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Forked from anonymous/canvas.js
Last active December 14, 2015 05:29
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Save DavidSouther/5035560 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get a new SVG canvas, with margins and scales. Pass an object as `options` to
set values. Defaults:
size: # Size of SVG. Returned size will be smaller by the size of the margins.
width: 960
height: 500
margin: # Margins for the graphic.
top: 20
right: 20
bottom: 30
left: 40
scale: # d3.scales to scale against the canvas
x: linear
y: linear
domain: # Domain of scales for the canvas.
x: [0, 1]
y: [0, 1]
@param root String selector for finding the SVG element.
@param options Object matching the defaults to override.
@return Object with defaults, overriden by the options, and an additional two properties:
svg: SVG_Element # SVG root
defs: SVG_Defs_Element # <defs> to attach gradient and filter definitions to.
this.Canvas = function(root, options){
var margin, width, height, svg, scales, canvas;
root == null && (root = 'body');
options == null && (options = {});
options.size || (options.size = {});
options.margin || (options.margin = {});
options.scale || (options.scale = {});
margin = {
top: || 20,
right: || 20,
bottom: || 30,
left: || 40
margin.leftright = margin.left + margin.right;
margin.topbottom = + margin.bottom;
width = (options.size.width || 960) - margin.leftright;
height = (options.size.height || 500) - margin.topbottom;
svg ={
'width': width + margin.left + margin.right,
'height': height + + margin.bottom
scales = {
x: d3.scale[options.scale.x || 'linear']().range([0, width]).domain(options.domain.x || [0, 1]).nice(),
y: d3.scale[options.scale.y || 'linear']().range([0, height]).domain(options.domain.y || [0, 1]).nice()
canvas = {
size: {
width: width,
height: height
margin: margin,
scale: scales,
svg: svg,
return canvas;
name mag temp
40 Eridani A 6.0 4900
40 Eridani B 11.1 10000
40 Eridani C 12.8 2940
61 Cygni A 7.6 4130
61 Cygni B 8.4 3870
70 Ophiuchi A 5.8 4950
70 Ophiuchi B 7.5 3870
Achemar -2.4 20500
Acrux -4.0 28000
Adhara -5.2 23000
AD Leonis 11.0 2940
Aldebaran -0.8 4130
Alhena 0.0 9900
Alioth 0.4 9900
Alkaid -1.7 20500
Al Na'ir -1.1 15550
Alnilam -6.2 26950
Alnitak -5.9 33600
Alpha Centauri A 4.3 5840
AlphaCentauri A 4.3 5840
Alpha Centauri B 5.8 4730
Alpha Centauri B 5.8 4900
Alpha Crucis B -3.3 20500
Altair 2.2 8060
Antares -5.2 3340
Arcturus -0.4 4590
Atria -0.1 4590
Avior -2.1 4900
Barnard's Star 13.2 2800
BD +051668 11.9 2800
BD -124523 12.1 2940
Bellatrix -4.3 23000
Beta Centauri -5.1 25500
Beta Crucis -4.7 28000
Betelgeuse -5.7 3200
Canopus -3.1 7400
Capella -0.6 5150
Castor 1.2 9620
Delta Canis Majoris -8.0 6100
Delta Vulpeculae 0.6 9900
Deneb -7.2 9340
Dubhe 0.2 4900
Elnath -1.6 12400
Epsilon Eridani 6.1 4590
Epsilon Indi 7.0 4130
EV Lacertae 11.7 2800
Fomalhaut 2.0 9060
G51-I5 17.0 2500
Gacrux -0.5 3750
GQ Andromedae 13.4 2670
GX Andromedae 10.4 3340
Hadar -5.3 25500
HD 225213 10.3 3200
HD 93735 10.5 3200
Kapteyn's Star 10.9 3480
Kaus Australis -0.3 11000
Kruger 60 A 11.9 2940
Kruger 60 B 13.3 2670
L726-8 ( A) 15.5 2670
L 789-6 14.5 2670
Lacaille 8760 8.7 3340
Lacaille 9352 9.6 3340
Menkalinan 0.6 9340
Miaplacidus -0.6 9300
Mirfak -4.6 7700
Mirzam -4.8 25500
Peacock -2.3 20500
Polaris -4.6 6100
Pollux 1.0 4900
Procyon A 2.6 6580
Procyon A 2.6 6600
Procyon B 13.0 9700
Proxima Centauri 15.5 2670
Regulus -0.8 13260
Rigel -7.2 12140
Ross 128 13.5 2800
Ross 154 13.1 2800
Ross 248 14.8 2670
Ross 614 A 13.1 2800
Shaula -3.4 25500
Sirius A 1.4 9620
Sirius B 11.2 14800
Spica -3.4 25500
Struve 2398 A 11.2 3070
Struve 2398 B 11.9 2940
Sun 4.8 5840
Tau Ceti 5.7 5150
Theta Scorpii -5.6 7400
TZ Arietis 14.0 2800
UV Ceti (B) 16.0 2670
van Maanen's Star 14.2 13000
Vega 0.5 9900
Wolf 359 (CN Leo) 16.7 2670
Wolf 424 A 15.0 2670
YZ Ceti 14.1 2670
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HR in D3</title>
<script src="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/nucleosynth.css">
<script src="canvas.js" />
<script src="starmap.js" />
<svg id="chart">
<filter id="oil" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%">
<femorphology in="SourceGraphic" radius="2" result="result_oil_morph" />
<feturbulence type="turbulence" baseFrequency="0.05" numOctaves="2" result="result_oil_turb" />
<fedisplacementmap in="result_oil_morph" in2="result_oil_turb" scale=4 xChannelSelector="R" yChannelSelector="G" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var background;
canvas = Canvas('#chart', {
scale: {
x: 'log'
domain: {
x: [100000, 1000],
y: [-8, 7]
background = canvas.svg.append('svg:g')
.attr('style', 'filter:url(#oil);');
'xlink:href': "assets/dfb.png",
'width': canvas.size.width + canvas.margin.leftright,
'height': canvas.size.height + canvas.margin.topbottom,
'x': 0,
'y': 0
var spectrate, Starmap, prepare;
// Small helper to look up a string
spectrate = function(star){
return "class" + spectral['class'](+star.temp);
// Given a canvas, add gradient definitions to the svg:defs element.
prepare = function(canvas){
var defs, grads;
defs = canvas.defs;
grads = defs.selectAll('radialGradient')
// A list of spectral classes
'id': function(it){ return spectrate(it); },
'cx': +0.5,
'cy': +0.5,
'r': +1
'stop-color': function(it){ return it.color.brighter(); },
'offset', '0%'
'stop-color': function(it){ return it.color; },
'offset': '100%'
this.Starmap = function(canvas){
var star;
// Callable function to draw circles in a selection
// EG a stencil
star = function(selection){
var circles;
circles = selection.enter()
"r": 20,
"class": "star"
"opacity": 0.9
"cx": function(it){ return canvas.scale.x(+it.temp); },
"cy": function(it){ return canvas.scale.y(+it.mag); },
"fill": function(it){ return "url(#" + spectrate(it) + ")"; }
// The main stencil. Takes an svg:g layer from inside canvas.svg
return function(layer){
// Load the spectrum data
d3.csv("hr.csv", function(error, stars){
'id': "herzrus",
'transform': "translate(" + canvas.margin.left + ", " + canvas.margin.right + ")"
.style('opacity', 0.9)
// Chained call to the reusable star stencil.
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