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Created April 6, 2020 21:01
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# Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon stock
gafa_stock <- as_tibble(gafa_stock)
gafa_stock <- select(gafa_stock, Symbol, Date, Close, Volume)
head(gafa_stock, 2)
#> # A tibble: 2 x 4
#> Symbol Date Close Volume
#> <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 AAPL 2014-01-02 79.0 58671200
#> 2 AAPL 2014-01-03 77.3 98116900
# Insert complex model here...
model <- function(df) {
lm(Close ~ Volume, df)
# Arrange and group by `Symbol` (i.e. stock)
gafa_stock <- gafa_stock %>%
arrange(Symbol, Date) %>%
# - `cur_data()` to get the current group's data frame
# - 10 day rolling regression per group (current day + 9 days before)
gafa_stock %>%
regression = slide_index(
.x = cur_data(),
.i = Date,
.f = model,
.before = days(9),
.complete = TRUE
#> # A tibble: 5,032 x 5
#> # Groups: Symbol [4]
#> Symbol Date Close Volume regression
#> <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <list>
#> 1 AAPL 2014-01-02 79.0 58671200 <NULL>
#> 2 AAPL 2014-01-03 77.3 98116900 <NULL>
#> 3 AAPL 2014-01-06 77.7 103152700 <NULL>
#> 4 AAPL 2014-01-07 77.1 79302300 <NULL>
#> 5 AAPL 2014-01-08 77.6 64632400 <NULL>
#> 6 AAPL 2014-01-09 76.6 69787200 <NULL>
#> 7 AAPL 2014-01-10 76.1 76244000 <NULL>
#> 8 AAPL 2014-01-13 76.5 94623200 <lm>
#> 9 AAPL 2014-01-14 78.1 83140400 <lm>
#> 10 AAPL 2014-01-15 79.6 97909700 <lm>
#> # … with 5,022 more rows
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