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Created September 8, 2022 05:49
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_set>
using namespace std;
typedef struct Row {
int a;
int b;
} Row;
void lazyprint(const Row* row) {
cout << "one row=" << row->a << "," << row->b << endl;
void task1(const Row* rows, int nrows) {
// 基于以下 C 程序框架, 我们希望你实现 task1() 这个函数, 它把 rows 中所有满⾜ b >= 10 && b < 50 并且 a == 1000 || a == 2000 || a == 3000 的⾏的内容都打印到终端.
// TBD: 为了利用cpu cache locality, 所以一定要顺序读
cout << "task1" << endl;
const Row* base = rows;
for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
rows = base + i;
// cout << "addr=" << rows << "; sizeof" << sizeof(Row) << "; content=" << rows->a << rows->b << endl;
if ((rows->a == 1000 || rows->a == 2000 || rows->a == 3000) &&
(rows->b >= 10 && rows->b < 50)) {
// cout << "one row:" << rows->a << rows->b << endl;
inline bool filter_imp1(int a) {
if (a % 1000 == 0 && (a / 1000) > 0 && (a / 1000) < 4) {
return true;
return false;
void task2(const Row* rows, int nrows) {
// 在任务 1 的基础上, 如果输⼊的参数 rows 已经按照 (a,b) 进⾏过排序, 请实现 task2() , 对 task1() 的执⾏性能进⾏优化. ⽰例输⼊ (再次提醒, 实际输⼊为海量数据)
// TBD: 主要是利用相邻数据的有序和重复做分支预测
cout << "task2" << endl;
const Row* base = rows;
bool a_match = false;
int last_a = base->a;
if (filter_imp1(last_a)) {
a_match = true;
for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
rows = base + i;
if (rows->a == last_a) {
// fast check, cpu branch prediction
} else {
last_a = rows->a;
if (filter_imp1(last_a)) {
a_match = true;
} else {
a_match = false;
if (!a_match) {
// fast check, cpu branch prediction
if (rows->b >= 10 && rows->b < 50) {
class lazyprintbuf {
vector<Row> buckets[40];
void lazyprint2_into(const Row* rows) {
int idx = rows->b - 10;
void lazyprint2_realprint() {
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
for (auto x : buckets[i]) {
cout << "one row=" << x.a << "," << x.b << endl;
void task3(const Row* rows, int nrows) {
// 在任务 2 的基础上, 我们期望你打印出的匹配⾏是按照 b 列进⾏排序的, 请实现 task3() .
// TBD: 因为B的range有限,而且是海量数据,所以用bucket sort 很好
cout << "task3" << endl;
const Row* base = rows;
bool a_match = false;
int last_a = base->a;
if (filter_imp1(last_a)) {
a_match = true;
lazyprintbuf printbuf;
for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
rows = base + i;
if (rows->a == last_a) {
// fast check, cpu branch prediction
} else {
last_a = rows->a;
if (filter_imp1(last_a)) {
a_match = true;
} else {
a_match = false;
if (!a_match) {
// fast check, cpu branch prediction
if (rows->b >= 10 && rows->b < 50) {
class filterholder{
unordered_set<int> myset;
filterholder() {
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
bool filter_imp2(int a) {
return myset.find(a) != myset.end();
void task4(const Row* rows, int nrows) {
// 在任务 3 的基础上, 如果 a 列上的匹配条件不只是 1000,2000,3000 , ⽽是扩充成 1000,2000,3000,...,98000,99000 , 你在任务 3 中进⾏的实现是否⾜够优化? 请针对这⼀场 景实现 task4() , 再次提醒, 程序要能⾼效处理海量数据
// TBD: 我假设匹配条件不一定是整数串吧, 所以需要优化下filter, 这里可以用hash+bloomfilter,
// 不然的话仅用把filter_imp1的4改成100就可以了
// 因为是纯内存的数据结构,所以好像用bloomfilter没有必要
cout << "task4" << endl;
const Row* base = rows;
bool a_match = false;
int last_a = base->a;
filterholder myfilter;
if (myfilter.filter_imp2(last_a)) {
a_match = true;
lazyprintbuf printbuf;
for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
rows = base + i;
if (rows->a == last_a) {
// fast check, cpu branch prediction
} else {
last_a = rows->a;
if (myfilter.filter_imp2(last_a)) {
a_match = true;
} else {
a_match = false;
if (!a_match) {
// fast check, cpu branch prediction
if (rows->b >= 10 && rows->b < 50) {
int main() {
⾼效处理海量数据 : 假设Rows有GB级别
cpu cache locality
1. plain for if
2. range check, fast check, branch prediction
3. bucket sort
4. check with hash
Row testdata[15] = {
{1000, 2},
{1000, 4},
{1000, 13},
{1000, 24},
{1100, 24},
{2000, 4},
{2100, 14},
{2110, 14},
{2111, 14},
{2000, 15},
{2000, 34},
{3000, 4},
{3000, 34},
{3000, 34},
task1(testdata, 15);
task2(testdata, 15);
task3(testdata, 15);
task4(testdata, 15);
cout << "end of main" << endl;
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