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Created May 1, 2020 09:07
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Python parser for PulsePoint
import base64
from datetime import datetime
import hashlib
import json
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
data = json.loads(data)
ct = base64.b64decode(data.get("ct"))
iv = bytes.fromhex(data.get("iv"))
salt = bytes.fromhex(data.get("s"))
# Build the password
t = ""
e = "CommonIncidents"
t += e[13] + e[1] + e[2] + "brady" + "5" + "r" + e.lower()[6] + e[5] + "gs"
# Calculate a key from the password
hasher = hashlib.md5()
key = b''
block = None
while len(key) < 32:
if block:
block = hasher.digest()
hasher = hashlib.md5()
key += block
# Create a cipher and decrypt the data
backend = default_backend()
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=backend)
decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
out = decryptor.update(ct) + decryptor.finalize()
# Clean up output data
out = out[1:out.rindex(b'"')].decode() # Strip off extra bytes and wrapper quotes
out = out.replace(r'\"', r'"') # Un-escape quotes
data = json.loads(out)
active = data.get("incidents", {}).get("active", {})
# These were pulled from the app bundle on PP
call_types = {
"AA": "Auto Aid",
"MU": "Mutual Aid",
"ST": "Strike Team/Task Force",
"AC": "Aircraft Crash",
"AE": "Aircraft Emergency",
"AES": "Aircraft Emergency Standby",
"LZ": "Landing Zone",
"AED": "AED Alarm",
"OA": "Alarm",
"CMA": "Carbon Monoxide",
"FA": "Fire Alarm",
"MA": "Manual Alarm",
"SD": "Smoke Detector",
"TRBL": "Trouble Alarm",
"WFA": "Waterflow Alarm",
"FL": "Flooding",
"LR": "Ladder Request",
"LA": "Lift Assist",
"PA": "Police Assist",
"PS": "Public Service",
"SH": "Sheared Hydrant",
"EX": "Explosion",
"PE": "Pipeline Emergency",
"TE": "Transformer Explosion",
"AF": "Appliance Fire",
"CHIM": "Chimney Fire",
"CF": "Commercial Fire",
"WSF": "Confirmed Structure Fire",
"WVEG": "Confirmed Vegetation Fire",
"CB": "Controlled Burn/Prescribed Fire",
"ELF": "Electrical Fire",
"EF": "Extinguished Fire",
"FIRE": "Fire",
"FULL": "Full Assignment",
"IF": "Illegal Fire",
"MF": "Marine Fire",
"OF": "Outside Fire",
"PF": "Pole Fire",
"GF": "Refuse/Garbage Fire",
"RF": "Residential Fire",
"SF": "Structure Fire",
"VEG": "Vegetation Fire",
"VF": "Vehicle Fire",
"WCF": "Working Commercial Fire",
"WRF": "Working Residential Fire",
"BT": "Bomb Threat",
"EE": "Electrical Emergency",
"EM": "Emergency",
"ER": "Emergency Response",
"GAS": "Gas Leak",
"HC": "Hazardous Condition",
"HMR": "Hazmat Response",
"TD": "Tree Down",
"WE": "Water Emergency",
"AI": "Arson Investigation",
"HMI": "Hazmat Investigation",
"INV": "Investigation",
"OI": "Odor Investigation",
"SI": "Smoke Investigation",
"LO": "Lockout",
"CL": "Commercial Lockout",
"RL": "Residential Lockout",
"VL": "Vehicle Lockout",
"IFT": "Interfacility Transfer",
"ME": "Medical Emergency",
"MCI": "Multi Casualty",
"EQ": "Earthquake",
"FLW": "Flood Warning",
"TOW": "Tornado Warning",
"TSW": "Tsunami Warning",
"CA": "Community Activity",
"FW": "Fire Watch",
"NO": "Notification",
"STBY": "Standby",
"TEST": "Test",
"TRNG": "Training",
"UNK": "Unknown",
"AR": "Animal Rescue",
"CR": "Cliff Rescue",
"CSR": "Confined Space",
"ELR": "Elevator Rescue",
"RES": "Rescue",
"RR": "Rope Rescue",
"TR": "Technical Rescue",
"TNR": "Trench Rescue",
"USAR": "Urban Search and Rescue",
"VS": "Vessel Sinking",
"WR": "Water Rescue",
"TCE": "Expanded Traffic Collision",
"RTE": "Railroad/Train Emergency",
"TC": "Traffic Collision",
"TCS": "Traffic Collision Involving Structure",
"TCT": "Traffic Collision Involving Train",
"WA": "Wires Arcing",
"WD": "Wires Down"
# Map their codes to our categories
categories = {
"Fire": ["EX", "TE", "AF", "CHIM", "CF", "WSF", "WVEG", "CB", "ELF", "EF", "FIRE", "IF", "MF", "OF", "PF", "GF",
"RF", "SF", "VEG", "VF", "WCF", "WRE"],
"Traffic": ["AA", "TCE", "TC", "TCS", "TCT"],
"Hazmat": ["HMR", "HMI"],
"EMS": ["ME", "MCI"],
if active and len(active) > 0:
for idx in range(len(active)):
call = active[idx]
ct = call["PulsePointIncidentCallType"]
category = "Fire-General"
for cat, types in categories.items():
if ct in types:
category = cat
call_time = datetime.strptime(call["CallReceivedDateTime"] + "+0000", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%z")
has_full_address = call["AddressTruncated"] == "0"
location = call["FullDisplayAddress"].split(', ', maxsplit=1)
row = {
"key": call["ID"],
"category": category,
"geo_lat": call["Latitude"],
"geo_lng": call["Longitude"],
"meta": {
"description": call_types.get(ct, ct + " (?)"),
"call_time": call_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " UTC",
"unit": ', '.join([u.get("UnitID", "N/A") for u in call.get("Unit", [])]),
"location": location[0],
"city": location[1]
if has_full_address:
row["location"] = location[0]
# Might not be unique coordinates for this address, so include them in the location string.
row["location"] = "%s_%s_%s" % (location[0], call["Latitude"], call["Longitude"])
except Exception as ex:
log.error("Error parsing 'PULSE' index %i: %s" % (idx, ex))
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