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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Implementation of a simple Turing Machine.
module TM.TM where
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, get, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (WriterT, runWriterT, tell)
import Data.List (intercalate, nub, (\\))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (Map, fromList, keys, lookup,
notMember, null, union)
newtype Tape = Tape { tapeList :: [CellContent] }
instance Show Tape where
show (Tape s) = '|':(intercalate "|" (map show s) ++ "|")
data TapeState = TapeState { getTape :: Tape, position :: Int }
instance Show TapeState where
show (TapeState tape pos) = show tape ++ "\n" ++ replicate (pos*2+1) ' ' ++ "^"
makeTS :: Tape -> TapeState
makeTS t = TapeState t (tapeLen t `div` 2)
data Direction = L | R | S deriving (Show, Eq)
data CellContent = Cell Char | Blank deriving (Ord, Eq)
instance Show CellContent where
show (Cell c) = [c]
show Blank = " "
moveR :: TapeState -> TapeState
moveR (TapeState tape pos)
| pos == (tapeLen tape - 1) = TapeState tape 0
| otherwise = TapeState tape (pos + 1)
moveL :: TapeState -> TapeState
moveL (TapeState tape pos)
| pos == 0 = TapeState tape (tapeLen tape - 1)
| otherwise = TapeState tape (pos - 1)
move :: Direction -> TapeState -> TapeState
move L ts = moveL ts
move R ts = moveR ts
move S ts = ts
tapeLen :: Tape -> Int
tapeLen (Tape t) = length t
emptyTape :: Int -> Tape
emptyTape n = Tape $ replicate n Blank
tapeFromStr :: Int -> String -> Tape
tapeFromStr n s = let l = length s + n - 1
in Tape $ replicate l Blank ++ map Cell s ++ replicate n Blank
getCurChar :: TapeState -> CellContent
getCurChar (TapeState t p) = tapeList t !! p
setCharAt :: a -> [a] -> Int -> [a]
setCharAt el l i = take i l ++ [el] ++ drop (i+1) l
setCurChar :: CellContent -> TapeState -> TapeState
setCurChar c ts@(TapeState t p) = ts { getTape = Tape (setCharAt c (tapeList t) p) }
newtype TMState = TMState { getName :: String } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type TransFun = Map.Map (TMState, CellContent) (TMState, CellContent, Direction)
(==>) :: a -> b -> (a,b)
(==>) = (,)
data TM = TM { transFun :: TransFun,
states :: [TMState],
acceptingStates :: [TMState],
initialState :: TMState }
numStates :: TM -> Int
numStates = length . states
type Log = [(TMState, TapeState)]
runTM :: Tape -> TM -> Bool
runTM t tm = fst (runTMLog t tm)
runTMLog :: Tape -> TM -> (Bool, Log)
runTMLog t tm = evalState (runWriterT . runS $ tm) (initialState tm, makeTS t)
writeAndMove :: CellContent -> Direction -> TapeState -> TapeState
writeAndMove c d ts = let ts' = setCurChar c ts
in move d ts'
runS :: TM -> WriterT Log (State (TMState, TapeState)) Bool
runS tm = do
(cur, ts) <- lift get
tell [(cur, ts)]
case Map.lookup (cur, getCurChar ts) (transFun tm) of
Nothing -> return $ cur `elem` acceptingStates tm
(Just (next, out, dir)) -> do { lift $ put (next, writeAndMove out dir ts); runS tm }
invertTF :: [TMState] -> TMState -> TransFun -> (TransFun, Bool)
invertTF st qn tf = let chars = nub (map snd (Map.keys tf))
compl = Map.fromList [(qi, c) ==> (qn, Blank, S) | qi <- st, c <- chars, (qi, c) `Map.notMember` tf]
in if Map.null compl then (tf, False) else (Map.union compl tf, True)
oppositeTM :: TM -> TM
oppositeTM tm = let qn = TMState "q_"
(tf2, addState) = invertTF (states tm) qn (transFun tm)
in TM { transFun = tf2,
states = if addState then qn:states tm else states tm,
initialState = initialState tm,
acceptingStates = if addState then qn : (states tm \\ acceptingStates tm)
else states tm \\ acceptingStates tm }
module TM.TMEx where
import Control.Monad (when, forM_)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import TM.TM (CellContent (Cell), Direction (R), TM (TM),
TMState (TMState), TransFun, acceptingStates,
initialState, oppositeTM, runTMLog, states,
tapeFromStr, transFun, (==>), getName)
q0 :: TMState
q0 = TMState "q0"
q1 :: TMState
q1 = TMState "q1"
oddTf :: TransFun
oddTf = Map.fromList [(q0, Cell '0') ==> (q0, Cell '0', R),
(q0, Cell '1') ==> (q1, Cell '1', R),
(q1, Cell '0') ==> (q0, Cell '0', R),
(q1, Cell '1') ==> (q1, Cell '1', R)]
oddTM :: TM
oddTM = TM { transFun = oddTf,
states = [q0, q1],
initialState = q0,
acceptingStates = [q1] }
evenTM :: TM
evenTM = oppositeTM oddTM
negateTf :: TransFun
negateTf = Map.fromList [(q0, Cell '0') ==> (q0, Cell '1', R),
(q0, Cell '1') ==> (q0, Cell '0', R)]
negateTM :: TM
negateTM = TM { transFun = negateTf,
states = [q0],
initialState = q0,
acceptingStates = [q0] }
notValid :: String -> Bool
notValid = any (\e -> e /= '0' && e /= '1')
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Binary String:"
line <- getLine
when (notValid line) (putStrLn "Invalid input!" >> exitFailure)
let tape = tapeFromStr 1 line
(_, logTM) = runTMLog tape negateTM
forM_ logTM $ \(st, ts) -> do
putStrLn (getName st)
print ts
--putStrLn $ "The number " ++ line ++ (if result then " is " else " is not ") ++ "even."
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