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Last active April 13, 2018 19:54
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# Rolling Parallelization Exampl e
# price time series
price_df <- c("FB", "AAPL", "GOOG", "NFLX") %>%
get = "stock.prices",
from = "2010-01-01",
to = Sys.Date()-1) %>%
group_by(symbol) %>%
select ="adjusted",
mutate_fun = periodReturn,
period = "daily",
col_rename = "daily_return"
# defining index names as a vector so they can be called in function executio n later
indexes <- c("^GSPC", "XLK")
# pull index time series
indx_df <- indexes %>%
get = "stock.prices",
from = "2010-01-01",
to = Sys.Date()-1) %>%
group_by(symbol) %>%
select = adjusted,
mutate_fun = periodReturn,
period = "daily") %>%
spread(key = symbol, value = daily.returns)
# This assumes that the FIRST argument will be y
# The other arguments will be the x values
lm_dynamic <- function(...) {
.dots <- list(...)
n <- length(.dots)
y <- "y"
x <- paste0("x_", seq_len(n-1))
.dots_named <- purrr::set_names(.dots, nm = c(y, x))
.dots_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.dots_named)
RHS <-, collapse = " + "))
LHS <-
lm_char_formula <- paste0(LHS, "~", RHS)
lm_formula <- as.formula(lm_char_formula)
lm(lm_formula, data = .dots_tbl)
rolling_regr_dyn <- rollify(lm_dynamic, window = 252, unlist = FALSE)
# create cluster to run rolling regressions in parallel
cl <- create_cluster(cores = 4)
#> Initialising 4 core cluster.
cl %>%
cluster_copy(one_of) %>%
cluster_copy(rolling_regr_dyn) %>%
cluster_assign_value("indexes", indexes)
# join price_df and index_df and run rolling regression
rolling_regr_df <- price_df %>%
left_join(indx_df, by = "date") %>%
partition(symbol, cluster = cl) %>%
mutate(rolling_regr = rolling_regr_dyn(daily_return, `^GSPC`, `XLK`))
# Notice the x_1 and x_2
rolling_regr_df %>% %>% slice(253) %>% pull(rolling_regr) %>% .[[1]]
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = lm_formula, data = .dots_tbl)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) x_1 x_2
#> 0.001344 -0.394468 1.489119
rolling_regr_df2 <- price_df %>%
left_join(indx_df, by = "date") %>%
partition(symbol, cluster = cl) %>%
mutate(rolling_regr = rolling_regr_dyn(daily_return, `^GSPC`)) # no xlk
# Now just x_1
rolling_regr_df2 %>% %>% slice(253) %>% pull(rolling_regr) %>% .[[1]]
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = lm_formula, data = .dots_tbl)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) x_1
#> 0.001303 1.056704
# If you REALLY want to use your indexes variable you can do this
# library(rlang)
index_quos <- quos(!!!map(indexes,
rolling_regr_df3 <- price_df %>%
left_join(indx_df, by = "date") %>%
partition(symbol, cluster = cl) %>%
mutate(rolling_regr = rolling_regr_dyn(daily_return, !!! index_quos)) # unquote them
rolling_regr_df3 %>% %>% slice(253) %>% pull(rolling_regr) %>% .[[1]]
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = lm_formula, data = .dots_tbl)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) x_1 x_2
#> 0.001344 -0.394468 1.489119
#' Created on 2018-04-13 by the [reprex package]( (v0.2.0).
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Well that was prompt! Thanks a ton Davis. I was pretty sure it probably had something to do with the way the variables were being evaluated and you've solved it. What you guys are doing is really incredible.

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