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Created July 12, 2012 18:23
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Save DavidWise/3099937 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automatically set the AssemblyFileVersion for a project with each build in Visual Studio
#used to make it easier to spot the comments from the script in the Build Output window
$msgPrefix=" | "
#useful when testing the script - simply point this to the root of a folder that contains a project
#and the script can be run via PowerShell or ISE without having to constantly build via VS
#the default location for the TFS files. You may need to update this for your specific installation
set-alias tfs "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe"
write-output "$msgPrefix Beginning IncrementAssemblyFileVersion.ps1"
function AssignVersionValue([string]$oldValue, [string]$newValue) {
if ($newValue -eq $null -or $newValue -eq "") {
} else {
#placeholder for other functionality, like incrementing, dates, etc..
if ($newValue -eq "increment") {
$newNum = 1
try {
$newNum = [System.Convert]::ToInt64($oldValue) + 1
} catch {
#do nothing
} else {
function SetAssemblyFileVersion([string]$pathToFile, [string]$majorVer, [string]$minorVer, [string]$buildVer, [string]$revVer) {
#load the file and process the lines
$newFile = Get-Content $pathToFile -encoding "UTF8" | foreach-object {
if ($_.StartsWith("[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion")) {
$verStart = $_.IndexOf("(")
$verEnd = $_.IndexOf(")", $verStart)
$origVersion = $_.SubString($verStart+2, $verEnd-$verStart-3)
#default values for each segment
#assign them based on what was found
if ($segments.Length -gt 0) { $v1=$segments[0] }
if ($segments.Length -gt 1) { $v2=$segments[1] }
if ($segments.Length -gt 2) { $v3=$segments[2] }
if ($segments.Length -gt 3) { $v4=$segments[3] }
$v1 = AssignVersionValue $v1 $majorVer
$v2 = AssignVersionValue $v2 $minorVer
$v3 = AssignVersionValue $v3 $buildVer
$v4 = AssignVersionValue $v4 $revVer
if ($v1 -eq $null) { throw "Major version CANNOT be blank!" }
if ($v2 -eq $null) { throw "Minor version CANNOT be blank!" }
$newVersion = "$v1.$v2"
if ($v3 -ne $null) {
$newVersion = "$newVersion.$v3"
if ($v4 -ne $null) {
$newVersion = "$newVersion.$v4"
write-host "$msgPrefix Setting AssemblyFileVersion to $newVersion"
$_.Replace($origVersion, $newVersion)
} else {
$newfile | set-Content $assemblyInfoPath -encoding "UTF8"
function CheckOutFile([string]$pathToFile) {
#Make sure the file is writeable from TFS
$fileInfo =[System.IO.FileInfo]$pathToFile
# if it is readonly attempt to check it out
# this is a shortcut because in my environment, ReadOnly means that it is in TFS
# I could force the checkout all of the time but that adds about 5 seconds to the build
if ($fileInfo.Attributes -band 1) {
Write-Output "$msgPrefix Checking out AssemblyInfo.cs"
$coVal = tfs checkout "$pathToFile"
if ($coVal -eq $null) {
throw "Unable to check out the file: $pathToFile"
if ($PathToProjectRoot -eq "" -or $PathToProjectRoot -eq $null) { $PathToProjectRoot=$defaultProjectRoot }
$PathToProjectRoot = $PathToProjectRoot.Trim("\")
#if you use another .net language, you will need to change this to support that.
$assemblyInfoPath = "$PathToProjectRoot\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
CheckOutFile $assemblyInfoPath
# the values here can be whatever your heart desires
$major=$null # $null indicates that whatever value is currently in the file should be used as-is
$rev="increment" # special token to increment whatever value it finds in that field
SetAssemblyFileVersion $assemblyInfoPath $major $minor $build $rev
write-output "$msgPrefix Ending IncrementAssemblyFileVersion.ps1"
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