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Last active September 25, 2018 03:33
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  • Save DeOGe/cc48c4927bc7f47a722dea70a4ecbba6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DeOGe/cc48c4927bc7f47a722dea70a4ecbba6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Place your snippets for html here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// Example:
// "Print to console": {
// "prefix": "log",
// "body": [
// "console.log('$1');",
// "$2"
// ],
// "description": "Log output to console"
// }
"Repository": {
"prefix": ":repo",
"description": "Repository",
"body": [
"namespace App\\Modules\\\\${1:Module}\\Repositories;",
"use App\\Modules\\\\${1:Module}\\Models\\\\${2:Resource};",
"class ${TM_FILENAME/(.+)\\..+|.*/$1/} extends ${2:Resource}",
"Resource": {
"prefix": ":rsrc",
"description": "Resource",
"body": [
"namespace App\\Modules\\\\${1:Module}\\Http\\Resources;",
"use Damnyan\\Cmn\\Abstracts\\AbstractResource as Resource;",
"class ${TM_FILENAME/(.+)\\..+|.*/$1/} extends Resource",
"\t* Transform the resource into an array.",
"\t* @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request",
"\t* @return array",
"\tpublic function toArray(\\$request)",
"\t\treturn parent::toArray(\\$request);",
"ResourceCollection": {
"prefix": ":rsrs",
"description": "Resource Collection",
"body": [
"namespace App\\Modules\\\\${1:Module}\\Http\\Resources;",
"use App\\Modules\\\\${1:Module}\\Http\\Resources\\\\${2:Resource};",
"use Damnyan\\Cmn\\Abstracts\\AbstractResourceCollection as ResourceCollection;",
"class ${TM_FILENAME/(.+)\\..+|.*/$1/} extends ResourceCollection",
"\t* Transform the resource collection into an array.",
"\t* @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request \\$request request",
"\t* @return array",
"\tpublic function toArray(\\$request)",
"\t\treturn ${2:Resource}::collection(\\$this->collection);",
"Request": {
"prefix": ":rqst",
"description": "Request",
"body": [
"namespace App\\Modules\\\\${1:Module}\\Http\\Requests;",
"use Damnyan\\Cmn\\Abstracts\\ApiRequest;",
"class ${TM_FILENAME/(.+)\\..+|.*/$1/} extends ApiRequest",
"\t* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.",
"\t* @return bool",
"\tpublic function authorize()",
"\t\treturn true;",
"\t* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.",
"\t* @return array",
"\tpublic function rules()",
"\t\tif (\\$this->method() === 'PUT') {",
"\t\t\treturn [",
"\t\treturn [",
"Controller": {
"prefix": ":ctrl",
"description": "Controller",
"body": [
"namespace App\\Modules\\\\${1:Module}\\Http\\Controllers;",
"use Illuminate\\Http\\Request;",
"use App\\Http\\Controllers\\Controller;",
"use Damnyan\\Cmn\\Services\\ApiResponse;",
"class ${TM_FILENAME/(.+)\\..+|.*/$1/} extends Controller",
"\t* Display a listing of the resource.",
"\t* @return \\Damnyan\\Cmn\\Services\\ApiResponse",
"\tpublic function index()",
"\t* Store a newly created resource in storage.",
"\t* @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request \\$request",
"\t* @return \\Damnyan\\Cmn\\Services\\ApiResponse",
"\tpublic function store(Request \\$request)",
"\t* Display the specified resource.",
"\t* @param int \\$id",
"\t* @return \\Damnyan\\Cmn\\Services\\ApiResponse",
"\tpublic function show(\\$id)",
"\t* Update the specified resource in storage.",
"\t* @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request \\$request",
"\t* @param int \\$id",
"\t* @return \\Damnyan\\Cmn\\Services\\ApiResponse",
"\tpublic function update(Request \\$request, \\$id)",
"\t* Remove the specified resource from storage.",
"\t* @param int \\$id",
"\t* @return \\Damnyan\\Cmn\\Services\\ApiResponse",
"\tpublic function destroy(\\$id)",
"Model": {
"prefix": ":model",
"description": "Model",
"body": [
"namespace App\\Modules\\\\${1:Module}\\Models;",
"use Damnyan\\Cmn\\Abstracts\\AbstractModel;",
"use Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\SoftDeletes;",
"use Damnyan\\Cmn\\Traits\\Models\\CreatorUpdaterTrait;",
"class ${2:${TM_FILENAME/(.+)\\..+|.*/$1/}} extends AbstractModel",
"use CreatorUpdaterTrait, SoftDeletes;",
"\t* The database table used by the model.",
"\t* @var string",
"\tprotected \\$table = '${3:${TM_FILENAME/(.+)\\..+|.*/${1:/downcase}/}s}';",
"\t* The resource name used by the model.",
"\t* @var string",
"\tprotected \\$resourceName = '${4:${TM_FILENAME/(.+)\\..+|.*/$1/}}';",
"\t* The primary key used by the model.",
"\t* @var string",
"\tprotected \\$primaryKey = '${5:id}';",
"\t* The \"type\" of the auto-incrementing ID.",
"\t* @var string",
"\tprotected \\$keyType = '${6:integer}';",
"\t* Enables the timestamp in the model",
"\t* @var string",
"\tpublic \\$timestamps = ${7:false};",
"\t* The attributes that are mass assignable.",
"\t* @var array",
"\tprotected \\$fillable = [",
"\t* The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.",
"\t* @var array",
"\tprotected \\$hidden = [",
"\t* The attributes that should be mutated to dates.",
"\t* @var array",
"\tprotected \\$dates = [",
"Route": {
"prefix": ":route",
"description": "Index and Store Routes",
"body": [
"" ,
"\t['middleware' => ['${1:role:user:Administrator}']], function () {",
"\t\tRoute::get('\/', '${2:Mng}\\\\${3:Resource}Controller@index');",
"\t\tRoute::post('\/', '${2:Mng}\\\\${3:Resource}Controller@store');",
"Route Id": {
"prefix": ":routeId",
"description": "Show, Update and Destroy Routes",
"body": [
"" ,
"\t['middleware' => ['${1:role:user:Administrator}']], function () {",
"\t\tRoute::get('\/', '${2:Mng}\\\\${3:Resource}Controller@show');",
"\t\tRoute::put('\/', '${2:Mng}\\\\${3:Resource}Controller@update');",
"\t\tRoute::delete('\/', '${2:Mng}\\\\${3:Resource}Controller@delete');",
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DeOGe commented Sep 3, 2018

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