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Last active June 27, 2022 22:28
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Gists for Medium Article - BusinessValidationPipeline
public class BusinessValidationPipeline<TRequest, TResponse> : IPipelineBehavior<TRequest, TResponse>
where TResponse : class
where TRequest : IValidateable
private readonly IValidator<TRequest> _compositeValidator;
private readonly ILogger<TRequest> _logger;
private readonly ICurrentUser _currentUser;
private readonly IActionContextAccessor _actionContextAccessor;
public BusinessValidationPipeline(
IValidator<TRequest> compositeValidator,
ILogger<TRequest> logger,
ICurrentUser currentUser,
IActionContextAccessor actionContextAccessor)
_compositeValidator = compositeValidator;
_logger = logger;
_currentUser = currentUser;
_actionContextAccessor = actionContextAccessor;
public async Task<TResponse> Handle(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken, RequestHandlerDelegate<TResponse> next)
var responseType = typeof(TResponse);
if (responseType.Name.StartsWith(nameof(ValidateableResponse), StringComparison.Ordinal))
var result = await _compositeValidator.ValidateAsync(request, cancellationToken);
if (!result.IsValid)
var errorsCollated = result.ToDictionary();
_logger.TraceMessageValidationFailed(errorsCollated, _currentUser?.UserName ?? GeneralPurpose.AnonymousUser);
// Add validation fail to ModelState to make it available there. Just in case it is needed.
result.AddToModelState(_actionContextAccessor.ActionContext.ModelState, string.Empty);
// Deal with type depending on whether it is the generic version of ValidateableResponse or not.
var resultType = responseType.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault();
if (ReferenceEquals(resultType, null))
var nonGenericInvalidResponse =
) as TResponse;
return nonGenericInvalidResponse;
var invalidResponseType = typeof(ValidateableResponse<>).MakeGenericType(resultType);
var invalidResponse =
) as TResponse;
return invalidResponse;
return await next();
throw new Exception($"IValidateable implementation must be a {nameof(ValidateableResponse)}.");
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