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Created August 29, 2023 10:11
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// A pathfinding algorithm with a novel change to the path simplification algorithm
// to make for more believable crowd simulations.
// While traditional methods for pathfinding on navigation meshes work great for
// individual agents, they have problems with crowds. Since all agents try to
// follow the same shortest path from one point to another, agents end up
// in traffic jams, funneling towards single points and in single file lines.
// My algorithm returns a simplified set of triangle edges to walk through instead of a
// set of simplified single points. Thus, allowing for agents to spread out and
// move more naturally in crowds.
// Perform A* pathfinding algorithm from a starting triangle to a goal position
// on the NavMesh. Returns true if a path was found and sets each triangle's
// parent to be the next triangle in the path.
bool NavMesh::AStar(const NavTri &startTri, const v3 &goalPosition, NavTri **endTri) {
// Find the NavTri containing the goal position. If no triangle contain the
// goal, no path can be obtained.
NavTri *goalTri = FindContainingNavTri(goalPosition);
if (!goalTri)
return false;
*endTri = goalTri;
v2 goalPos = V2(goalPosition.x, goalPosition.z);
// Priority queue for open set of nodes to explore.
Heap<NavTri *> heap(512, tm, [](NavTri *a, NavTri *b) {
return a->GetF() < b->GetF();
// Initialize starting triangle and add to open set
NavTri *curTri = &GetNavTri(startTri.GetID());
curTri->SetF(Length(curTri->GetCenter() - goalPos));
// A* search loop
while (heap.Count() > 0 && heap.Count() < heap.MaxCount()) {
curTri = heap.Pop();
if (curTri == goalTri) {
return true; // Path to goal found
// Explore neighbors of the current triangle
for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const u16 neighborID = curTri->GetNeighborID(i);
if (neighborID == 65535) // No neighbor
NavTri *nextTri = &m_navTris[neighborID];
const f32 newG = curTri->GetG() + Length(curTri->GetCenter() - nextTri->GetCenter());
// Skip if already visited and has a better path
if (nextTri->GetQueryID() == m_queryID && newG >= nextTri->GetG())
// Update information for the next triangle and add to open set
nextTri->SetF(newG + Length(nextTri->GetCenter() - goalPos));
return false;
// The core of the algorithm change, a novel observation to use a two points
// forming a line segment instead of a single point to test if points have a clear
// line of movement to eachother and therefore removed, simplifying the path.
// Checks if the new line segment from newLeft to newRight crosses outside the
// sides of the channel formed from leftApex to left and rightApex to right.
bool NavAgent::ValidChannel(const v2 &leftApex, const v2 &rightApex, const v2 &left, const v2 &right, const v2 &newLeft, const v2 &newRight) const {
return TriArea2(leftApex, left, newLeft) < EPSILON &&
TriArea2(rightApex, right, newRight) > -EPSILON &&
TriArea2(leftApex, left, newRight) < EPSILON &&
TriArea2(rightApex, right, newLeft) > -EPSILON &&
TriArea2(leftApex, rightApex, newLeft) > -EPSILON &&
TriArea2(leftApex, rightApex, newRight) > -EPSILON;
// Find a path from the agent's current position to the specified goal position.
bool NavAgent::FindPath(const v3 &goalPosition) {
m_pathLength = 0;
// Find the end triangle of the path using A* algorithm.
NavTri *endTri = nullptr;
if (!m_navMesh->AStar(*m_navTri, goalPosition, &endTri))
return false;
// Convert the goal position to a 2D position.
const v2 goalPos = V2(goalPosition.x, goalPosition.z);
// Set the final portal to the goal position and with an edge length of zero.
m_pathPortals[0] = {goalPos, V2(0.0f, 0.0f)};
i32 pathLength = 1;
// Initialize apex points and left/right points that form the visable channel.
v2 leftApex = goalPos;
v2 rightApex = goalPos;
v2 left;
v2 right;
NavTri *curTri = endTri->GetParent();
Assert(curTri->GetSharedVerts(endTri->GetID(), &left, &right));
// Build the path from end to start.
while (curTri->GetParent() != curTri) {
// Make sure the path fill fit in the array.
if (pathLength + 1 >= MAX_PATH_LENGTH)
return 0;
// Get the next triangle in the list to get from the goal to the start.
NavTri *parent = curTri->GetParent();
v2 newLeft, newRight;
Assert(parent->GetSharedVerts(curTri->GetID(), &newLeft, &newRight));
// If the new edge isn't contained in the current channel, add the last
// edge to the list of portals and set it as the new apex.
if (!ValidChannel(leftApex, rightApex, left, right, newLeft, newRight)) {
const v2 e = right - left;
m_pathPortals[pathLength++] = {left, e};
leftApex = left;
rightApex = right;
left = newLeft;
right = newRight;
curTri = parent;
// Check i fthe starting position is contained without the current channel,
// if not, add the last edge to the list of portals.
const v2 startPos = V2(m_position.x, m_position.z);
if (!ValidChannel(leftApex, rightApex, left, right, startPos, startPos)) {
const v2 e = right - left;
m_pathPortals[pathLength++] = {left, e};
// Add the starting position as the last portal point.
m_pathPortals[pathLength] = {startPos, V2(0.0f, 0.0f)};
m_pathLength = pathLength;
return true;
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