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Last active May 20, 2021 01:01
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# This example simulates a stock price 1 time and 10k times.
# It uses a functional approach and a loop approach.
# A speed test is done at the end.
# This example for GBM ignores the fact that
# 1) There is an explicit solution to GBM where simulation isn't needed
# 2) Along the same lines, there is a vectorized form where pure matrix mult can be used.
# These are ignored for the sake of the example, because there are often cases
# where this isn't the case and you HAVE to do the discrete loop.
n_steps <- 100
r <- 0.02
sigma <- .25
dt <- .01
normal_increments <- rnorm(n_steps)
s_0 <- 50
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Geometric brownian motion - functional
# 1 simulation
# The accepted answer of:
# Focusing on the RHS of the simulation equation
# No indexing needed
gbm_increment <- function(s_t, Z_t, r, sigma, dt) {
s_t + r * s_t * dt + sigma * s_t * sqrt(dt) * Z_t
sims <- accumulate(
.x = normal_increments,
.f = gbm_increment,
r = r, sigma = sigma, dt = dt,
.init = s_0
#> [1] 50.00000 50.78881 51.12444 51.55642 49.20616 51.56984
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Geometric brownian motion - loop
# 1 simulation
# Notes:
# Have to create a "holder" s_t vector
# Loop requires keeping track of indexing, potentially error prone
# Might be clearer for beginners to understand with the explicit indexing
s_t <- vector("numeric", length = 101L)
s_t[1] <- s_0
for(i in seq_len(n_steps)) {
s_t[i+1] <- s_t[i] + r * s_t[i] * dt + sigma * s_t[i] * sqrt(dt) * normal_increments[i]
#> [1] 50.00000 50.78881 51.12444 51.55642 49.20616 51.56984
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Geometric brownian motion - functional
# 10k simulations
# What if I wanted to do 10k sims?
n_sims <- 10000
# A 100 element list where each element is 10000 rnorm numbers
# Each element represents a step, so that we what we accumulate over
normal_increments_sims <- replicate(n_steps, rnorm(n_sims), simplify = FALSE)
# This code doesnt change!
sims_list <- accumulate(
.x = normal_increments_sims,
.f = gbm_increment,
r = r, sigma = sigma, dt = dt,
.init = s_0
# Bind all the steps into 1 matrix
sims <-, sims_list)
sims[1:10, 1:10]
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
#> [1,] 50 48.82488 49.28438 49.84095 50.29673 48.55607 48.87270 46.80843
#> [2,] 50 49.77376 51.37026 54.94362 53.63327 56.37143 57.15921 56.57089
#> [3,] 50 50.85879 51.10557 51.84187 53.47533 55.29510 55.47696 54.98492
#> [4,] 50 52.50587 53.79625 54.42480 55.75047 55.51358 57.65000 56.42236
#> [5,] 50 47.54502 47.80591 48.42428 47.98959 49.15185 48.50118 48.47622
#> [6,] 50 50.00669 50.75497 50.84408 51.38521 50.44118 49.02976 46.60753
#> [7,] 50 46.71363 46.38224 46.90848 44.99075 42.96552 41.52559 40.48895
#> [8,] 50 46.49652 45.73792 45.63420 45.90111 47.64764 47.18049 44.56368
#> [9,] 50 49.45114 49.10725 49.45577 51.40958 50.84070 51.07022 51.10069
#> [10,] 50 50.18387 51.45386 52.06531 53.59077 53.72025 53.14685 56.07085
#> [,9] [,10]
#> [1,] 47.56217 46.72485
#> [2,] 56.20900 57.19786
#> [3,] 57.12318 56.79404
#> [4,] 55.44803 54.14621
#> [5,] 48.51532 49.02127
#> [6,] 46.64433 46.26615
#> [7,] 39.37709 41.23779
#> [8,] 45.30542 44.71432
#> [9,] 52.00825 52.67660
#> [10,] 54.95495 57.11199
#> [1] 10000 101
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Geometric brownian motion - loop
# 10k simulations
normal_increments_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_steps * n_sims), nrow = n_sims)
# Have to worry about setting up the correct dim sizes...
s_t <- matrix(0, nrow = n_sims, ncol = n_steps+1)
s_t[,1] <- s_0
# This changed a little bit from before. Now we do columns indexing
for(i in seq_len(n_steps)) {
s_t[,i+1] <- s_t[,i] + r * s_t[,i] * dt + sigma * s_t[,i] * sqrt(dt) * normal_increments_mat[,i]
s_t[1:10, 1:10]
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
#> [1,] 50 50.50125 49.89321 49.67687 49.48158 50.44275 49.87563 50.68925
#> [2,] 50 50.48235 51.33004 49.47028 49.95901 50.55156 53.60091 55.46067
#> [3,] 50 50.08999 47.91631 47.22120 44.74997 48.30522 48.82862 47.20558
#> [4,] 50 51.48490 51.05863 52.40778 52.72697 52.88700 51.80046 51.37699
#> [5,] 50 49.13463 50.50223 49.50573 51.47593 51.83414 51.53101 53.38273
#> [6,] 50 48.40819 47.71540 46.88044 46.35158 43.55721 42.37722 42.39574
#> [7,] 50 49.83166 48.55261 49.85788 48.29407 46.09949 46.67961 47.18883
#> [8,] 50 48.16406 49.03634 47.73413 50.27268 49.79826 49.50948 51.22986
#> [9,] 50 50.14662 48.58000 49.43702 47.11591 49.37879 51.72572 51.73143
#> [10,] 50 47.80738 47.41565 47.45949 48.58250 48.73871 50.46086 50.72911
#> [,9] [,10]
#> [1,] 50.05278 49.84897
#> [2,] 57.30995 58.35765
#> [3,] 46.52706 47.48566
#> [4,] 50.33741 50.56660
#> [5,] 55.91655 56.16715
#> [6,] 43.28351 42.30380
#> [7,] 47.91071 46.37111
#> [8,] 50.21492 48.24507
#> [9,] 53.55376 53.44589
#> [10,] 49.36376 49.00284
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Speed test for the 10k sims
# Accumulate
sims_list <- accumulate(
.x = normal_increments_sims,
.f = gbm_increment,
r = r, sigma = sigma, dt = dt,
.init = s_0
sims <-, sims_list)
# Loop
for(i in seq_len(n_steps)) {
s_t[,i+1] <- s_t[,i] + r * s_t[,i] * dt + sigma * s_t[,i] * sqrt(dt) * normal_increments_mat[,i]
times = 50
#> Unit: milliseconds
#> expr
#> { sims_list <- accumulate(.x = normal_increments_sims, .f = gbm_increment, r = r, sigma = sigma, dt = dt, .init = s_0) sims <-, sims_list) }
#> for (i in seq_len(n_steps)) { s_t[, i + 1] <- s_t[, i] + r * s_t[, i] * dt + sigma * s_t[, i] * sqrt(dt) * normal_increments_mat[, i] }
#> min lq mean median uq max neval
#> 7.344971 9.206522 18.20160 10.71141 14.43719 63.02775 50
#> 37.378124 42.675036 58.35127 46.91390 74.80985 131.69133 50
#' Created on 2018-02-23 by the [reprex package]( (v0.1.1.9000).
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