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The passage outlines several key beliefs about free markets and their role in the economy:
1. Free markets are seen as the most effective way to organize a technological economy, where willing buyers and sellers determine prices through mutual exchange, benefiting both parties.
2. Markets are described as a form of intelligence, an adaptive and exploratory system that efficiently allocates resources.
3. The "Knowledge Problem" of central planning, as argued by Hayek, is emphasized, asserting that all relevant information is with individuals, making centralized economic systems inefficient.
4. Market discipline is viewed as essential; when absent, irrational behavior can prevail, and monopolies can form. Markets prevent such monopolistic tendencies.
// Schemas are defined in a ui, not in text, they are too rich
// States are defined in a ui, not in text, they are too rich

calculateAverages(cells: Cells) {
    // This function has no context (this/self)
    // It is pure, no side-effects
    // It cannot run tasks
    // It can't modify tables, or any data really
    // It can be given table cells as arguments to read, but again can't modify them
DeadWisdom / harris-chili.txt
Created October 3, 2021 00:32
Harris Sweet Been Chili
This recipe is based on what I could gather from authentic skyline chili, but obviously no meat. You could substitute fake meat while staying vegetarian. In that case, take out the black beans, they are the meat here. I like them a lot, so I wouldn't change it.
Main Ingredients
2 Cans of Black Beans (16 oz total), drained and rinsed
1 Can of Kidney or Red Beans (8 oz total), drained and rinsed
2 Cans of Tomato Sauce (16 oz total)
1 Onion, Diced
3 Cloves of Garlic, Minced
1 tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
1/3-1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
export class DataPack {
_subscriptions: Map<string, Function> = new Map();
subscribe(name, query, callback) {
this._subscriptions.set(name, query.onSnapshot(callback));
unsubscribe(name) {
let sub = this._subscriptions.get(name);
class ConsumerEvent extends Event {
constructor(name) {
super('consume-' + name, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });
this.provider = null;
this.providerEvent = name + '-changed';
const providers = new WeakMap();
export class EventRegister {
constructor(...args) {
this.callbacks = [];
args.forEach(arr => this.add.apply(this, arr));
add(target, event, callback) {
this.callbacks.push([target, event, callback]);
target.addEventListener(event, callback);
kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
name: loft-pv
type: amazonEBS
storage: 40Gi
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