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Last active September 27, 2021 22:10
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Imbalanced Data article
def conf_matrix(y,pred):
((tn, fp), (fn, tp)) = metrics.confusion_matrix(y, pred)
((tnr,fpr),(fnr,tpr))= metrics.confusion_matrix(y, pred, normalize='true')
return pd.DataFrame([[f'TN = {tn} (TNR = {tnr:1.2%})', f'FP = {fp} (FPR = {fpr:1.2%})'], # 97
[f'FN = {fn} (FNR = {fnr:1.2%})', f'TP = {tp} (TPR = {tpr:1.2%})']],#96
index=['True 0(Legit)', 'True 1(Fraud)'],
columns=['Pred 0(Approve as Legit)', 'Pred 1(Deny as Fraud)'])
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