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Last active March 16, 2019 17:33
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ZenScript Tests
import crafttweaker.oredict.IOreDictEntry;
Crafttweaker Maps/Associative Arrays
A map (or an Associative Array, which is the proper term) is a data-type that's similiar to arrays.
The big difference being that a map can have non-numeric indexes.
A map is declared with the {} brackets and entries are specified as key: value
Text before the key separator ":" will be interpreted as strings even if they don't have
the quotation marks, so both iron and "iron" would later be accessed through map["iron"]
You could fetch the IOreDictEntry for oreIron from the metalObjects map
with -> metalObjects["iron"].ore
When wondering what key represents what nesting level just read
"as IOreDictEntry[string][string]" LEFT to right
So for example:
First [string] bracket represents the level where the iron, gold and copper keys are
Second [string] bracket represents the level where the ore and dust keys are
Thidrly IOreDictEntry, The value.
var metalObjects as IOreDictEntry[string][string] = {
"iron": {
ore: <ore:oreIron>,
dust: <ore:dustIron>
"gold": {
ore: <ore:oreGold>,
dust: <ore:dustGold>
"copper": {
ore: <ore:oreCopper>,
dust: <ore:dustCopper>
"silver": {
ore: <ore:oreSilver>,
dust: <ore:dustSilver>
# They can both be accessed with [key][key] or [key].memberGetter
print(metalObjects["iron"]["dust"].firstItem.displayName); # -> Pulverized Iron
print(metalObjects["copper"]["ore"].firstItem.displayName); # -> Copper Ore
print(metalObjects["iron"].dust.firstItem.displayName); # -> Pulverized Iron
print(metalObjects["copper"].ore.firstItem.displayName); # -> Copper Ore
You can loop nested maps like these with
either the key, value iterator and grab the nested map from -> value
for key, value in metalObjects {
recipes.addShapeless(value.dust.firstItem * 4,
[<immersiveengineering:tool>, value.ore]
# or the key iterator and get the nested map from -> metalObjects[key]
for key in metalObjects {
recipes.addShapeless(metalObjects[key].dust.firstItem * 4,
[<immersiveengineering:tool>, metalObjects[key].ore]
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;
//var to create variables
//val to create constants
var test = "Hello world!";
val constant = "LMAO";
<minecraft:apple>.addTooltip("Human apples are so good!");
val items as IItemStack[] = [
for item in items {
item.addTooltip("Boring Blocks");
val fences as IItemStack[] = [
for item in fences {
var seeds = <minecraft:pumpkin_seeds>;
recipes.addShaped("example1", <ore:cropPumpkin>.firstItem, [
[seeds, <minecraft:dirt>, seeds]
recipes.addShapedMirrored("example2", <ore:cropPumpkin>.firstItem, [
[<minecraft:dirt>, null, null],
[null, <minecraft:dirt>, null],
[null, null, <minecraft:dirt>]
recipes.addShapeless("example3", <ore:cropPumpkin>.firstItem, [seeds, seeds, seeds]);
var orePlanks = <ore:plankWood>;
recipes.addShaped("wpExample1", <minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate>, [
[orePlanks, orePlanks, <minecraft:stick>]
var teHammers = [
] as IItemStack[];
for i, hammer in teHammers {
//Re-usable item recipes | i is the iteration index
recipes.addShapeless("te_hammer_crush_iron" + i, <thermalfoundation:material> * 2,
[hammer.anyDamage().transformDamage(3), <ore:oreIron>]
recipes.addShaped("iron_sifting", <thermalfoundation:material>, [
[<minecraft:water_bucket>, <minecraft:iron_bars>.reuse()],
[null, <ore:oreIron>],
//----------------------- Localizations
var entity = "entity.";
var append = ".name";
<thermalfoundation:tool.hammer_copper>.displayName = "COPPAHH!";
<thermalfoundation:tool.hammer_constantan>.displayName = "CONSTANTANTANTANANTATANTAN";
game.setLocalization(<minecraft:emerald_ore> + append, "Green Ore");
game.setLocalization(<minecraft:wooden_pickaxe> + append, "Crappy Pickaxe");
game.setLocalization(entity + game.getEntity("spider").name + append, "Really Creepy");
game.setLocalization(entity + <entity:thermalfoundation:basalz>.name + append, "BASSALZO");
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