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Last active March 14, 2016 02:00
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Mining Alice in Wonderland using Spark's GraphX. As if Alice in Wonderland were chat messages between Alice, Rabbit, Magpie, and Hatter.
package com.dvidr
import org.apache.spark.graphx.{VertexRDD, Edge, Graph}
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import scala.util.Random
case class Chat(id: Int, name: String, talk: String)
case class ChatGraph(id: Int, dst: Int, replyIn: Int, name: String, talk: String)
case class TopChat(id: Int, name: String, talk: String, inDeg: Int, outDeg: Int)
object AliceInGraphXLand {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Here we are setting up things so that the Alice text will appear:
rabbit -> magpie :
hatter -> alice : Lewis Carroll
hadder -> alice :
so the Alice text now appers like a chat transcript with x -> y representing
x responding to y.
Arbitrarily "alice", "rabbit", "magpie", "hatter" are the interlocutors.
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("AliceInSparkLand").setMaster("local")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val chatters = List("alice", "rabbit", "magpie", "hatter")
Get "Alice in Wonderland" from Gutenberg. A little setup is required
to avoid an edge case. Here we make life easy with the ChatGraph class
holding the information needed to construct a graph. The important properties
* id: unique id of chat
* dst: id of chat, this chat is a response to
* replyIn: the time diff between (dst - id): i.e. how long it took for this chatter to respond
* name: author of chat
* talk: the chat text
val graphAlice = sc.textFile("data/alice.txt").filter(_.nonEmpty) { case (talk, idx) =>
var refer = 0
if (idx.toInt > 0) {
refer = Random.nextInt(idx.toInt)
ChatGraph(idx.toInt, refer, Random.nextInt(100), chatters(Random.nextInt(4)), talk.toLowerCase())
Create a Spark RDD table with columns made of field from ChatGraph
Get back the data with Spark SQL
val df = sqlContext.sql("SELECT id, dst, replyIn, name, talk FROM graphAlice")
Create vertices with a unique id and properties held in the Chat class
val vertices ="id", "name", "talk"))).map { m =>
(m("id").toString.toInt.toLong, Chat(m("id").toString.toInt, m("name").toString, m("talk").toString))
Create edge pairs from one interlocutor to another (id) -> (dst) with edge weight
of (replyIn) representing the time between chats
val edgesRDD ="id", "dst", "replyIn"))).map { m =>
Edge(m("id").toString.toInt.toLong, m("dst").toString.toInt.toLong, m("replyIn").toString.toInt)
Create Spark GraphX graph (phew)
val graph = Graph(vertices, edgesRDD)
Query 1: Get the names of those speakers who used more than 15 words in their (talk)
graph.vertices.filter { case (id, chat) =>"\\s+").size > 15 }.collect.foreach {
case (id, chat) => println(s"${} spoke alot at $id")
Query 2: Get the names of those speakers who responded to a message within 2 (seconds?)
graph.triplets.filter { x => x.attr < 2 }.collect.foreach { x =>
println(s"${} replied quickly to ${}")
New Graph: Create a new graph with vertex properties of TopChat class instead of ChatGraph.
What's new is TopChat records the (in) and (out) degrees of a vertex.
val initGraph: Graph[TopChat, Int] = graph.mapVertices((id, c) => TopChat(id.toInt,,, 0, 0))
val topChatGraph = initGraph.outerJoinVertices(initGraph.outDegrees) { case (id, c, deg) =>
TopChat(id.toInt,,, c.inDeg, deg.getOrElse(0))
}.outerJoinVertices(initGraph.inDegrees) { case (id, c, deg) =>
TopChat(id.toInt,,, deg.getOrElse(0), c.outDeg)
Query 3: Get the names of those speakers who had more than 5 responses to a chat
topChatGraph.vertices.filter { case (id, c) => c.inDeg > 5 }.collect.foreach {
case (id, c) => println(s"${} had ${c.inDeg} responses")
MapReduce 1: Find the average length of words in response to each post.
val aggResponse: VertexRDD[Double] = topChatGraph.aggregateMessages[(Int, Double)](
triplet => triplet.sendToDst(1,"\\s+").size.toDouble),
(a, b) => (a._1 + b._1, a._2 + b._2)
).mapValues((id, nums) => nums._2 / nums._1)
Print MapReduce 1
topChatGraph.vertices.leftJoin(aggResponse) { (id, c, o) =>
o match {
case Some(avg) if avg > 13 => s"${} has a large average response $avg"
case _ => s""
Subgraph 1: Get the triplets (vertex1 -> edge -> vertex2) with edge weight less than 2
then find the connected components at this "layer" of the graph.
val quickGraph = topChatGraph.subgraph(epred = x => x.attr < 2)
val cc = quickGraph.connectedComponents.vertices
Print the names and components of the posts in the above subgraph
quickGraph.vertices.leftJoin(cc) {
case (id, c, comp) => s"${} is in component ${comp.get}"
}.collect.foreach{ case (id, rez) => println(rez)}
MapReduce 2: Find the Jaccard Similarity of the responses to each post
val jacardResponse: VertexRDD[Double] = topChatGraph.aggregateMessages[(Set[String], Set[String])] (
triplet => {
val vocab ="\\s+").toSet
triplet.sendToDst(vocab, vocab)},
(a, b) => (a._1.intersect(b._1), a._2.union(b._2))
).mapValues((id, s) => s._1.size.toFloat / s._2.size)
Print MapReduce 2
topChatGraph.vertices.leftJoin(jacardResponse) { (id, c, o) =>
o match {
case Some(sim) if sim > 0 && sim < 1 => s"${} has replies that are $sim similar"
case _ => s""
}.collect.filter(!_._2.isEmpty).foreach{case (id, rez) => println(rez)}
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