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Last active June 27, 2024 14:52
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Full Github REST api in 34 lines of code
/* Ultra lightweight Github REST Client */
// original inspiration via
const token = 'github-token-here'
const githubClient = generateAPI('', {
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'xyz',
'Authorization': `bearer ${token}`
async function getRepo() {
/* GET /repos/{owner}/{repo} */
async function generateRepoFromTemplate({ template, repoName }) {
/* POST /repos/{template_owner}/{template_repo}/generate */
return githubClient.repos[`${template}`]{ name: repoName })
getRepo().then((repoInfo) => {
console.log('repo', repoInfo)
function generateAPI(baseUrl, defaults = {}, scope = []) {
const callable = () => {}
callable.url = baseUrl
return new Proxy(callable, {
get({ url }, propKey) {
const method = propKey.toUpperCase()
const path = scope.concat(propKey)
if (['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'].includes(method)) {
return (data, overrides = {}) => {
const payload = { method, ...defaults, ...overrides }
switch (method) {
case 'GET': {
if (data) url = `${url}?${new URLSearchParams(data)}`
case 'POST':
case 'PUT':
case 'PATCH': {
payload.body = JSON.stringify(data)
console.log(`Calling: ${url}`)
console.log('payload', payload)
return fetch(url, payload).then((d) => d.json())
return generateAPI(`${url}/${propKey}`, defaults, path)
apply({ url }, thisArg, [arg] = []) {
const path = url.split('/')
return generateAPI(arg ? `${url}/${arg}` : url, defaults, path)
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v1vendi commented Mar 11, 2022

@manuganji apply in this context is a wrapper for Proxied original function. Basically we need the callable variable only to use apply on it. If we don't use this feature and stick to githubClient.repos[template]{ name: repoName }), we could remove the callable and do

return new Proxy({}, {
    get(){ /*...* }

there's a doc for that

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Any chance that there is a feasible way to create a typed version of this in TypeScript?

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About7Deaths commented Mar 11, 2022

Any chance that there is a feasible way to create a typed version of this in TypeScript?

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johannschopplich commented Mar 14, 2022

@htunnicliff @About7Deaths @v1vendi I've updated my typed version of this REST API approach uncreate to support all the chaining just like in this example. 🚀

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poef commented Mar 14, 2022

Nice work. I've made something similar, but more generic at
Does anyone know of any other similar approaches using Proxy?

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Amazing work

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This is pretty cool. Also, very similar to something I have been using for a while.

import {objectCopy} from "./objectCopy.js"

const defaults = {
  cache: "no-cache",
  credentials: "same-origin",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  mode: "same-origin",
  redirect: "follow",
  referrerPolicy: "no-referrer"
const METHODS = [

function naiveSDK (root, config = {}, fetchAPI = fetch) {
  if (!fetchAPI) {
    throw new Error("No fetch API available.")

  const defaultOptions = {...objectCopy(defaults), ...objectCopy(config)}
  const request = (method) => (route, body, options = {}) => fetchAPI(
      ...(body ? {body: JSON.stringify(body)} : {}),
      options: {...defaultOptions, ...objectCopy(options)},

  return new Proxy(METHODS, {
    get: (all, method) => all.includes(method.toUpperCase())
      ? request(method.toUpperCase())
      : () => {throw new Error(`Invalid HTTP method called: ${method}.`)},
    set (_, prop) {throw new Error(`Attempting to set property "${prop}".`)},

export {naiveSDK}

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