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How to Authenticate (Facebook, Google +, Twitter etc.) users with HWIOauthBundle and FOSOauthServerBundle from iOS, Android or third party application using API.
* User: bekco (Behçet Mutlu)
* Date: 17/11/16
* Time: 17:52
namespace Acme\Oauth2Bundle\Oauth\Extension;
use Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookAuthenticationException;
use Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookAuthorizationException;
use FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Storage\GrantExtensionInterface;
use HWI\Bundle\OAuthBundle\OAuth\ResourceOwnerInterface;
use HWI\Bundle\OAuthBundle\OAuth\Response\UserResponseInterface;
use HWI\Bundle\OAuthBundle\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\OAuthToken;
use HWI\Bundle\OAuthBundle\Security\Core\Exception\OAuthAwareExceptionInterface;
use HWI\Bundle\OAuthBundle\Security\Core\User\OAuthAwareUserProviderInterface;
use OAuth2\Model\IOAuth2Client;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationServiceException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
class ResourceOwnerGrantExtension implements GrantExtensionInterface
protected $userProvider = null;
protected $resourceOwner = null;
public function __construct(OAuthAwareUserProviderInterface $userProvider, ResourceOwnerInterface $resourceOwner)
$this->userProvider = $userProvider;
$this->resourceOwner = $resourceOwner;
* Check any extended grant types.
* @param IOAuth2Client $client
* @param array $inputData Unfiltered input data. The source is *not* guaranteed to be POST (but is likely to be).
* @param array $authHeaders Authorization headers
* @return array|bool Returns false if the authorization is rejected or not support. Returns true or an associative array if you
* want to verify the scope:
* @throws \Exception
* @code
* return array(
* 'scope' => <stored scope values (space-separated string)>,
* );
* @endcode
* @see \OAuth2\IOAuth2GrantExtension::checkGrantExtension
public function checkGrantExtension(IOAuth2Client $client, array $inputData, array $authHeaders)
if (!isset($inputData['access_token'])) {
return false;
$token = new OAuthToken($inputData);
try {
// Try to get the user with the token from Open Graph
* @var $userResponse UserResponseInterface
$userResponse = $this->resourceOwner->getUserInformation([
'access_token' => $token->getAccessToken()
try {
// Check if a user match in database with the resource owner id
$user = $this->userProvider->loadUserByOAuthUserResponse($userResponse);
} catch (OAuthAwareExceptionInterface $e) {
throw $e;
if (!$user instanceof UserInterface) {
throw new AuthenticationServiceException('loadUserByOAuthUserResponse() must return a UserInterface.');
// Else, return the access_token for the user
else {
return array(
'data' => $user
catch(FacebookAuthorizationException $e) {
return false;
} catch(FacebookAuthenticationException $e) {
return false;
class: Acme\Oauth2Bundle\Oauth\Extension\ResourceOwnerGrantExtension
userProvider: "@acme_fosub_user_provider"
respourceOwner: "@hwi_oauth.resource_owner.facebook"
- { name: fos_oauth_server.grant_extension, uri: '' }
class: Acme\Oauth2Bundle\Oauth\Extension\ResourceOwnerGrantExtension
userProvider: "@acme_fosub_user_provider"
respourceOwner: ""
- { name: fos_oauth_server.grant_extension, uri: '' }
class: Acme\Oauth2Bundle\Oauth\Extension\ResourceOwnerGrantExtension
userProvider: "@acme_fosub_user_provider"
respourceOwner: "@hwi_oauth.resource_owner.twitter"
- { name: fos_oauth_server.grant_extension, uri: '' }
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