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Created March 24, 2021 14:26
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DataBase class is a wrapper around `sqlite` database.
import sqlite3
from typing import List, Union
class DataBase:
DataBase class is a wrapper around sqlite database.
def __init__(self, db_path: str):
Initialize DataBase.
If db_path is not already exist it will be created.
:param db_path: The path of a database file, or ':memory:' for open a database in the RAM.
self.conn = None
self.cur = None
self.db_path = db_path
def open(self):
Connecting to the database.
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)
self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
def close(self):
Closing the connection to the database.
def __exit__(self):
def create_table(self, table: str, columns: Union[str, List[str]]):
Creates a table into the database.
:param table: Name of the new table.
:param columns: Columns to create in the table (e.g. 'id integer PRIMARY KEY').
columns = self.tolist_of_strings(columns)
sql_create_table = f"""
); """
def insert(self, table: str, columns: str, values: Union[str, List[str]]):
Insert values into a table.
:param table: Name of the table.
:param columns: Columns where to store the values, separated with a comma (e.g. 'col1,col2').
:param values: Values to store into the table, (e.g. 'val1,val2' or ['val1', 'val2']).
data = self.tolist_of_strings(values)
sql_insert = f"""
INSERT INTO {table} ({columns}) VALUES (
); """
self.cur.execute(sql_insert, data)
def exist(self, table: str, column: str, value: str) -> bool:
Checking if a value exist.
:param table: Name of the table.
:param column: Name of the column.
:param value: Value to search.
:return: True if exist otherwise returns False.
if (
f"SELECT 1 FROM {table} WHERE {column} = {value};"
is None
return False
return True
def get_tables(self) -> list:
Returns a list of the database tables.
:return: list of table names.
return list(
"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';"
def get_columns(self, table: str) -> list:
Returns columns of a given table name.
:param table: Name of a table.
:return: list of columns names.
return list(self.cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table} LIMIT 1;").fetchall())
def query(self, query: str):
Execute a query in the database.
:param query: query string.
def tolist_of_strings(data: Union[str, int, List[str], List[int]]):
Convert all values inside the list to string,
if data is not a list and one value is given it will be insert into a list.
:param data: int or string or list of objects or integers.
:return: list of strings
if not isinstance(data, list):
data = [data]
return list(map(str, data))
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