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Created December 23, 2021 08:53
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Simple Component Driven ClojureScript examples
;; The shadow-cljs EDN configuration
[[reagent "1.1.0"]
[arttuka/reagent-material-ui "5.2.4-0"]]
:dev-http {8080 "public"}
:builds {
:app {:target :browser
:output-dir "public/js"
:asset-path "/js"
:modules {:main {:init-fn component-driven.core/init}}
:devtools {:after-load component-driven.core/render}}
:story {:target :browser
:output-dir "public_story/js"
:asset-path "/js"
:modules {:main {:init-fn component-driven.story/init}}
:devtools {:after-load component-driven.story/render
:http-root "public_story"
:http-port 8090}}
;; The Story entry point
(ns component-driven.story
(:require [reagent.dom :as rdom]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[component-driven.core :as core]
[component-driven.components.card :as card]))
(def story (reagent/atom nil))
(defn view []
(when @story
(defn render []
(rdom/render [view] core/root-element))
(defn init []
(reset! story [card/user-card
{:header "The Component"
:message "a Message"
:details "some Details"}])
;; And the actual component being developed
(ns component-driven.components.card
(:require [reagent-mui.components :refer [button
(defn user-card [{:keys [header message details]}]
[card {:sx {:min-width 275}}
[typography {:variant "h5" :component "div"} header]
[typography {:sx {:mb 1.5} :color "text.secondary"} message]
[typography {:variant "body2"} details]]
[button {:size "small"} "Please click here"]]])
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