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Last active December 17, 2015 23:49
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  • Save Davorak/5691906 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Davorak/5691906 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Steaming resumable coordinate parsing with pipes-parse.
import Control.Proxy
import Control.Proxy.Trans.State
import Control.Proxy.Parse
import Control.Monad
coordinate = liftP . pull -- Could be more complex with needing its own buffer
-- type and failure mechanisms
pair () = loop
loop = do
mes <- drawN 2 () -- unDraw on fail handled by drawN
case mes of
Nothing -> return ()
Just [a, b] -> do
respond (a, b)
eof <- isEndOfInput
pullReturn = runIdentityK loop
loop x = do
a <- request x
return a
coordinatePair () = loop
loop = do
as <- zoom _fst . coordinate >-> zoom _snd . wrap .pair >-> pullReturn $ ()
respond as
processPair () = loop
loop = do
p <- coordinatePair >-> pullReturn $ ()
case p of
Nothing -> return () -- push back on failure handled by
-- corrdinatePair
Just (a, b) -> do
respond (2 * a, b + 3)
{- |
- > runProxy $ runStateK mempty $ wrap . (fromListS [1..9]) >-> processPair >-> printD
- (2,5)
- (6,7)
- (10,9)
- (14,11)
- ((),((),[9]))
- ghci> runProxy $ runStateK ((),[9]) $ wrap . (fromListS [10,11,12]) >-> processPair >-> printD
- (18,13)
- (22,15)
- ((),((),[]))
example = do
(_, buffers) <- runProxy $ runStateK mempty $ wrap . (fromListS [1..9]) >-> processPair >-> printD
runProxy $ runStateK ((),[9]) $ wrap . (fromListS [10,11,12]) >-> processPair >-> printD
----- code already introduced
drawN n0 () = loop n0 []
loop 0 as = return $ Just (reverse as)
loop n as = do
ma <- draw
case ma of
Nothing -> unDraws as >> return Nothing
Just a -> loop (n - 1) (a:as)
unDraws = mapM_ unDraw
{- |
- > runProxy $ runStateK mempty $ wrap . (fromListS [1..9]) >-> processPair >-> printD
- (2,5)
- (6,7)
- (10,9)
- (14,11)
- ((),((),[9]))
- ghci> runProxy $ runStateK ((),[9]) $ wrap . (fromListS [10,11,12]) >-> processPair >-> printD
- (18,13)
- (22,15)
- ((),((),[]))
example = do
(_, buffers) <- runProxy $ runStateK mempty $ wrap . (fromListS [1..9]) >-> processPair >-> printD
putStrLn $ "The buffers before restarting: " ++ show buffers
runProxy $ runStateK ([],[9]) $ wrap . (fromListS [10,11,12]) >-> processPair >-> printD
----- code already introduced
drawN n0 () = loop n0 []
loop 0 as = return $ Just (reverse as)
loop n as = do
ma <- draw
case ma of
Nothing -> unDraws as >> return Nothing
Just a -> loop (n - 1) (a:as)
unDraws = mapM_ unDraw
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