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Last active August 23, 2023 07:14
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Best known Regex Golf solutions (SPOILERS) - Classic level set - (SPOILERS)

Collected solutions for Regex Golf, Classic level set

See also:
jpsim gist (discussion)
jonathanmorley gist (discussion)
teukon's Draft Regex Golf Bonus Levels
Solutions to teukon's Draft Regex Golf Bonus Levels (SPOILERS! SPOILERS!) and discussion of mathematical regexes
Continued discussion of Regex Golf Bonus Levels and mathematical regexes (SPOILERS! SPOILERS!)

Please let me know if you find any errors here, or can fill in any of the missing data.

Timestamps are in UTC. Be careful when following GitHub comment links – spoilers may be seen for other levels.

If I manage to discover solutions matching the unpublished high-score holders in length, I'm leaning towards publishing them here only as md5sums, so as not to further taint the high-score lists on Regex Golf.

There are some very wide tables below, which are uncomfortably constrained by the GitHub frameworks CSS. So I would suggest using a browser plugin to override the style with gist-wide.css.

Key to credits:

Exact solutions (to the test cases)

Level Length Regex Date Credit
Plain strings 3 one of the below before 2013-12-20 alok (RG~)
  3 foo 2013-12-20 11:18:54 Rhomboid (R)
  foo 2013-12-20 14:01:04 ZirconCode (HN)
  f.o 2014-01 Peter Norvig
Anchors 2 k$ before 2013-12-20 alok (RG~)
It never ends 6 u(?!.)
  3 u\b
Ranges 8 one of the below before 2013-12-20 alok (RG~)
  8 ^[a-f]*$ 2013-12-20 11:18:54 Rhomboid (R)
  [a-f]{4} 2013-12-20 14:09:44 Sir_Cmpwn (HN)
  ^[a-g]*$ 2013-12-20 15:47:57 chingjun (HN)
  ^[a-f]*$ 2013-12-20 18:09:39 josephlord (HN)
Backrefs 9 (...).*\1 before 2013-12-20 alok (RG~)
Abba 14 ^(?!(.)+\1)|ef 2013-12-26 14:37:35 sammiya (GH)
  14 one of the above or below 2014-01-07 12:27:38 cesium (RG~) (discovery date is earlier than indicated date)
  14 ^(?!(.)+\1)|.u 2017-07-27 13:21:15 depperm (GH)
  14 ^(?!(.)+\1)|fu
A man, a plan 13 almost certainly one of the below before 2013-12-20 Scott (RG~)
  13 ^(.)[^p].*\1$ 2013-12-20 12:10:04 Bisqwit (R)
  ^(.)[^p].*\1$ 2013-12-20 15:43:30 hyp0 (HN)
  15 ^(\w(?!p)).*\1$ 2013-12-20 18:48:59 Athox (R) - edited 2013-12-20 20:23:59
Prime 14 ^(?!(11+)\1+$)**** 1997-10-22 18:17:07 Abigail (P)
  14 one of the below before 2013-12-20 alok (RG~)
  14 ^(?!(xx+)\1+$) 2013-12-20 11:18:54 Rhomboid (R)
  14 ^(?!(xx+)\1+$) 2013-12-20 12:10:04 Bisqwit (R)
  14 ^(?!(x+x)\1+$)
  14 ^(?!(.+.)\1+$)
  14 ^(?!(..+)\1+$)
  16 ^(?!(..+)(\1)+$) 2013-12-20 16:14:12 josephlord (HN)
Four 11 (.)(.\1){3} before 2013-12-20 alok (RG~)
  14 ([aeio]).{5}\1 2013-12-20 11:18:54 Rhomboid (R)
  11 (.)(.\1){3} 2013-12-20 12:10:04 Bisqwit (R)
  (.)(.\1){3} 2013-12-20 13:13:38 osuushi (R)
  (.)(.\1){3} 2013-12-20 15:05:14 chrismorgan (HN)
Order 11 ^[^o]?.{5}$ before 2013-12-20 andersk (RG~,GH)
  11 ^.{5}[^e]?$ 2013-12-20 12:10:04 Bisqwit (R)
  11 ^.{5}[^e]?$ 2013-12-20 16:13:09 noggin-scratcher (R)
  ^.{5}[^e]?$ 2013-12-20 21:50:12 ekke (HN)
  ^[^o]?.{5}$ 2013-12-20 22:13:14 balrok (GH)
Triples 34 [02-5][123][257]|[07][0269]+3?$|55 before 2013-12-20 andersk (RG~,GH)
  56 ^(([147]4|40|3[269]|9[05]|[378]1).+|0[369]*|[81][257])*$ 2013-12-20 12:10:04 Bisqwit (R)
  44 ^[387][12479]|00($|[369]|1[25])|5[54]|2[437] 2013-12-21 10:05:27 grobie (GH)
  40 00($|[369]|1[25])|(^.|9|3)..5|4.2|^[38]1 2013-12-23 03:15:47 alexandrosm (GH)
  39 32|.[25][345].|00([369]|1[25]|$)|[07]2$ 2013-12-23 07:10:33 rabcyr (GH)
  36 00([369]|1[25]|$)|.1.+4|3.*7.|4.2|55 2013-12-23 12:55:08 alexandrosm (GH)
  34 00($|3|6|9|12|15)|4.2|.1.+4|55|.17 2013-12-23 21:02:53 alexandrosm (GH)
Glob 17 [unpublished] before 2013-12-20 andersk (RG~,GH)
  23 ai|c$|^p|[bcnrw][bnopr] 2013-12-21 18:37:50 nwellnhof (HN)
  [bncrw][bporn]|^p|c$|ta 2013-12-23 16:04:15 bbarry (GH) - some regexes in this comment were edited after the indicated date; may include this regex
  [bcnrw][bnopr]|^p|t[a*] 2018-12-01 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  [bcnrw][bnopr]|^p|en.?t 2018-12-01 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  [cnprw][opr]|le\w|ai|c$ 2018-12-08 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  [cnprw][opr]|le\w|ta|c$ 2018-12-08 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  [cnprw][opr]|le\w|t[a*] 2018-12-08 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  [cnprw][opr]|le\w|en.?t 2018-12-08 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  [^rt][cenprw][n-r][a-t] 2019-12-10 08:46:41 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  60 ^(.*)\*(.*) .* \1.+\2$|^(.+) .* \3$|^.*\*(.*)\*.* .* .+\4.+$ 2014-01-08 18:00:49 sorcio (GH)
  66 ^(.*) .* \1$|^(.*)\*(.*) .* \2.+\3$|(.*)\*(.*)\*(.*) .* \4.+\5.+\6 2014-01-13 04:30:24 sshock (GH)
  54 ^((\w*)( .+ \2$|\*(\w*)( .+ \2.+\4$|\*.* .+ \2.+\4.))) 2014-02-13 04:55:56 Davidebyzero (GH)
  50 ^((.*)(.+ \2$|\*(.*)( .+ \2.+\4$|\*.*.+ \2.+\4.))) 2018-12-11 Davidebyzero (GH)
  22 [unpublished] 2016-11…2017-01 ≈ Gael (RG)
  22 [unpublished] 2019-12-06 12:27:55 Davidebyzero (GH, RG)
  21 [unpublished] 2018-02 ≈ LLB (RG)
Balance 24 [unpublished] before 2013-12-20 andersk (RG~,GH)
  34 ^(<(<(<(<(<(<.*>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*$ 2013-12-20 15:24:00 Overv (R) - edited 2013-12-20 15:56:16; it is unknown if the regex was longer before the edit
  ^(<(<(<(<(<(<<>>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*$ 2013-12-20 16:13:39 nadinengland (HN)
  33 ^(<(<(<(<(<(<.*)*>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*$ 2013-12-20 18:39:40 jensweh (R)
  32 ^(<(<(<(<(<>)*>|.{9})*>)*>)*>)*$ 2014-01-02 22:55:11 alexandrosm (GH)
  31 ^(<(<(<(<<?>?>|.{9})*>)*>)*>)*$ 2014-01-05 14:04:09 alexandrosm (GH)
  28 ^$|.{37}|^<(.(?!><*.>$).)*>$ 2014-02-27 01:49:48 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  26 .{37}|^(<(..(?!<.>$))*>)*$ 2014-03-23 08:47:49 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  22 [unpublished] 2018-10-23…2018-12≈ TH (RG)
Powers 17 one of the 17-scoring ones below before 2013-12-20 andersk (RG~,GH)
  54 ^((((((((((x)\10?)\9?)\8?)\7?)\6?)\5?)\4?)\3?)\2?)\1?$ 2013-12-20 13:26:43 Iwonderifthisistaken (R)
  52 ^xx?$|^((((((((x{4})\8?)\7?)\6?)\5?)\4?)\3?)\2?)\1?$ 2013-12-20 15:07:07 Hrafnahnef (R)
  52 ^((xx?)\2?|(((((((x{8})\9?)\8?)\7?)\6?)\5?)\4?)\3?)$ 2013-12-20 15:18:10 Bisqwit (R)
  51 ^(x|(xx){1,4}|((((((x{16})\8?)\7?)\6?)\5?)\4?)\3?)$ 2013-12-20 15:26:55 Bisqwit (R)
  41 ^(x|(xx){1,10}|(x{32}){1,4}|(x{32}){6,})$ 2013-12-20 18:16:49 Iwonderifthisistaken (R)
  50 ^(((((((((xx?)\9?)\8?)\7?)\6?)\5?)\4?)\3?)\2?)\1?$ 2013-12-20 18:39:40 jensweh (R)
  30 ^(((x|x{8}|x{128})\3?)\2?)\1?$ 2013-12-20 18:43:08 pondscum (R)
  17 ^(?!(.(..)+)\1*$) 2013-12-20 19:18:06 plby (GH)
  36 ^(x{64})+$|^((((x?x)\5?)\4?)\3?)\2?$ 2013-12-20 23:36:55 q1u2acker (R)
  33 ^((x{8}){1,5}|(x{64})+|xx?|xxxx)$ 2014-01-12 23:07:15 sneakyruds (R)
  31 ^(((x|x{16}|x{256})\3?)\2?)\1?$ 2014-02-12 16:09:28 Davidebyzero (GH)
  17 ^((x+)(?=\2$))*x$ 2014-02-21 21:30:06 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  17 ^(?!(x*)(\1\1)+$) 2019-02-05 Grimy (GH)
Long count 14 almost certainly the 14-scoring one below 2014-01-07 12:27:38 timloh (RG~) (discovery date is earlier than indicated date)
  15 ((.+)0\2[1]){8} 2014-01-15 06:28:48 abjr (GH)
  14 ((.+)0\2+1){8} 2014-01-15 12:04:50 hugetoon (GH)
Alphabetical 78 ^(?!.*(rne|eet |e.r...t|er.{6}r$))(a\S+\s)*(e\S+\s)*(r\S+\s)*([st]\S+(\s|$))*$ 2013-12-25 05:25:31 muxrwc (GH)
  46 [^et] ren|[er]( \w+)\1|tate r|a t| ae|rt r|e e 2013-12-25 15:31:12 alexandrosm (GH)
  45 [^et] ren|[er]( \w+)\1|(tat|r). r|a t| ae|e e 2013-12-25 16:26:59 alexandrosm (GH)
  41 s ren|[er]( \w+)\1|(tat|r). r|a t| ae|e e 2013-12-25 16:59:02 alexandrosm (GH)
  37 r sn|( t\w+)\1|(tat|r). r|a t| ae|e e 2013-12-25 23:45:16 alexandrosm (GH)
  36 ( .+[ts]..)\1|(tat|r). r|a t| ae|e e 2013-12-27 21:56:51 bbarry (GH)
  33 ( .+[ts]..)\1|(tat|r). r|a t|e .r 2013-12-30 00:22:58 alexandrosm (GH)
  23 .r.{32}r|a.{10}te|n.n.. 2013-12-31 17:04:35 alexandrosm (GH)
  23 almost certainly the above 2014-01-07 12:27:38 timloh (RG~) - probably copied alexandrosm's solution
  54 ^(?!.* ((.*)t.* \2[es]|(.*)s.* \3[nr]|(.*)r.* \4[en])) 2014-01-13 00:25:24 dcwarwick (GH)
  43 ^(?!.*( .*)(t.*\1[es]|s.*\1[nr]|r.*\1[en])) 2014-02-15 04:48:38 Davidebyzero (GH) - optimization of dcwarwick's solution
  22 [unpublished] 2018-02 ≈ LLB (RG)
Powers 2 19 ^((x+)\2(?=\2$))*x$ 2014-04-25 22:45:17 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  22 ^(?!((xxx)+x|xx|)\1*$) 2014-09-18 03:05:37 muxrwc (GH)
  21 ^(?!(x(xxx)+|xx)\1*$) TH (RG), Davidebyzero (GH,RG)

Robust solutions

Level Length Regex Domain Date Credit
Plain strings 3 foo ^[A-Za-z][a-z]*$
Anchors 4 ick$ ^[A-Za-z][a-z]*ick[a-z]*$
Ranges 8 ^[a-f]*$ ^[a-z]+$
Backrefs 9 (...).*\1 ^[a-z]+$
Abba 17 ^(?!.*(.)(.)\2\1) ^[a-z]+$
A man, a plan 14 ^(.)(.).*\2\1$
  40 ^(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?).?\6\5\4\3\2\1$ ^[a-z]+$*
Prime 14 ^(?!(11+)\1+$)**** ^11+$ 1997-10-22 18:17:07 Abigail (P)
  - ^(11+?)\1+$***** ^11+$ 1997-10-23 17:53:10 John L. Allen (P)
  14 ^(?!(xx+)\1+$) ^xx+$
  15 ^(?!(xx+|)\1+$) ^x*$*** 2014-03-13 14:12:05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  - ^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$***** ^1*$ 1997-11-19 Abigail (P)
  16 ^(?!(xx+)\1+$)xx ^x*$ 2014-03-13 14:50:18 teukon (GH)
  18 ^(?=(xx+?)\1*$)\1$****** ^x*$ 2018-12-07 Davidebyzero (GH)
  18 (?=(x(x*))\1+$)\2^****** ^x*$ 2019-04-21 Grimy (GH)
Four 11 (.)(.\1){3} ^[A-Za-z][a-z]*$
Order 54 ^a*b*c*d*e*f*g*h*i*j*k*l*m*n*o*p*q*r*s*t*u*v*w*x*y*z*$ ^[a-z]+$
Triples 107 ^([0369]|[258][0369]*[147]|([147]|[258][0369]*[258])([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*([258]|[147][0369]*[147]))*$ ^.+$ 2013-03-27 21:49:49 joel
  107 ^([0369]|[147][0369]*[258]|([258]|[147][0369]*[147])([0369]|[258][0369]*[147])*([147]|[258][0369]*[258]))*$ ^.+$
  106 ^(?=((.*?[147]){3})*((.*?[147]|){2}))(?=((.*?[258]){3})*((.*?[258]|){2})).*$(\3\7|\4\8(?!\3|\7)|(?!\4|\8)) ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 to 2014-02-25 Davidebyzero & teukon (GH) (for full history, see below)
Glob 81 ^(\*?)(\w*)(\*?)(\w*)(\*?)(\w*) .* ((?!\1).+|\1)\2((?!\3).+|\3)\4((?!\5).+|\5)\6$ 2014-01-07 10:52:43 DiEvAl (GH) - created before hard mode; didn't match the domain of hard mode
  78 ^(\*?)(.*)(\*?)(.*)(\*?)(.*) .* ((?!\1).+|\1)\2((?!\3).+|\3)\4((?!\5).+|\5)\6$ 2014-01-15 20:35:11 teukon (GH) - DiEvAl's solution modified to assume that * never occurs to the right of matches
  84 ^(.*)(\*?)(.*)(\*?)(.*)(\*?)(.*) .* \1((?!\2).+|\2)\3((?!\4).+|\4)\5((?!\6).+|\6)\7$ see below 2014-04-26 02:26:43 Davidebyzero (GH) - DiEvAl's solution modified to assume that * never occurs to the right of matches, and to match hard mode
Balance 37 ^(<(<(<(<(<(<(<>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*$ ^[<>]*$**
Powers 17 ^(?!(x(xx)+)\1*$) ^x+$
  17 ^((x+)(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2014-02-21 21:30:06 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  17 ^(?!(x*)(\1\1)+$) ^x*$ 2019-02-05 Grimy (GH)
Long count 31 ^((?=(\S*)0).{4} (?=\2[1]))+1+$ ^([01]{4}([1 ](?!$)|$)){16}$ 2014-02-25 Davidebyzero (GH)
  35 ^((?=(\S*)0).{4} (?=\2[1])){15}\2.$ ^.*$ 2014-02-25 22:33:53 teukon (GH)
Alphabetical 76 ^(?!.*\b((.*)n.*\b\2[e]|(.*)r.*\b\3[ne]|(.*)s.*\b\4[rne]|(.*)t.*\b\5[srne])) ^([aenrst]{6} ?\b)+$ 2014-01-09 06:49:57 AlanDeSmet (GH)
  58 ^(?!.*\b(.*)(e|(n|r|(s|t))).* \1(a|(?!\3)[en]|(?!\4)[rs])) ^([aenrst]{6} ?\b)+$ 2014-01-15 23:57:01 teukon (GH)
Powers 2 19 ^((x+)\2(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2014-04-25 22:45:17 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  23 ^(?!(x(xxx)+x?|xx)\1*$) ^x+$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  24 ^(?!(x(xxx)+x?|xx|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)

* A man, a plan - impossible in the general case, so this solution has a maximum robust length of 13 letters.
** Balance - impossible in the general case, so this solution has a maximum depth of 7 nesting levels.
*** If 1 is considered to be a prime number.
**** Included for historical purposes. Not technically a valid solution to this level since it works on 1s instead of xs.
***** Included for historical purposes. Not technically a valid solution to this level since it matches non-primes instead of primes and works on 1s instead of xs.
****** Of interest because of the implicit rather than explicit rejection of 0 and 1 as primes.

Robust solutions for Triples

Length Regex Domain Date Credit
  229 ^([0369]|[258][0369]*[147]|[147]([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*[258]|[258][0369]*[258]([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*[258]|[147]([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*[147][0369]*[147]|[258][0369]*[258]([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*[147][0369]*[147])*$ ^.+$ 2013-03-27 20:58:04 Alok Menghrajani
  107 ^([0369]|[258][0369]*[147]|([147]|[258][0369]*[258])([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*([258]|[147][0369]*[147]))*$ ^.+$ 2013-03-27 21:49:49 joel
  ^([0369]|[147][0369]*[258]|([258]|[147][0369]*[147])([0369]|[258][0369]*[147])*([147]|[258][0369]*[258]))*$ ^.+$
  255 ^((?=(([^147]*[147]){3})*[^147]*$)(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*$)|(?=(([^147]*[147]){3})*[^147]*[147][^147]*$)(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*[258][^258]*$)|(?=(([^147]*[147]){3})*([^147]*[147]){2}[^147]*$)(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*([^258]*[258]){2}[^258]*$)) ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 07:11:40 Davidebyzero (GH)
  241 ^((?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*[^147]*|(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*[258][^258]*$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*[^147]*[147][^147]*|(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*([^258]*[258]){2}[^258]*$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*([^147]*[147]){2}[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 07:36:23 Davidebyzero (GH)
  227 ^((?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*|(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*[258][^258]*$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*[^147]*[147]|(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*([^258]*[258]){2}[^258]*$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*([^147]*[147]){2})[^147]*$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 09:52:00 Davidebyzero (GH)
  222 ^((?=(((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*)|((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*[258][^258]*)|((([^258]*[258]){3})*([^258]*[258]){2}[^258]*)|([^258]*))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\6\6\9\9|\3\3\13\13[^147]*[147](\9\9|\6\6[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 14:43:43 Davidebyzero (GH)
  180 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=((\2)|(\2[258][^258]*)|(\2([258][^258]*){2})|([^258]*))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\7\7\8\8|\6\6\10\10[^147]*[147](\8\8|\7\7[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 14:51:01 Davidebyzero (GH)
  ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*)(.*)$)(?=((\2)|(\2[258][^258]*)|(\2([258][^258]*){2})|(\3))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\8\8\9\9|\7\7\11\11[^147]*[147](\9\9|\8\8[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 15:08:35 Davidebyzero (GH)
  176 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=((\2)|(\2[258][^258]*)|\2([258][^258]*){2}|([^258]*))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\7\7\8\8|\6\6\9\9[^147]*[147](\8\8|\7\7[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 15:29:20 Davidebyzero (GH)
  170 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=((\2)|(\2[258][^258]*)|\2([258][^258]*){2}|([^258]*))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\7\7\8\8|\6\9[^147]*[147](\8\8|\7[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 15:36:30 Davidebyzero (GH)
  169 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=((\2)|((\2[258][^258]*)|\2([258][^258]*){2})|([^258]*))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\7\7|\6\10[^147]*[147](\9\9|\8[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 15:47:33 Davidebyzero (GH)
  168 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=(((\2[258][^258]*)|\2([258][^258]*){2})|((\2)|([^258]*)))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\6\6|\9[^147]*[147](\8\8|\7[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 15:52:22 Davidebyzero (GH)
  164 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=(((\2[258][^258]*)|\2([258][^258]*){2})|(\2|[^258]*))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\6\6|\9[^147]*[147](\8\8|\7[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 15:53:11 Davidebyzero (GH)
  163 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=(((\2[258][^258]*)|\2([258][^258]*){2})|(\2[^258]*))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\6\6|\9[^147]*[147](\8\8|\7[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 15:59:11 Davidebyzero (GH)
  156 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=(((\2[258][^258]*)|\2([258][^258]*){2})|(\2))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\6\6|\9[^147]*[147](\8\8|\7[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 16:02:02 Davidebyzero (GH)
  156 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=((\2([258][^258]*)|\2([258][^258]*){2})|(\2))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\6\6|\9[^147]*[147](\8\8|\7[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 16:09:21 Davidebyzero (GH)
  158 ^((?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=((\2)|((\2[258][^258]*)|(\2([258][^258]*){2})))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\7\7|\6[^147]*[147](\9\9|\8[^147]*[147]))[^147]*)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-13 16:15:43 Davidebyzero (GH)
  156 ^(?=((([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*))(?=((\1)|((\1[258][^258]*)|(\1([258][^258]*){2})))$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(\6\6|\5[^147]*[147](\8\8|\7[^147]*[147]))[^147]*$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-14 13:29:23 Davidebyzero (GH)
  153 ^(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*([258][^258]*([258][^258]*)?)?$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(?=([^147]*))\7((?!\3)(?=([147][^147]*))\9((?!\4)[147][^147]*|\4)|\3)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-15 06:45:47 Davidebyzero (GH)
  157 ^(?=[^147]*([147]?)[^147]*([147]?)[^147]*(([147][^147]*){3})*$)[^258]*((?=.*$\1)|(?!.*$\1)[258])[^258]*((?=.*$\2)|(?!.*$\2)[258])[^258]*(([258][^258]*){3})*$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-16 20:55:58 teukon (GH) (discovery date is probably earlier)
  153 ^(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*([258]?)[^258]*([258]?)[^258]*$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(?=([^147]*))\7((?!\3)(?=([147][^147]*))\9((?!\4)[147][^147]*|\4)|\3)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-17 11:36:59 Davidebyzero (GH)
  145 ^(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*([258]?)[^258]*([258]?)[^258]*$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(?=([^147]*))\7((?!\3)(?=(.[^147]*))\9((?!\4).[^147]*|\4)|\3)$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-17 20:23:11 teukon (GH)
  ^(?=[^147]*([147]?)[^147]*([147]?)[^147]*(([147][^147]*){3})*$)(?=([^258]*))\5(\1|(?!\1).)(?=([^258]*))\7(\2|(?!\2).)[^258]*(([258][^258]*){3})*$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-17 20:23:11 teukon (GH)
  137 ^(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*(.?)[^258]*(.?)[^258]*$)(([^147]*[147]){3})*(?=([^147]*))\7((?!\3).|\3)(?=([^147]*))\9((?!\4).|\4)[^147]*$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-18 08:01:51 Davidebyzero (GH)
  ^(?=[^147]*(.?)[^147]*(.?)[^147]*(([147][^147]*){3})*$)(?=([^258]*))\5(\1|(?!\1).)(?=([^258]*))\7(\2|(?!\2).)[^258]*(([258][^258]*){3})*$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-18 08:01:51 Davidebyzero (GH)
  ^(?=[^147]*(.?)[^147]*(.?)[^147]*(([147][^147]*){3})*$)(?=([^258]*))\5(?=(\1|.))\6(?=([^258]*))\7(?=(\2|.))\8[^258]*(([258][^258]*){3})*$ ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-18 08:01:51 Davidebyzero (GH)
  127 ^(?=(([^147]*[147]){3})*[^147]*(.?)[^147]*(.?))(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*(.?)[^258]*(.?))\d+$(\3\7|\4\8(?!\3|\7)|(?!\4|\8)) ^.*$ 2014-02-18 12:23:02 Davidebyzero (GH)
  126 ^(?=(([^147]*[147]){3})*[^147]*(.?)[^147]*(.?))(?=(([^258]*[258]){3})*[^258]*(.?)[^258]*(.?)).+$(\3\7|\4\8(?!\3|\7)|(?!\4|\8)) ^[0-9]*$ 2014-02-18 12:23:02 Davidebyzero (GH)
  119 ^(?=((.*?[147]){3})*[^147]*(.?)[^147]*(.?))(?=((.*?[258]){3})*[^258]*(.?)[^258]*(.?))\d+$(\3\7|(?!\3|\7)\4\8|(?!\4|\8)) ^.*$ 2014-02-18 18:55:50 teukon (GH)
  118 ^(?=((.*?[147]){3})*[^147]*(.?)[^147]*(.?))(?=((.*?[258]){3})*[^258]*(.?)[^258]*(.?)).*$(\3\7|(?!\3|\7)\4\8|(?!\4|\8)) ^[0-9]*$ 2014-02-18 18:55:50 teukon (GH)
  111 ^(?=((.*?[147]){3})*(((.*?[147])?){2}))(?=((.*?[258]){3})*(((.*?[258])?){2}))\d+$(\3\8|\4\9(?!\3|\8)|(?!\4|\9)) ^.*$
  110 ^(?=((.*?[147]){3})*(((.*?[147])?){2}))(?=((.*?[258]){3})*(((.*?[258])?){2})).*$(\3\8|\4\9(?!\3|\8)|(?!\4|\9)) ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-19 10:48:11 Davidebyzero (GH)
  107 ^(?=((.*?[147]){3})*((.*?[147]|){2}))(?=((.*?[258]){3})*((.*?[258]|){2}))\d+$(\3\7|\4\8(?!\3|\7)|(?!\4|\8)) ^.*$
  106 (?=((.*?[147]){3})*((.*?[147]|){2}))(?=((.*?[258]){3})*((.*?[258]|){2}))^.*$(\3\7|(?!\3|\7)\4\8|(?!\4|\8)) ^[0-9]+$ 2014-02-25 01:50:02 teukon (GH)
  106 ^(?=((.*?[147]){3})*((.*?[147]|){2}))(?=((.*?[258]){3})*((.*?[258]|){2})).*$(\3\7|\4\8(?!\3|\7)|(?!\4|\8)) ^[0-9]+$

Robust solutions for Powers of various bases

Base Length Regex Domain Date Credit
  0 2 ^$ ^x*$
  1 3 ^x$ ^x*$
  2 17 ^((x+)(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2014-02-21 21:30:06 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  17 ^(?!(.(..)+)\1*$) ^x+$ 2013-12-20 19:18:06 plby (GH)
  17 ^(?!(x(xx)+)\1*$) ^x+$
  18 ^(?!(x(xx)+|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2014-03-13 13:21:03 Davidebyzero (GH)
  17 ^(?!(x*)(\1\1)+$) ^x*$ 2019-02-05 Grimy (GH)
  3 19 ^((x+)\2(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2014-04-25 22:45:17 Davidebyzero (GH,RG)
  23 ^(?!(x(xxx)+x?|xx)\1*$) ^x+$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  24 ^(?!(x(xxx)+x?|xx|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  25 ^(?!((xxx)*(xx)\3?|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  31 ^(?!(x*)(?!(\1\1)(\1\2)*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  30 ^(?!(x*)(?!\1\1(\1{3})*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  26 ^(?!(x*)(\1|(\1{3})+\1?)$) ^x*$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  4 21 ^((x+)\2\2(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  5 22 ^((x+)\2{3}(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  33 ^(?!(x(x{5})+x?x?x?|xxx?x?|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  33 ^(?!(x(x{5})+x{0,3}|x{2,4}|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  31 ^(?!(xx(x{5})*(x{4}|x?x?))\1*$) ^x+$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  32 ^(?!(xx(x{5})*(x{4}|x?x?)|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  32 ^(?!(x*)(?!(\1{4})(\1\2)*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  31 ^(?!(x*)(?!\1{4}(\1{5})*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  34 ^(?!(x*)(\1?\1?(\1|(\1{5})+\1?))$) ^x*$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  35 ^(?!(x*)(\1{1,3}|(\1{5})+\1{0,3})$) ^x*$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  6 22 ^((x+)\2{4}(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2014-02-21 21:40:31 teukon (GH)
  7 22 ^((x+)\2{5}(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  32 ^(?!(x(x{7})+x{0,5}|x{2,6})\1*$) ^x+$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  33 ^(?!(x(x{7})+x{0,5}|x{2,6}|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  34 ^(?!(xx(x{7})*(x{6}|x{0,4})|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  32 ^(?!(x*)(?!(\1{6})(\1\2)*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  31 ^(?!(x*)(?!\1{6}(\1{7})*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  35 ^(?!(x*)(\1{0,4}(\1|(\1{7})+\1?))$) ^x*$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  35 ^(?!(x*)(\1{1,5}|(\1{7})+\1{0,5})$) ^x*$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  8 22 ^((x+)\2{6}(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  9 22 ^((x+)\2{7}(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  10 22 ^((x+)\2{8}(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  11 22 ^((x+)\2{9}(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  34 ^(?!(x(x{11})+x{0,9}|x{2,10})\1*$) ^x+$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  35 ^(?!(x(x{11})+x{0,9}|x{2,10}|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  33 ^(?!(x*)(?!(\1{10})(\1\2)*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  33 ^(?!(x*)(?!\1{10}(\1{11})*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  36 ^(?!(x*)(\1{0,8}(\1|(\1{11})+\1?))$) ^x*$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  36 ^(?!(x*)(\1{1,9}|(\1{11})+\1{0,9})$) ^x*$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  12 23 ^((x+)\2{10}(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  13 23 ^((x+)\2{11}(?=\2$))*x$ ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  35 ^(?!(x(x{13})+x{0,11}|x{2,12})\1*$) ^x+$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  36 ^(?!(x(x{13})+x{0,11}|x{2,12}|)\1*$) ^x*$ 2018-12-05 Davidebyzero (GH)
  33 ^(?!(x*)(?!(\1{12})(\1\2)*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  33 ^(?!(x*)(?!\1{12}(\1{13})*$)\1+$) ^x+$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  37 ^(?!(x*)(\1{0,10}(\1|(\1{13})+\1?))$) ^x*$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)
  38 ^(?!(x*)(\1{1,11}|(\1{13})+\1{0,11})$) ^x*$ 2019-02-08 Davidebyzero (GH)

If the domain of Glob must be stated in a single regex, it would be:
^([a-z]*)\*?([a-z]*)\*?([a-z]*)\*?([a-z]*) matches \1[a-z]*\2[a-z]*\3[a-z]*\4$
However, it may actually have 4 domains:
^([a-z]*)\*([a-z]+)\*([a-z]*) matches \1[a-z]*\2[a-z]*\3$
^\*([a-z]+)\*([a-z]+)\* matches [a-z]+\1[a-z]+\2[a-z]+$ (left only)
^([a-z]+)\*([a-z]+) matches [a-z]*\1[a-z]+\2[a-z]*$ (right only)
^\*?([a-z]+)\*? matches [a-z]*\1[a-z]*$

The domains above may be controversial, as we have a limited sampling. Feel free to discuss them in this Gist.

Triples (107) DFA solution, pretty-printed:

^( [0369] | [258][0369]*[147] |
  ( [147] | [258][0369]*[258])
  ([0369] | [147][0369]*[258])*
  ( [258] | [147][0369]*[147]))*$

Triples (106) lookahead + backreferences solution, pretty-printed:

 .*$(\3\7 | \4\8(?!\3|\7) | (?!\4|\8))

Glob (84), pretty-printed:

 (.*)(\*?)(.*) .* \1((?!\2).+|\2)
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Do you have any plans for similar documents for the Teuken and Holiday puzzle sets? For the Holiday set, I'd be happy to contribute my non-optimal solutions (and I'd love to get a non-optimal solution for Quine, which I've been stuck on for years >_< ).

Have you seen my old Regex Golf page? I don't think it has any solutions you haven't covered here, but it does have additional commentary on each problem, including the old problem descriptions, so might be of interest for other readers of this gist.

One last thing, I sent you an email yesterday(ish) about the Regex of Regex problem. Since I didn't think to mention it at the time, I'll confirm now that I am the Dinoguy1000 from the leaderboard with the 30-score solution to that problem.

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Davidebyzero commented Jan 1, 2020

I am actually working on a Teukon compilation just like I did for Classic, and will follow that up with Holiday as well. But the solutions that aren't public, I will publish as hashes (md5sum or otherwise)... unless you give me a convincing argument to publish everything in the clear :-) The thing holding me back from doing so is the leaderboard. Back when I discussed the Classic level set on a github gist (when it was the only level set, thus not called Classic) there was no public leaderboard. Now there is, and it's filled with people who just copied the best published solution. If the leaderboard had timestamps, that'd be much less of a problem, and I'd be much more willing to publish.

Good luck with Quine! It's actually not nearly as hard as it seems at first... look closely at the test cases. There's a very predictable pattern to them. But I feel ya. I got so frustrated with it, that to get my first working solution, I cheated and modified an existing regex quine I found on the web to work for this problem. And then when I realized that the pattern in the test cases could be exploited, I kicked myself for not trying harder to do it entirely on my own. I did have a lot of fun with it, and found a wide variety of solutions and cataloged them (of which there are two distinct families, not even counting strict quines like the one I used at first... and perhaps a third which would be much harder to do, if possible). Beware, whatever method you use to solve it Quine, once you do, don't give in to the temptation of clicking the [spoiler] tag. It's much more fun to come upon that particular technique on your own.

And yep, I enjoyed reading your 2015 gist post and wiki article back in 2018 :-)

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Right, I came across an older comment of yours in which you said much the same about publishing solutions, shortly after I saved my comment here. I agree publishing hashes is the way to go for now (or at least, I have no convincing arguments for publishing plaintext solutions), though at the same time I wonder how useful they would be - even for just one of the 30-score solutions for Regex of Regex that I've come up with, I could trivially generate thousands of variants, each of which would have a unique hash, just by swapping around subclauses in the regex or rearranging the characters in character classes. So it would probably be a good idea to come up with a standard way to represent each solution before generating and publishing any hashes of them.

I'll definitely keep that in mind, though I'm nowhere near as skilled with regexes as you are (in all honesty, I probably wouldn't have come up with my 30-score Regex of Regex solutions, or my 66-score Countries solutions, without the help of a regex golf solution generator I found online, and even then it took some time of staring at the puzzles and generated solutions to golf them down any further). I would at least like to know if the Quine puzzle is the last one in the Teuken set, or if there are any more after it; I've been curious about this for a very long time now. =) It certainly feels like a final puzzle, and I shudder to imagine what monstrosities might follow it if it isn't. =D

I've had an idea for some time about a possible method to check for optimally-golfed solutions for at least some of the puzzles, but lack the ability to act on it. If you're interested, I'd love to discuss it some in email.

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@Hammad1007 See the explanations in the "Solutions" dropdowns on my Regex Golf page. If you still have questions after that, I can try to answer them for you, as long as you're more specific. =)

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