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Created May 23, 2024 19:56
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Lorawan-parser Fuzz Introspector sample output
## Intro
The following is a sample output from Fuzz Introspector (
of the lorawan-parser `json_validate` function. The goal is to show here what information is available
on for each function in a program under Fuzz Introspector analysis.
This is used by OSS-Fuzz-gen to synthesize fuzzing harnesses:
This information is also used by to show information about a large
set of open source projects being fuzzed.
"Func name": "json_validate",
"func_url": "/covreport/linux/src/test-fuzz-build-2/./lib/json.c.html#L434",
"Functions filename": "/src/test-fuzz-build-2/./lib/json.c",
"Args": [
"Function call depth": 7,
"Reached by Fuzzers": [],
"collapsible_id": "json_validate_jeskbeA",
"Fuzzers runtime hit": "no",
"Func lines hit %": "0.0%",
"I Count": 45,
"BB Count": 8,
"Cyclomatic complexity": 4,
"Functions reached": 45,
"Reached by functions": 0,
"Accumulated cyclomatic complexity": 212,
"Undiscovered complexity": 212,
"ArgNames": [
"return_type": "bool",
"raw-function-name": "json_validate",
"callsites": {
"skip_space": [
"parse_value": [
"source_line_begin": 434,
"source_line_end": 446,
"is_accessible": true,
"is_jvm_library": false,
"is_enum_class": false,
"function_signature": "bool json_validate(const char *)",
"debug_function_info": {
"name": "json_validate",
"file_location": "/src/test-fuzz-build-2/./lib/json.c:433",
"type_arguments": [
"raw_name": "json_validate",
"is_public": 0,
"is_private": 0,
"func_signature_elems": {
"return_type": [
"params": [
"source": {
"source_file": "/src/test-fuzz-build-2/lib/json.c",
"source_line": "433"
"return_type": "bool",
"args": [
"const char *"
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