts.
- 4 November 2020: Thank you to my fren Magi. Go follow @RPepocrates the meme wizard.
- 4 November 2020: Patriots. Don’t worry. POTUS has our back!
- 4 November 2020: Didn’t realize the cure for Covid-19 was election fraud. Who would of thought?
- 4 November 2020: Wtf? 1 EC vote for Biden in Nebraska?
- 4 November 2020: Trump leads in Virginia. But yet it’s declared for Biden.
- 4 November 2020: Can we just get rid of California. Let them be their own communist country?
- 4 November 2020: California votes are now being counted. Say a prayer!
- 4 November 2020: I swear. The lamestream media is so one sided. They want to build up the lefts hopes of a victory so they can rip it away and incite riots. Tell me I’m wrong.
- 4 November 2020: Trump takes the popular vote lead by 3 million!!! Too. Much. Winning.
- 4 November 2020: Wrong.
- 4 November 2020: Trump is leading the popular vote by over 1 million. Say it out loud. Feels good as fuck.
- 4 November 2020: Got my Trump shirt on, anyone else rocking some Trump gear tonight?
- 4 November 2020: Stop using fox. Use CNN for the map results. That hurt to say.
- 4 November 2020: If you want trump to win. Follow this meme wizard. I’m sure he will have plenty for after this victory! @RPepocrates
- 3 November 2020: Land fucking slide.... incoming. #MAGA #RedWave #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica #Trump2020 #Trump2020Lanslide
- 3 November 2020: If you are worried about Kentucky. Don’t be. They are counting the super liberal areas. Still a lot of places that are always red left. A sure win.
- 3 November 2020: There is a reason New Hampshire isn’t updating. Trust the plan. To much red.
- 3 November 2020: This. This is what I’ve been waiting for. Only going to get better.
- 3 November 2020: We are going to win big today! America is going to win big today! God bless America! #TRUMP2020Landside #maga #Trump2020
- 3 November 2020: Sir, we know. They lie and cheat. They will try and try but nothing will stop what is coming.
- 3 November 2020: This grabbed my attention.
- 2 November 2020: I got blocked by a nazi today @bandyxlee1 mission accomplished.
- 2 November 2020: Imagine posting on twitter and you just get bombarded by a bunch of people that know you are a baby eater. Why would you still post on twitter? 🤡
- 2 November 2020: Sleepy Joe apparently takes D*** pics too. Not even kidding you.... this guy is one massive joke.
- 2 November 2020: Patriots! Please go follow my dear fren @PatriQtSTQRM he’s helped me a lot along the way of building my account! He’s a great fren and a great follow! Thank you!!
- 1 November 2020: Joe Biden is a racist! Let someone know today. Tell your best friend. Tell your mother. Let it be known. Shout it from the roof tops.
- 1 November 2020: People are over it. The BLM agenda is dying down. People are sick of the bs and see through the lies.
- 31 October 2020: Are you ready?
- 31 October 2020: Here’s a funny joke. CNN should be consider a comedy channel with a prediction like this.
- 31 October 2020: The deepstate really shot themselves in the foot with this plandemic. When I got laid off, all I had was time. Time to research and learn more about the truth. They have help spark this wonderful movement and only made more people support our wonderful President.
- 30 October 2020: So what is the point of the symbolism and oddness of the DIA? Is it in favor of the NWO? Does the global elite have a diabolical plan that we aren’t aware of? If you never heard of the Denver airport conspiracy, then I am happy to have been the one to introduce you.
- 30 October 2020: What exactly lies below the Denver airport?
- 30 October 2020: Below is a piece of art within the Denver airport. Was this there plan? This was painted in 1994, it is now 2020 and it some how predicted our future? How?
- 30 October 2020: Why was the Denver airport even built? There was already a functioning airport in the Stapleton area. With no rhyme or reason it was built in 1995 only raising suspicion that its creation was perhaps for a sinister reason.
- 30 October 2020: Symbolism will in fact be there downfall. Even the structure layout of the airport seems to maybe have a hidden message. Look familiar?
- 30 October 2020: Does the DIA have a deeper meaning? Was it just poor taste in art? Or is this the symbolism of the deepstate depicting the New world order? Below is a time capsule scribed with a Freemason symbol and the words “New World Airport Commission”. coincidence?
- 30 October 2020: The Denver airport is a very strange place, with a lot of mysterious characteristics. The art displayed and the murals portrayed below are off putting to say the least. But what do they mean?
- 30 October 2020: Personally, the first red pill for me was finding out about the New World order. The NWO was introduced to me through the Denver airport.
- 30 October 2020: Thank you to @GenFlynn and all other anons. Nothing can stop what is coming! God wins. Always.
- 30 October 2020: Working on an amazing red pill of a thread. Stay tuned for that. This has been on my mind for a while. Should drop it sometime later today or tonight.
- 30 October 2020: Someone look at this cringe ass shit.
- 30 October 2020: Nvm looks like I’m the first to do it. Kek
- 30 October 2020: Damn you can’t even search the hashtag #PornHubHunter for sure big tech wouldn’t be trying to cover this up..
- 29 October 2020: Anyone else listening to lil Wayne all day tomorrow?
- 29 October 2020: @JuliansRum check that out.
- 29 October 2020: I specialize in red pills. The biggest red pill is grasping the fact that the Bushes were just as corrupt and evil as the Clinton’s. It’s been one bad guy passing the torch to the next for generations on end. It finally stopped in 2016 and we are winning this fight. Never forget.
- 29 October 2020: Hunter Biden better take that plea deal like 6ix9ine. Kekeke credit to @felterbottom
- 28 October 2020: Give this anon a follow, he is a very good fren of mine and his account was just nuked, again.. thank you! #WWG1WWGA @masterpepelee
- 28 October 2020: Please go follow this frog! He was nuked. He just started back up! Rt and help him out! @masterpepelee
- 28 October 2020: @6unf46 happy birthday brooo. What a day to have a birthday. Pretty sure some big news is coming out. Cheers to you sir. 🍻
- 28 October 2020: If you see this! Rt this! Enjoy the laugh!
- 28 October 2020: Today’s been a good day.
- 27 October 2020: Custom piece from my good fren @FitzBoodle a true masterpiece! #NewProfilePic
- 27 October 2020: Check out my buddy @PatriQtSTQRM
- 27 October 2020: The fact that there are people cheering is scary.
- 27 October 2020: Hunters one weird mf. More footage just leaked. #huntergonewild
- 27 October 2020: New hunter leak. #huntergonewild
- 27 October 2020: New hashtag, can we get it trending? #huntergonewild rt
- 27 October 2020: Wow. @chuckschumer you are a truly pathetic man. Out of all the horrible things that have happen in the history of our great nation. A Supreme Court confirmation is among them?? This is what panic looks like.
- 27 October 2020: Looks like we win. Happy birthday Hillary.
- 26 October 2020: If you haven’t seen the hunter texts. Here.
- 26 October 2020: JFK Jr. was murdered so that Hillary Clinton could run unopposed for senate. I said what I said.
- 26 October 2020: Wait until the liberals find out about Obama’s hot dog parties in the White House... 🤯
- 26 October 2020: It’s already gone
- 26 October 2020: While we were sleeping, another hunter d*** pic came out. Honestly I’m sick of saving them and reposting haha. No one wants to see that. I’ll only post the leaks if it’s something a bit more interesting. But we get it, the guy is a sick fuck, just like his daddy.
- 25 October 2020: New leak! Lol more weird shit
- 25 October 2020: Thank you to @felterbottom for the gif.
- 25 October 2020: Is today the day I get to 3k? I love you guys so much and I will always tweet that heat🔥🔥 Here’s a little pizza camouflage for your time. Semper fi!
- 25 October 2020: Information overload.
- 25 October 2020: Ground breaking.
- 25 October 2020: WhY DoEs BiDen’S SoN MaTtEr. He’S NoT RuNniNg FoR PrEsIdENT
- 25 October 2020: @FrogsForGod @EnglishRoses74 @canwakeup @sparkledocawake @Qanon76 @Q00068049 @NoserFor @littllemel @Q_AnonBaby @Quillette @QBERTA21 @Qtah17 @X22Report @VRSVirginia @PatriQtSTQRM @CoronavirusFor @TuckerCarlson @USMarshalsHQ @pshak @AgtFearlesCan @Unify_ThePeople Your out.
- 24 October 2020: Who wants the foot job hunter Biden video?
- 24 October 2020: They blocked the video already! Wow. This entire thing about conservative censorship is real. Obviously, and I mean obviously big tech has Biden’s back...
- 24 October 2020: So there’s an actual video of hunter Biden getting a foot job while smoking crack...
- 24 October 2020: The people have had enough. Shopper tears plastic sheets from ‘non essential’ items in Wales supermarket.
- 24 October 2020: This is what joe Biden’s America looks like.
- 24 October 2020: @BenjaminPD23 “I’m fooked”
- 24 October 2020: @anonpatriotq
- 23 October 2020: Ewww @KamalaHarris is just spewing garage out out her mouth.
- 23 October 2020: Stop blaming your lack of accomplishments on your race or background. Blame your work ethic. No where in the constitution does it say that you can’t accomplish something because of predetermined factors. Stop being sheep. Go and get what you want.
- 23 October 2020: What a day to be alive ladies and gentlemen. I smell victory on the horizon.
- 23 October 2020: Even the moderator is like “ why would you do that?”
- 23 October 2020: The poor boys! A dog whistle as big as a hog horn? What the actual fuck
- 23 October 2020: Joes running out of batteries?
- 23 October 2020: Malarkey!!!
- 23 October 2020: I’m fooked
- 23 October 2020: we have to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time? Lmao
- 23 October 2020: This moderator ain’t as bad as previous ones. So far...
- 22 October 2020: A lot of lids have been called lately. #TonyBobulinski
- 22 October 2020: Cue has been busy lately, new drop
- 22 October 2020: Maxwell documents. Acquired.
- 21 October 2020: Natalie
- 21 October 2020:
- 21 October 2020: I’ve seen it before, a while back. It’s real.
- 21 October 2020: 4914. Trying to keep up.
- 21 October 2020: Cue drop 4913
- 21 October 2020: Had to fix my spelling error. Kek
- 21 October 2020:
- 21 October 2020: @JacksVengeance @TickTock2Q2Q Yes. The “Russian bots” aka the true patriots.
- 21 October 2020: Who will you be voting for? Please retweet and put your state!
- 21 October 2020: Just saying, my voting station was “Q” today. Pretty exciting stuff. #Trump2020
- 21 October 2020: @ArtOfWarNews @PepeMatter @POTUS
- 20 October 2020: Soon the truth will be out, we have already taken the red pill. For those who haven’t, it will soon be a suppository. Kek
- 20 October 2020: Soon the truth will be out, we have already taken the red pill. For those who haven’t, it will soon be a suppository. Kek
- 20 October 2020: RT @Rebelredriding1: If you're voting or voted for our president @realDonaldTrump Retweet this right now! We don't have to hide but we do h…
- 19 October 2020: If you guys aren’t following @SavageDystrophy @PepeMatter @TickTock2Q2Q @keknorrisII @Mareq16 @ArmorOfGod13 @Caleidoscope11 you are wrong. Go follow and rt this to your fellow patriots.
- 19 October 2020: Truly disgusting..
- 19 October 2020: @anonpatriotq He needs to drop out of the race... give up
- 19 October 2020: . @TMausol this guy thinks Obama isn’t a CIA plant from Kenya... could you imagine being that stupid.. he also thinks that the hunter emails and contents on the laptop are falsified information. This is what an actual sheep looks like.
- 18 October 2020: @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris
- 17 October 2020: Almost every hashtag in this is out of use now, they blocked it all.
- 16 October 2020: Funny how those who throw the most dirt are covered in it.
- 16 October 2020: @coleslawismydad @msamericalana @b87d8c72ef80438 @JoeBiden That’s for minorities... not to mention his attack on big pharma, what’s he’s done for our military and border control. I’m sure I could think of plenty more. Stop believing the people backing sleepy joe. Which is the crooked media...
- 16 October 2020: @Caleidoscope11 The kitty porn on hunters laptop. Is my guess
- 15 October 2020: Liberals don’t like the truth... too much for them..
- 15 October 2020: RT @realDonaldTrump: Congratulations to the @nypost for having exposed the massive corruption surrounding Sleepy Joe Biden and our Country.…
- 15 October 2020: @JoeBiden
- 15 October 2020: More dirt coming out tonight??
- 15 October 2020: I lost the new q post what’s the site
- 15 October 2020: Probably both.
- 15 October 2020: Yo @JoeBiden tell your son nice crack pipe.
- 15 October 2020: So @SouthwestAir , a public apology seems fit for your recent actions against the passenger. Either do right by that man or I will never fly with you again. Sickening. Employees should be fired and I hope a lawsuit unfolds.
- 12 October 2020: They can’t stop what is coming.
- 11 October 2020: When is the pain coming?
- 10 October 2020: @ielizabeth_ Start spitting facts at their necks. Be vocal. Wake them up. That’s honestly your fault, be the voice of reason! You got it.
- 9 October 2020: I’d say at least 2000+ with 360 days in a year. She’s been eating maybe one a week.. being generous. Maybe started in her 30’s.
- 9 October 2020: How many babies do you think she’s eating in her lifetime?
- 8 October 2020: Anything happening today..? For the love of god can we get some arrests...
- 5 October 2020: Holy shit. I have always said this, I remember when he first used it. He will use it again.
- 1 October 2020: Can someone dm me my profile picture in red please.... sadly I’ve spent to much time trying to figure out how to do it.
- 26 September 2020: How hilarious will it be when Biden doesn’t know how to respond and says “come on man” to Trump during the debates...?
- 24 September 2020: I’m beating everyone to the punch
- 11 September 2020: Still a day we should never forget, also never forgive...
- 11 September 2020: I’m so glad people booed at the opening NFL game, we are sick of the shit....
- 8 September 2020: Who let @JoeBiden have access to his twitter?
- 7 September 2020: I had an interesting real life conversation with someone who considers themselves communist, but they weren’t particularly proud of it. They said they were “so blue that they were red”.
- 4 September 2020: Smh
- 30 August 2020: As requested, here is the link for said picture.
- 29 August 2020: The CDC updated their website with some groundbreaking information. Why isn’t anyone talking about this?
- 29 August 2020: redirects you to Joe Biden’s page ahah
- 27 August 2020: Wow one of the guy that 17 year old shot was a fucking pedophile. I can’t make this shit up.
- 17 August 2020: Need a shadow gate link
- 14 August 2020: Too soon? Kek.
- 14 August 2020: Wow they got my back up account lol @pizzagatewakeup
- 12 August 2020: What are the chances Biden goes to prison before the election?
- 11 August 2020: This is actually peoples logic.
- 6 August 2020: Facebook is really doing their best to censor us, fact checking memes that have nothing to be fact check. How obvious are you? Link for proof:
- 1 August 2020: I’m trying to get into Instagram and I posted this picture. Before it let me post it, this came up. If you don’t think we are being censored, you are wrong.
- 31 July 2020: Super curious what you guys think. Is Michelle Obama a male or female?Super legit question. Will delete after.
- 31 July 2020: #SAVETHECHILDERN
- 29 July 2020: Make up something joe Biden would say👇👇👇👇👇👇
- 27 July 2020: Didn’t know this?
- 24 July 2020: RT @realDonaldTrump: 96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!
- 24 July 2020: They took his fucking blue check!!!!????? @TommyG
- 24 July 2020: Throw back to when sleep joe said Obama has a big stick lol.
- 22 July 2020: @COCOCabinda frens?
- 21 July 2020: I just donated to Trumps campaign haha. Feels good.
- 21 July 2020: Yeah I’m iffy on the whole clone thing..
- 21 July 2020: Kanye is warning us!! #questioneverything #deepstate #nwo #pizzagate #pedogate #frazzledrip #weinerslaptop #qanon #adrenochrome #exposed #jeffreyepstein #pedoisland #PrinceAndrew #pizzagateisreal #savethechildren #WWG1WGA #Qanon #ClintonBodyCount
- 21 July 2020: He’s obviously very afraid. He doesn’t want to be arrested, they’re going to take him out????
- 21 July 2020: Nahh. Everything is completely normal. 😅😅 #questioneverything #deepstate #nwo #pizzagate #pedogate #frazzledrip #weinerslaptop #qanon #adrenochrome #exposed #jeffreyepstein #pedoisland #PrinceAndrew #pizzagateisreal #savethechildren #WWG1WGA #Qanon #ClintonBodyCount
- 20 July 2020: Um no, I’m saying he didn’t like that kind of behavior so he left.
- 20 July 2020: I mean if that’s what he liked why would he leave then? 🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️
- 20 July 2020: If you ever doubted or question our President, then watch this. It’s real people! #questioneverything #deepstate #nwo #pizzagate #pedogate #frazzledrip #weinerslaptop #qanon #adrenochrome #exposed #jeffreyepstein #pedoisland #pizzagateisreal #savethechildren #WWG1WGA #Qanon
- 20 July 2020: I feel like he’s trolling, maybe it went over a few of our heads.
- 20 July 2020: Trump has been calling out this bs... wake up people! #questioneverything #deepstate #nwo #pizzagate #pedogate #frazzledrip #weinerslaptop #qanon #adrenochrome #exposed #jeffreyepstein #pedoisland #PrinceAndrew #pizzagateisreal #savethechildren #WWG1WGA #Qanon #ClintonBodyCount
- 20 July 2020: If you follow me, please follow my friend @TickTock2Q2Q together we are uncovering the truth. #questioneverything #deepstate #nwo #pizzagate #pedogate #frazzledrip #weinerslaptop #qanon #adrenochrome #jeffreyepstein #pedoisland #pizzagateisreal #savethechildren #WWG1WGA #Qanon
- 20 July 2020: Yeah, good fucking point. If you know you know.
- 20 July 2020: Lmao 😂
- 20 July 2020: But it’s allll a conspiracyyyyyy....
- 20 July 2020: We flipped it :)
- 20 July 2020: How mad are you going to be when all this comes out? Lol 😂
- 20 July 2020: Are you mad?
- 20 July 2020: Yeah I’m stumped. Maybe she isn’t who she says she is? But idk?
- 20 July 2020: I retweeted the answer
- 20 July 2020: Damn. Nice work.
- 20 July 2020: Someone dm me I’m so lost looking through these threads
- 20 July 2020: Yes
- 20 July 2020: @ttp13526
- 20 July 2020: Just discovered @RealBrysonGray True American hero lol. I love it.
- 20 July 2020: Unfollowed.
- 20 July 2020: Clout comes with good post. Stop being a weirdo about it.
- 20 July 2020: Bro if you have it post it... if it’s good it will get shared. You are obviously full of shit and clout chasing
- 20 July 2020: And by say I mean post on social media about pizza. I’m pretty sure I never have...
- 20 July 2020: I’m sorry but.. when does it stop. I’ve never said a word about pizza in my life. Maybe once. But these people are obviously obsessed. Like it’s a flex??? It’s so obvious...
- 20 July 2020: 2020 the movie. “What actually happened” lol
- 19 July 2020: You’re obviously dumb, those fact checkers are bs and if you actually did research you would know that. The same fact checkers that said wayfair was bs too. Get out of here man, wake up.
- 19 July 2020: Not debunked...
- 19 July 2020: If he was a traitor I’m sure 3 years of investigation would prove so. But it didn’t. But when durhams investigation actually convicts people, then what?
- 19 July 2020: And that’s why everything has ran smoothly for The deep state until Trump. The first President in my lifetime to be “hated by everyone” when in fact he’s been doing a terrific job.
- 19 July 2020: See I came to this same conclusion myself. Then I asked myself, why do they hate him so much then? Why has he talked about child trafficking on multiple occasions? Once I started paying attention enough I knew for a fact these people all hate trump for a reason. Keep digging.
- 19 July 2020: What if an actual movie come out explaining it all?
- 19 July 2020: Congrats to her. It’s not easy waking up.
- 19 July 2020: RT @luklarku: Who is on it? Retweet and you’ll get a dm
- 19 July 2020: I’m posting the actual video right now
- 19 July 2020: The video they made trump delete. Share it, spread it. Record it. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 19 July 2020: One sec
- 19 July 2020: Is that why my videos don’t trend now lol?
- 19 July 2020: You have never looked into it have you? Obviously... wayfair was huge and it is NOT debunked. You should be ashamed of yourself for telling your children to hide from the truth like you.
- 19 July 2020: They did that like almost 2 weeks ago. Lol
- 19 July 2020: Weird, not the first time I’ve seen him “confirm it”.
- 19 July 2020:
- 19 July 2020: Is*
- 19 July 2020: She has a brother, there are more then one video.
- 19 July 2020: So are we fucked fucked? Or just fucked? I need some answers!
- 19 July 2020: Trying to desensitize it, like they do with everything.
- 19 July 2020: We have all seen this. The question is when will something happen?
- 19 July 2020: Idk the whole pence thing kinda throws me off. You could be right. The tention between them is definitely real and documented. But maybe you are right or maybe pence is completely innocent.
- 19 July 2020: #RussiaHoax POTUS is innocent. Arrests need to be made ASAP. Q sent me here and I’m sending it to you. #obamagate share!
- 19 July 2020: Please hit the DMs if interested, I need dedicated folks.
- 19 July 2020: Ladies and gentleman! I would like to start a Twitter circle! I would like to start a group of like minded patriots that want to fight this fight with me. Followers isn’t necessarily important but it does help. What is important is communication and having similar goals.
- 19 July 2020: Yikes
- 19 July 2020: How many coincidences does it take.
- 19 July 2020: @ttp13526 check out a video sometime, I’m sure I have one you’d like to share.
- 19 July 2020: Chester would have approved.
- 19 July 2020: Yo I won’t post it if you only want him to but I am curious?
- 19 July 2020: You guys are so gullible haha
- 18 July 2020: I’m so confused..
- 18 July 2020: Once we win, who’s getting Q tattoos? Haha
- 18 July 2020: I would like to learn how to dig more effectively, learn from someone that knows more about this then me. Together we are stronger.
- 18 July 2020: John Durham.
- 18 July 2020: @ttp13526
- 18 July 2020: I made my own poll. Fuck that one haha.
- 18 July 2020: You be the judge #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 18 July 2020: Is that why I can’t get these videos past 100k views?
- 18 July 2020: Shocking #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 17 July 2020: #qmap #drop this was a drop before the crash. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 17 July 2020: That was me calling it now haha
- 17 July 2020: That’s what I was saying. Lol
- 17 July 2020: Same
- 17 July 2020:
- 17 July 2020: The Durham Investigation: What We Know and What It Means
- 17 July 2020: Never again. No more drunk Twitter haha.
- 17 July 2020: It’s seriously gone by 1 pm tomorrow. I’d appreciate if you deleted your tweet as well. All these tweets will be deleted. If not now please some time tomorrow.
- 17 July 2020: I do. I’m to prideful of a man. Only reason I said that is because my bestfriend drug me to 4 different bars.
- 17 July 2020: 2020 presidential election.
- 17 July 2020: Like i said this will be deleted, but this is why this is so important to me... I hope some can see this and not screenshot or whatever out of respect. But i fight this fight the way I do for a reason. I genuinely care about this cause.
- 17 July 2020: I will delete this later because I am ashamed. I too am a survivor of sexual abuse. I am also a survivor of 3 different kid nap attempts. I have always viewed the world different because of it. I know the truth. Please do your research.
- 17 July 2020: And after this I’m going to turn this back to my personal account. So don’t be confused. We will win this fight and I will be one of the ones to tell you “I told you so”.
- 17 July 2020: This is me, i use the pizza because it furthers my agenda to wake people up. I’m a proud America, proud veteran and super proud trump supporter. Let them try! I’m no longer afraid. #NewProfilePic
- 17 July 2020: I have been trying to open peoples eyes to this so much. My own best friend that I served with has doubts that I’m telling the truth. I’ve showed him as much information as I possibly can without being absolutely annoying. This war is a real war. If you are fighting it. Thank you
- 17 July 2020: @saintpatriot1 dm I’m making a plan.
- 17 July 2020: If you like my post then follow him! This man Is a true fighter in this battle for humanity.... he has my full endorsement.
- 17 July 2020: Lol #Dogs4Biden is trending. Next thing you know these Democrats are going to start fighting for a dogs right to vote. They’re really running out of ideas. Lmfaooooo
- 17 July 2020: This man received over 2k followers in less than an hour. Anons are amazing and the way people stick together in the fight against this really gives me hope. Please follow him. #SAVETHECHILDERN
- 17 July 2020: You do the math... this women is sick! #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 17 July 2020: This video will never go away because we won’t let it! #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 16 July 2020: You shouldn’t be ashamed to be conservative. You should be ashamed of being a racist or a pedophile. Why is it that people must be ashamed of being conservative? #TheSilentMajority
- 16 July 2020:
- 16 July 2020: Oprah
- 16 July 2020: I would not be surprised if she “killed herself over anons bullying her”.
- 16 July 2020: It would be nice if @realDonaldTrump would make Ghislaine Maxwell’s trail air on national television. The world deserves the truth. Rt if you agree. #pizzagate #SaveTheChildren #WWG1GWA
- 16 July 2020: I’ve been trying to verify this tweet, but this one is good enough.
- 16 July 2020: This man also tweeted that he has information that will lead to Hillary’s arrest. This man is also no longer with us. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails
- 16 July 2020: The first time I heard about adrenochrome was in high school, some kid called it the devils eye drop or some weird shit. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #pedogate #pedowood #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #pizzagateisreal
- 16 July 2020: Yes, those are real. Definitely real.
- 16 July 2020: You do the math. Personally, I believe her And this is reassuring for sure.
- 16 July 2020: When will we know? That we won?
- 16 July 2020: Thank god ive been trying to get this to go viral! They always stop it.
- 16 July 2020: 🤢🤢
- 16 July 2020: 🧐
- 16 July 2020: Not trump...
- 16 July 2020: Gross.
- 16 July 2020: Right.. I swear I’m not tripping, I really think he meant that but didn’t mean to say it out loud.
- 15 July 2020: sleepy Joes dementia should have the world really worried. Kids to market swiftly huh? Ok @JoeBiden . #pizzagate #deepstate #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 15 July 2020: In these dark times it’s always good to laugh. Enjoy. #maga #Trump2020LandslideVictory #DonaldTrump #trump2020 #RussiaHoax #HillaryForPrison #KillaryClinton
- 15 July 2020: Socialism is cool.
- 15 July 2020: Same shit dude.
- 15 July 2020: You skipped 3?
- 15 July 2020: I feel like it is, it’s all currently unfolding. Just pay closeeeeee attention to what happens in the world. I’d be down to talk to you more about it.
- 15 July 2020: Obviously people are saying these things for a reason lol. Stop defending her, let her drown.
- 15 July 2020:
- 15 July 2020: @chrissyteigen
- 15 July 2020:
- 15 July 2020:
- 15 July 2020: @chrissyteigen are you mad because everyone knows???
- 15 July 2020: Ummm, I’d say look up pence and trump disagree. And idk pence is a very odd fellow. Look up some videos of him acting weird. And I see another one we’re he was allegedly plotting with Pelosi. Might be hard to find tho.
- 15 July 2020: Obviously Hillary Clinton haha
- 15 July 2020: Umm that’s interesting and cool and all, but dude. He was 94 years old... I don’t think trump whacked bush sr bro.
- 14 July 2020: Idk what you said bro, I tried reading it twice. You lost me...
- 14 July 2020: But she definitely had a deposition not that long ago, I listened to it myself. She appears in court in September. Idk dude I guess will see. If everyone is arrested and trump isn’t, well then we know.
- 14 July 2020: I’d argue that til I’m black and blue, we’ve been fucked brother.
- 14 July 2020: For the sake of humanity I hope that’s not legit, because if it is legit then that means we are pretty fucked. Js
- 14 July 2020: It does but it doesn’t, I’ve heard some wild shit about pence. Idk if it’s true but him and trump don’t seem to like eachother much. Idk tho
- 14 July 2020: Soooo why isn’t the media in flames over this then...? So confused. Idk if that’s legit dude.
- 14 July 2020: Trumps not on the flight logs for a reason. Trump is hated as much as he is for a reason. Look deeper. I use to be a Democrat dude.
- 14 July 2020: If that was real don’t you think the liberal ass media would have a field day with the “most hated” man in America? Wake up dude.
- 14 July 2020: Dude this guy is a cia plant.. the deep state owns that account haha..
- 14 July 2020: Bottom line this video was deleted off of 4chan and I got in throw a reupload. This video is alarming to me. Might not be to you.... idc. This is our fight, don’t tear down the ones actually fighting it.
- 14 July 2020: Please explain how you would open that door if you were a child.
- 14 July 2020: Dude dm me you definitely need more back ground to this video.....
- 14 July 2020: First of all no one fed me this, I found this on my own. How the fuck do you have wwg1wga and your giving me this much shit. You don’t seem like you are one of us. Please fix yourself.
- 14 July 2020: @bj_mclaughlin Not at all. But okay. You turn a blind eye to this then.
- 14 July 2020: How is this door normal at all... why are you defending this so hard?
- 14 July 2020: Literally, side profile, checked hands. Said surely the price for this couch can’t be correct, implying it’s super high price and then the little girls says with wayfair it can.... come on. This screams red flag. And if the door isn’t off putting too then idk what to tell you
- 14 July 2020: No, what’s foolish is not questioning this. Haha if this doesn’t alarm you, you must be trolling.
- 14 July 2020: Does that look like a push plate?
- 14 July 2020: I mean come on! All this shit coming out about wayfair and this doesn’t raise a red flag to you. And it’s baffling that it raises a red flag to me? I’m so confused...
- 14 July 2020: How is that baffling lol... idk why you don’t have a door knob, the only reason I could think of no needed a door knob is to keep someone from using a door... I mean how is that crazy...
- 14 July 2020: Okay, it just seems odd. But why would u not have a door knob on the outside?
- 14 July 2020: No
- 14 July 2020: And what fucking 71 year old man wants to go open a hotdog stand in Hawaii, lmao he’s like fighting all this very hard, he’s a very suspicious guy.
- 14 July 2020: Dude that guy is a cia plant haha. He’s a joke. Dont bother with him haha. He said that the Hawaii hot dog stand was debunked because in a article pedosta says he wanted to open up a hot dog stand in Hawaii. Which could of very well meant the same thing.
- 14 July 2020: Dude I would not be surprised.
- 14 July 2020: My pinned tweet that is my mission right now.
- 14 July 2020: I already blocked that fool. I’d do the same.
- 14 July 2020: It’s a link to what this is apparently, don’t listen to this guy. You need to sign up and be verified on the website to view anything on it. This guys a joke. Don’t listen to him. That site is hella shady.
- 14 July 2020: I dive the deepest my friend.
- 14 July 2020: What’s vile is the fact that you can see this video and not be alarmed. What’s vile is there isn’t a door knob on the door and a locking mechanism at the top. Stfu.
- 14 July 2020: Dude, he could of meant the same thing in the article.. you are reaching. If you look more into podesta he’s obviously very disturbed. You are obviously very disturbed for defending these people.
- 13 July 2020: I’m done now, why because Epstein is very involved in pizzagate... the fuck. Have you not looked at the flight logs. He has direct ties to the Clinton. Your last tweet is out the window.
- 13 July 2020: Cum bro and prolly someone who has children in Hawaii. That’s only two reference and if you explain them, you still didn’t debunk shit?
- 13 July 2020: You can’t debunk Epstein my guy.... you can’t debunk jimmys ig. You can’t debunk the emails. You can act like you did, but you are truly a pos. Why are you a pos? Because you aren’t helping in this fight, only helping the enemy.
- 13 July 2020: Why can’t you?
- 13 July 2020: See this is why you need to be deck in the fucking face. The truth is that the elites are definitely involved in child sex trafficking. And the evidence piles itself up daily. For you to say I’m afraid of the truth, inferriates me. I found the truth and I have accepted it.
- 13 July 2020: Broooooo, there is literally nothing you can say that will explain hot dog stand in Hawaii.
- 13 July 2020: Also your queen is guilty as hell as well as prince Andrews. When’s this debunking shit dropping so I can pick it absolutely apart.
- 13 July 2020: You sound like a fool. Don’t @ me bro
- 13 July 2020: Someone look at this fucking idiot. Debunked. Ha! Things you can’t debunk. The emails. The fucking island. Epstein is dead. Maxwell is in prison for sex trafficking. Wayfair is up to shady shit. The list goes on. Debunk it then fucker.
- 13 July 2020: Dude I can tell that I hate you. First of all selling someone that pizzagate is fake would be a lot easier for the brain to understand then comprehending that the elite are involved in sex trafficking. There’s to much proof bro. Your obviously trolling.
- 13 July 2020: obviously you are the one that can’t accept the truth.
- 13 July 2020: Good luck fucker.
- 13 July 2020: Yeah could be something only they would recognize. Maybe it wasn’t anything at all. Maybe we will never know.
- 13 July 2020: Idk man, all very interesting things but, “they know everything” is a glance of a read bro. Js
- 13 July 2020: Dumb
- 13 July 2020: @TommyG found something crazy, the video alone is just odd, but the only door in the video has no door knob and what appears to be a locking device at the top of the door. Please help spread this. I pinned the video to my Twitter.
- 13 July 2020: Been studying this closely.. looks like cheap wayfair furniture and also... why isn’t there a fucking door knob..on the door.
- 13 July 2020: Interesting theory.
- 13 July 2020: Wow.
- 13 July 2020: I have but idk I feel like the most damning ones are going to be deflected. 🤷🏽♂️
- 13 July 2020: Every single one of them....?
- 13 July 2020: I’m being told this is a commercial for the couch uploaded to wayfair. This is sick.
- 13 July 2020: Wow just found something insane! Can someone please verify this. I’m shaking. #wayfairgate #pizzagate #Wayfair #wayfairtrafficking #SAVETHECHILDERN this is supposedly a missing girl named Amelia.
- 12 July 2020: Here what’s actually trending today. #MAGA #QAnon #obamagate . What’s up with Democrats bashing Pelosi? And why is twitter pushing it? #PelosiMustGo ???
- 12 July 2020: Super cool. But the painting is offsetting
- 11 July 2020: Someone posted a good video in the comments.
- 11 July 2020: I love how this is a fucking joke... people aren’t just saying these things for the hell of it. There is proof. Kathy griffin you are on the flight logs... please stfu... tic tok Kathy.. tic tok..
- 11 July 2020: That’s the world we live in, these people SHOULD be in jail. They are not. Not even Anthony wiener is in jail still. It’s obvious that they have a free pass for this shit.
- 11 July 2020: Sooo it was definitely on the website. I haven’t looked into their excuse yet. But idk how you can explain that... it was clearly on the website... but was taken down... #pizzagate #pedogate #boycottwayfair #wayfairchildtrafficking #wayfairtrafficking #SaveTheChildren
- 10 July 2020: Yooooo @Wayfair , explain this shit!? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #pedogate #pedowood #savethechildren
- 10 July 2020: I need someone to confirm this!!! This is insane!!! #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 10 July 2020: This is what it looks like to me 🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 9 July 2020: When did he say that? May I have a link?
- 9 July 2020: Wow @chrissyteigen and @BarackObama what were you guys doing??????? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 8 July 2020: Even if it was her child..... still disgusting.
- 8 July 2020: That’s my favorite gif lol. This is a good one. Like what a weirdo...
- 8 July 2020: Fixed it. #JoeBidenIsRacist #SleepyJoe #trump2020 #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver #JoeBidenHasDementia #Trump2020Landslide #joebidenisarapist #MAGA
- 8 July 2020: Wow @chrissyteigen and @BarackObama what were you guys doing??????? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 8 July 2020: If he said anything else.. she would have responded to him. Pretty sure it’s real. Lol
- 8 July 2020: Wow @chrissyteigen and @BarackObama what were you guys doing??????? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 8 July 2020: It’s not insane if you pay attention.... research.... pizza is code for an underage girl. These code words have been published by the FBI in hopes of identifying these types of behavior. It’s real....
- 8 July 2020: Imma save this for a rainy day. Nice post.
- 8 July 2020: Follow me for more shit like this!
- 8 July 2020: Whose really old? I’m not saying you are wrong I just want some names because I don’t know any. Just this Asian fashion designer that’s 70+ and looks 20. Idk her name tho.
- 8 July 2020: I bet she will die of corona. I think there saying she has it. But this day an age it’s hard to find true news and not fake.
- 8 July 2020: Right... didn’t he seem excited. Like he finally got in on “the good stuff”. Like what? He’s like “yes bitch, it’s that baby blood”. Sick.
- 8 July 2020: The censoring doesn’t stop with just the news. It’s on here too. It’s everywhere! I got suspended for literally sharing things that have happened. Freedom of speech is a joke rn.
- 8 July 2020: I submitted an appeal and was good like 5mins later. No lie. I was very upset. I reached over 1m impressions and now I’m barely trending. I was only suspended to stop this accounts momentum.
- 8 July 2020: Wow @chrissyteigen and @BarackObama what were you guys doing??????? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 8 July 2020: There are a lot of things out there, not all are true. I’ve seen this before and I’ve looked into it, I don’t think this is real. But you never know. Just focus on the facts and go from there. Don’t over think it.
- 8 July 2020: It trends my friend, they just won’t show that it’s trending.
- 8 July 2020: Stupid bitch.
- 8 July 2020: Wow @chrissyteigen and @BarackObama what were you guys doing??????? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 8 July 2020: I’m over here busting my ass to get the truth to you guys. 1m impressions! Shit... can I get a follow tho? #pizzagate
- 8 July 2020: I feel like this was a massive set back, please follow the account and share as much as possible. Imma chill out for now. My content is still up. Don’t let them cencor the truth! Retweet!!! #pizzagate #deepstate #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount
- 7 July 2020: They suspended my account. I think they took all my followers lol
- 7 July 2020: Here’s what’s actually trending today, and not what twitter wants you to believe. Might make this a new daily thing. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 7 July 2020: What? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #wwg1wga #qanon
- 7 July 2020: YOU ARE SICK! @justdemi . This child can’t be older then 14..... wtf is wrong with you people? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #savethechildren #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #WWG1WGA
- 7 July 2020: Her face when he said it. Then she try’s to laugh it off. She should be afraid.
- 7 July 2020: They know we know! The balls on this guy! @SpeakerPelosi #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 7 July 2020: Weird. The famous envelope. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 7 July 2020: Send me a link to that?
- 7 July 2020: I think it’s safe to say @drdisrespect was banned because he said something he shouldnt had. @Twitch silenced him. This was included on his last stream. #pizzagate #WakeUpAmerica #drdisrespectbanned #DeepState #pedowood
- 6 July 2020: New to the whole pizzagate thing? Then watch this. Should help you understand a bit more. “Fall Of the Cabal” #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #podestaemails #Adrenochrome
- 6 July 2020: Gotcha bitch. This is disgusting.... @justdemi #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 6 July 2020: Makes you think.... #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 5 July 2020: They are both billionaires from new York... trump was never on Epstein’s flight logs. If he was. Trust me the media would make it very known. Perhaps you need to wake the fuck up.
- 5 July 2020: Who can confirm that this is real? I’ve seen it more then a few times. Makes you really wonder.. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #GhislaineMaxwelldidNOTkillherself #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #GhislaineMaxwell #wikileaks
- 5 July 2020: Wow, just wow.
- 5 July 2020: Let that sink in, and go see who trump gave the awards too. No one you know.... no one in Hollywood. I wonder why?
- 5 July 2020: It is what it is...... #pizzagate #SAVETHECHILDERN
- 5 July 2020: I like to look at it like “flexing”. everybody does it in some shape or form. You might want a nice car to impress someone, or a nice watch. Like oh look at me. So maybe some people wanna brag about how they do disgusting things to children and this is there way of doing it. 🤷🏽♂️
- 5 July 2020: Here are some of the emails if you have never read them yourself. There are plenty others. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 4 July 2020: The “ I don’t think Michelle Obama is a man starter pack” actually watch the videos... you tell me... life’s weird. I know. #pizzagate #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #pizzagateisreal #savethechildren #bigmike
- 4 July 2020: I wonder what you do when know ones looking
- 4 July 2020: The “ I don’t think Michelle Obama is a man starter pack” actually watch the videos... you tell me... life is weird. I know. #pizzagate #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #pizzagateisreal #saverhechildren
- 4 July 2020: When was this.
- 4 July 2020: Show me.
- 3 July 2020: Jeffrey Epstein’s famous bath house/temple or whatever. Sick fucking people. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 3 July 2020: Why is Anthony wiener free? So confused.
- 3 July 2020: This sure does look like censoring to me....
- 3 July 2020: But yet here we are, and here we are being censored. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 3 July 2020: The censoring never stops @Facebook doesn’t want you to know either. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 3 July 2020: Fuck you for censoring people.
- 2 July 2020: Remember when @TheEllenShow served pizza at the oscars and wanted Harvey Weinstein to pay for the tip?Odd right? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks
- 2 July 2020: @bruisedlee01 @CollSoot @a_slumpyy They have been at this for longer then 2016 you twat.
- 2 July 2020: Some people will never wake up. Your life is a lie and you don’t even know it.
- 2 July 2020: Fuck it I’ll post it again. @leedanielsent drinks baby blood. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 2 July 2020: #pizzagate is real, I’m sorry I get weird phone calls and delete all my tweets. But I’ll be back at it soon. I always am.
- 2 July 2020: You tell me who is really involved in this shit. A guy who has pictures with Epstein at a public outing. Or these evil mfs? #EpsteinIsland #pizzagate #GhislaneMaxwellDidntKillHerself #pedogate #deepstate #ClintonBodyCount #ghislanemaxwell where you going on that jet bill?
- 2 July 2020: I know. Makes you question everything, And you should.
- 2 July 2020: Is pizzagate real? #pizzagate
- 2 July 2020: You think JFK jr is still alive?
- 2 July 2020: Will she make it to trail before killing herself?Find out next episode of 2020 is a fucking joke.
- 2 July 2020: Lol maybe they know something we don’t.
- 2 July 2020: Yes we should! Hopefully more arrests follow.
- 2 July 2020: Also I’m pretty sure that hoes on house arrest bro. The feds watching.
- 2 July 2020: @Twitch I will never use your services again. Doc deserves better.
- 2 July 2020: Yes
- 2 July 2020: This is a huge win, finally we have proof that something is being done! #pizzagate
- 2 July 2020: Fuck you skippy. Child rapist
- 2 July 2020: @johnpodesta burn in hell rapist
- 2 July 2020: RT @realDonaldTrump:
- 2 July 2020: RT @AnthemRespect: Most Important Video of All-Time by @realDonaldTrump. Why the corrupt establishment HAD TO stop Trump from being electe…
- 2 July 2020: Man, factual information is hard to find right now. I just googled it and that’s what popped up. 99.64 fucking percent. Sad that people think they are fighting for good and for a better future, but they are fighting for the complete opposite and don’t even know it.
- 2 July 2020: He was a radiologist? Not sure? You sure that women didn’t work for bill gates?
- 2 July 2020: Imma leave this here. It’s 99.64% Incase you were wondering. @JoeBiden #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal #QAnon
- 2 July 2020: @johnpodesta 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
- 2 July 2020: You have to think, how is this possible! #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 2 July 2020: Bro, why are you still talking. You got what’s coming to you skippy. You child rapist.
- 2 July 2020: Yeah this fucking idiot still hasn’t blocked me. I’m going to make it my mission when I wake up lol.
- 2 July 2020: Yes they are. Yes they are. I don’t see how his twitter isn’t constantly harassed. Fuck that guy.
- 2 July 2020: I promise you, we will get answers. Once all this passes. Atleast by September or October things should be coming out. I know trump knows. And trump knows we know. Just give it time.
- 2 July 2020: They are all aging now. Lol. They don’t have it.
- 2 July 2020: It’s super sick. The more you look the more it becomes clear that this is actually our reality.
- 2 July 2020: The more you realize how much they are doing to cencor this is unbelievable. 4 days ago you could barely find a lick of info on Hillary’s deposition, now you can. It’s all a cover up. All of it. That’s why all articles only mention Benghazi and not child trafficking.
- 2 July 2020: What is suppose to happen?
- 2 July 2020: You sick fucking person. The world knows! People are waking up. You sick fuck. Burn in hell.
- 2 July 2020: The #DeepState silenced @drdisrespect after he said this on stream. This man doesn’t deserve this. I’m sorry doc. #pizzagate #drdisrespectbanned #pizzagateisreal wake up people! This is Why drdisrespect was banned.
- 2 July 2020: Incase you weren’t aware, this is @BillGates prediction for the second wave of coronavirus. The globalist will do whatever it takes to keep control. #pizzagate #deepstate #Obamagate #COVIDー19 #Coronavirustruth #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #BillGatesIsEvil
- 1 July 2020: Look at the agenda they push as well as how many followers it has, the government wouldn’t alow them to have this large of a platform. It’s a bs account.
- 1 July 2020: This isn’t the real anon. I retweeted a video on it. Trust me it’s not anon.
- 1 July 2020: @johnpodesta baby eater
- 1 July 2020: Been at this for a few days now, I can’t stop.
- 1 July 2020: You drink baby blood
- 1 July 2020: looking rough huh? @TheEllenShow #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 1 July 2020: Remember when @TheEllenShow served pizza at the oscars and wanted Harvey Weinstein to pay for the tip? Odd right? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #pizzagateisreal
- 1 July 2020: If you know Johns voice then you know it’s him. @johnpodesta This will never go away, we won’t let it. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks
- 1 July 2020: @johnpodesta you are one sick fuck. This will never go away, we won’t let it. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 1 July 2020: I can’t make this shit up... he’s obviously excited about it. @leedanielsent your sick. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 1 July 2020: You drink baby blood? 🍕
- 1 July 2020: @TheEllenShow remember the time Ellen served pizza at the oscars and wanted Harvey Weinstein to pay for the tip? Odd right? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #pizzagateisreal
- 1 July 2020: I can’t make this shit up... he’s obviously excited about it. @leedanielsent your sick. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 1 July 2020: @TheEllenShow looking rough huh? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 1 July 2020: Just so you know James alefantis famous Instagram is finally taking down. Had to be in the last 2 days. Things are happening. We are awake! #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #generalflynn #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 30 June 2020: #NewProfilePic
- 30 June 2020: It’s out there bro, it’s just not worth finding and I mean it.
- 30 June 2020: That these are 100% legitimate.
- 30 June 2020: Yes some if not all can be found on Wikileaks. But I do believe that some are no longer available due to the recent deposition filed against Hillary. Can’t have evidence from an open investigation floating around. But I have looked at these on Wikileaks for sure. I promise
- 30 June 2020: Yes sir. And it just gets way more weird and way more dark the deeper you dive.
- 30 June 2020: Not sure what u mean?
- 30 June 2020: But Justin posted like 2 days ago. Idk man. If you look at their social media it’s kinda scary. Go look at Ellen man. And see how there all pushing the same agenda. And Beyoncé is hella weird in her last video.
- 30 June 2020: This shit is real but I question this list myself. Just Bieber just tried to uncover this shit. But it’s odd I went thro a lot of there social media’s and none have posted a picture or a live video in the past few days. Some of these people’s ig’s are even gone.
- 30 June 2020: Nah, I have a very good feeling once this is over trump is going to slap his dick on the table with a tall glass of I told you so.
- 30 June 2020: If that’s true, then we will never be told the actual truth. But I have looked into mike pence and that mf might be a clone if clones are real.
- 30 June 2020: Send me a bunch of shit. Make me believe it then.
- 30 June 2020: See that’s what I mean, why in the hell would they go there....
- 30 June 2020: I’ve seen the cloning shit and I must say it’s quite fascinating being tied into this current case against google and all them company’s. I mean I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. Idk tho. Just seems like a stretch to me.
- 30 June 2020: So trump is obviously smart and knows what’s going on? Why would he have mike as his vp. It doesn’t add up and it’s hurting this movement.
- 30 June 2020: Look this shit is real, but that’s reaching in my book. Sorry. Unless you can provide solid concrete evidence then it’s wrong lol. Pizzagate is very real but it’s the reaching like this that’s making pizzagate unbelievable.
- 30 June 2020: He would have step down bro.
- 30 June 2020: Yeah bro mike pence has been out like yesterday. Go look. That list is false. Why would the trumps vp be on it...?
- 30 June 2020: How do you this is true and why is mike pence on there?
- 30 June 2020: Follow me back and share your knowledge in the dm
- 30 June 2020: JFK jr first brought this to light, Trumps known of pizzagate before it was what it is today.
- 30 June 2020: Seen it brother.
- 30 June 2020: Buddy, I’m a really harded person. Trust me....
- 30 June 2020: Send me the video.
- 30 June 2020: I’ve already seen some fucked up shit, been through enough to know that I’m strong enough. Haha please trust me on that.
- 30 June 2020: @YUCKF0U @DFENS1111 About the floating in space part
- 30 June 2020: What do you mean?
- 30 June 2020: I honestly feel like I could handle it, just knowing for sure is worth it.
- 30 June 2020: #frazzledrip I’ve searched far and wide trying to find the actual video. If you have it, please. I must see it. #pizzagate
- 30 June 2020: Do you have the video?
- 30 June 2020: Dude... if joe isnt arrested before the debate. He’s going to wish he was. I hope he brings all this to light.
- 30 June 2020: TikTok has been the number one source for finding information on pizza gate. Now any key phrases you type in, this pops up. Of course they don’t want us to see this.... #pizzagate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #weinerslaptop #ClintonEmails #Adrenochrome #pizzagateisreal
- 29 June 2020: Wow, didn’t even notice that. And I’ve looked at these so many times. Wow.
- 29 June 2020: You see how they burst into laughter once Harvey is mentioned. It’s insane.
- 29 June 2020: @krislou1010 I can’t dm you.
- 29 June 2020: I’ll dm you.
- 29 June 2020: I’m really glad this is getting around, it was being completely censored along with all my other videos for about 24 hours. I just want to get this out to people. It started to pick up momentum last night.
- 29 June 2020: I’m really glad this is getting around, it was being completely censored along with all my other videos for about 24 hours. I just want to get this out to people.
- 29 June 2020: Just posting the things I find. @BarackObama we know. #pizzagate #DeepState #FRAZZLEDRIP #obamagate #pedogate #Pedowood #isaackappy #WeinersLaptop #OBAMAGATE #ClintonEmails #ClintonBodyCount #PodestaEmails #EpsteinDidntKillHimself
- 29 June 2020: Remember when @jimmykimmel had 2 boys kiss on his show? Odd right? #pizzagate #DeepState #FRAZZLEDRIP #obamagate #pedogate #Pedowood #isaackappy #WeinersLaptop #GeneralFlynn #ClintonEmails #ClintonBodyCount #PodestaEmails
- 28 June 2020: @YourAnonCentral just so you are aware, this isn’t the real anon. This is the us government and or the cia running this twitter account. If you really think it’s the anon I’m sorry to inform you, it isn’t. #trump2020 #pizzagate
- 28 June 2020: Look dude we are totally different people. I see that anons actual twitter is ran by the cia. I know that. That’s not the real anon. I’m blocking you btw you are obviously very unintelligent. And very asleep.
- 28 June 2020: I’m done talking to you, I knew all this already. I’m just not an idiot.
- 28 June 2020: Hahahahaha hahahahaha shares a photoshopped picture as an argument. Please look into this photo it’s been debunked........
- 28 June 2020: Your obviously stupid, the clintons have been accused of way more things then trump. You my friend are in a coma, wake the fuck up. ✌️
- 28 June 2020: Women big guy. Not children and also they did this to try to ruin trump. Same thing they did to Justin when he tried to blow this shit up.
- 28 June 2020: Bro if you think trump is a real player and not the clintons your off bro, think about it. They want you to think that.
- 28 June 2020: If trump was raping children with these people then he wouldn’t be hated like he is. Js
- 28 June 2020: Oops lol, I’ll repost it. Thanks
- 28 June 2020: You have to think... how is this possible? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #wikileaks #pizzagateisreal
- 28 June 2020: The angel on the face is different in both pictures. I can’t find a better side profile of him. It does look like his chin.
- 28 June 2020: Plus I couldn’t really find a better side profile of Podesta. Could of been at completely different times. I’m convinced it’s him.
- 28 June 2020: The chin I couldn’t get right but at different times in the video it looks more like his chin, the wig kinda throws everything off. Kinda a bad angle but his voice is all the proof you need.
- 27 June 2020: @johnpodesta doing even more weird shit. Listen to his voice. It’s sounds like Podesta. Odd right? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails
- 27 June 2020: @johnpodesta doing even more weird shit. Listen to his voice. It’s sound like Podesta. Odd right? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #BillGatesIsEvil
- 27 June 2020: @johnpodesta doing even more weird shit. Listen to his voice. It’s sound like Podesta. Odd right? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails
- 27 June 2020: Video is on my page. this is the best comparison I can get, it’s obviously his voice @johnpodesta #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #generalflynn #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #BillGatesIsEvil #Adrenochrome
- 27 June 2020: Man I looked super hard, I asked a few buddy’s about it. I’ll let you know if they send me a screenshot. Idk why I can’t find it.
- 27 June 2020: I’m still looking for it, crazy how I can’t find it.. I got you tho. Give me a sec
- 27 June 2020: I will track down the email, I seen it before but give me a min and I’ll post it up.
- 27 June 2020: If you have actually looked into this and done your research, you wouldn’t say it’s fucking dumb. If you have truly looked into this and still say it’s fake, you are truly asleep.
- 27 June 2020: Remember when @jimmyfallon had 2 boys kiss on his show? Odd right? #pizzagate #DeepState #FRAZZLEDRIP #obamagate #pedogate #Pedowood #isaackappy #WeinersLaptop #GeneralFlynn #ClintonEmails #ClintonBodyCount #PodestaEmails
- 27 June 2020: This video will never go away, because we won’t let it. #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome #podesta
- 27 June 2020: Nice find.
- 27 June 2020: What am I suppose to see when you search that?
- 27 June 2020: Remember when @TheEllenShow served pizza at the oscars and wanted Harvey Weinstein to pay for it? Odd right? #pizzagate #deepstate #frazzledrip #obamagate #pedogate #pedowood #weinerslaptop #ClintonEmails #podestaemails #Adrenochrome
- 27 June 2020: Remember when @TheEllenShow served pizza at the oscars and wanted Harvey Weinstein to pay for it? Odd right? #pizzagate
- 27 June 2020: Right, like the government would allow them to have a twitter account with 6m followers. Wake the fuck up. #pizzagate
- 24 June 2020: @JustinRoiland your boy Dan is one sick fuck. Idk why you guys didn’t just replace him. How can someone come back from having sex with a baby doll. Man it’s a shame, I loved your show so much.
- 24 June 2020: @RickandMorty wtf yo!! @adultswim you sick fucks!
- 24 June 2020:
- 24 June 2020: If it isn’t real, shit I’ll help you eat it.
- 24 June 2020: Damn, you won. I’ll go hide under my rock.
- 24 June 2020: I don’t hate anyone except pedophiles soooo....... 🧐🧐🧐
- 24 June 2020: Don’t cry. Be strong. We are worriers in this fight for humanity. Wake others. But don’t cry. ❤️
- 24 June 2020: Have you seen frazzledrip for youself, I have questions lol.
- 24 June 2020: Just keep waking them up!
- 24 June 2020: I feel like I could learn a lot from you
- 24 June 2020: Pizza gates real. It is real.
- 24 June 2020: When was this though?
- 24 June 2020: Send me that testimony. Please
- 24 June 2020: Wake em up! The evidence is there!
- 24 June 2020: But this is only about neurlink or whatever it’s called?
- 24 June 2020: Keep reading, the evidence just piles itself up. It’s a sad world we live in.
- 24 June 2020: #NewProfilePic
- 23 June 2020: People are waking up. Trust me. Not everyone, but enough to make a difference.
- 23 June 2020: He’s done more to fight child trafficking then anyone ever has. I wonder why they hate him.
- 23 June 2020: I seen your bio and I was like “me and this guy will get along” lol
- 23 June 2020: It’s a very fucked up and crazy world.
- 23 June 2020: It’s insane! But true.
- 23 June 2020:
- 23 June 2020: You are not wrong my friend. I’m sure there are some on the blue side that are good people. The corruption doesn’t know any party tho. Everyone can be bought. Blue or red. The real color is green.
- 23 June 2020: I don’t think Joe even knows what day of the week it is.
- 23 June 2020: Spread the word and wait. Soon we will see action. It’s up to us to wake others up.
- 23 June 2020: Also it’s funded by a nazi Jewish man that I promise doesn’t care about black people.
- 23 June 2020: Wake up.... living in a fantasy land.
- 23 June 2020: This guy right here! I’ll watch this every time I see it lol.
- 23 June 2020: Make her watch fall cabal. You aren’t crazy I promise lol. The most we can do is spread the word and hope for the best.
- 23 June 2020: Go watch the video of him touching his hat on ig live. That’s the most proof we will get without them killing that man.
- 23 June 2020: Wake em up!
- 23 June 2020: We are all in this fight together. We have to be worriers! The truth is to much for some but we can’t ignore it anymore.
- 23 June 2020: It’s the reason she is cancelled lol.
- 23 June 2020: Wake em up! No one is aloud to sleep! Love it!
- 23 June 2020: Keep waking them up!
- 23 June 2020: I know, that’s why I said it. It’s so sad. Truly the worst evil in the world against the most innocent. :(
- 23 June 2020: @netflix #EpsteinDidntKillHimself #PizzaGate #obamagate #frazzeldrip Netflix is the prime example of how they cover all this shit up. That Epstein doc only covered so much for a reason. Wake up! This shit is real!
- 23 June 2020: I feel like they will. All we can do is spread information and hope for the best.
- 23 June 2020: Socialism and bootlicking kinda go hand and hand. Js. But I appreciate you seeing them for the scum they are.
- 23 June 2020: I hope she is actually on trial. I really hope.
- 23 June 2020: The people won’t ignore it anymore, that’s why all these fuckers involved are being trolled on twitter so hard. WE KNOW! We won’t forget.
- 23 June 2020: Together we can do anything!
- 23 June 2020: Stay woke.
- 23 June 2020: You have to be a worrier, this shit won’t stop if we ignore it. One day we will stop it. Stay woke.
- 23 June 2020: The evidence is there, people need to wake up.
- 23 June 2020: The answer is these people are sick and they have been sick for a long time. So sad.
- 23 June 2020: This is insane, I didn’t know about this. Wow
- 23 June 2020: No, we all know. Shout it to the world.
- 23 June 2020: Have you seen it?
- 23 June 2020: Some people would rather live a lie and hide from the truth. It’s to much for some people. But if you look for the answers yourself it becomes more and more obvious. The people will wake up.
- 23 June 2020: This child didn’t just pull this out of his imagination, notice how his eyes are dark, he’s been through some shit. For sure. So sad :(
- 23 June 2020: It’s real
- 23 June 2020: Lmfao never heard of a satanist priest having sex with children!! How fucking laughable.
- 23 June 2020: I just hope it’s real.
- 23 June 2020: Fall cabal and out of the shadows is a good place to start my friend.
- 23 June 2020: Because people are waking up.
- 23 June 2020: It’s a lot to take in, but I promise the more you look the more obvious it becomes. People know these thing are facts now. The world is waking up.
- 23 June 2020: Pizzagate is real.
- 23 June 2020: @GovAndyBeshear one voting location for Jefferson county seems a bit suspicious... 🙄🙄
- 23 June 2020: If you got dirt on Andy, I’m down as hell to see it lol.
- 23 June 2020: @GingerBenson do you have the video?
- 23 June 2020: This guy took the red pill haha
- 23 June 2020: This man isn’t just a racist, he’s also a pedo! I retweeted a video about it. Sick fuck.
- 23 June 2020: Sad, I actually liked Shane a lot. There is no room in this world for disgusting people like this. @shanedawson
- 23 June 2020: #pizzagate #PizzaGateIsReal #JoeBidenIsRacist #Obamagate It’s sad that someone like Joe Biden can’t even control himself in public, imagine what he does when no ones around.
- 23 June 2020: Is Adrenochrome addictive? Or can you quit whenever you want? #PizzaGate
- 23 June 2020: Lol, they are tying to stop you from finding the truth.
- 23 June 2020:
- 23 June 2020: Goto YouTube and search fall cable. Start there.
- 23 June 2020: #pizzagate #obamagate #justice #pedogate the truth will set you free. How many coincidences until it’s not a coincidence. The truth is there, just look for it.
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